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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke
Friday Feb 13 2009. If ya need ta be askin' the significance 'o the date then ya ain't been payin' attention. You was sold today. Welcome ta the USSA.
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Wot can we do wi' a trillion dollars? Wot can we do wi' a trillion dollars? Wot can we do wi' a trillion dollars? Earlye in the mornin'
I just did a search on "Iran cargo ship smuggling missles". I can't vouch for the sites or information. The jist of the articles was that US and Egyptian forces had intercepted an Irannian freighter in international waters near gulf of Aden. Ship had been renamed several times after leaving port. Illegal cargo of 30-50 missles and several tons of other goodies to be offloaded in "Smugglers Cove" then transported up Sinai into Gaza. Had this happened several weeks ago the main stream media would be all over it. The silence is odd, no admission, no denial, no confirmation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now official, its up at WND.
Fer wot its worth- US Navy has intercepted and boarded an Iranian freighter loaded wi' hidden weapons/rockets an such. I finds it strangely disturbing to read of US military actions from foreign sources as opposed to hearing it from our "free" press
AZRF starts on Feb 7th and runs thru Mar 29th. Ain't heerd when Pirates weekend be (yet).
Be Ye farwarned this ones a little rough Paddy McDoo walks into the pub and sees Slimey sitting at the end of the bar with a great big smile on his face. Paddy says, "Slimey, what arr you so happy for?" "Well Paddy, I gots ta tell ya... Yesterday I was out paintin' me skiff, just paintin' me skiff, and a redheaded wench came up to me.. bosom out to here, Paddy, bosom out to here!" She says, "Can I have a ride in your boat?" Says I, "Sure you can have a ride in me boat." So I took her way out, Paddy. I luffs the sail an I says "It's either shaggin'or swimmin'!" "She couldn't swim, Paddy, She couldn't swim!" The next day Paddy walks into the pub and sees Slimey sitting at the end of the bar with a even bigger smile on his face. Paddy says, "What arr you so happy about today?" "Well Paddy.... I gots ta tell ya... Yesterday I was out paintin' me skiff, just paintin' me skiff and a BEAUTIFUL blond comes up to me...bosom out to here, Paddy, bosom out to here! She says,"Can I have a ride in your boat?" I tells her, "Sure you can have a ride in me boat." So I took her way out, Paddy. Way out much further than the last one. I luffs the sail and I says, "It's either shaggin' or swimmin!" "She couldn't swim, Paddy! She couldn't swim!" A couple days pass and Paddy walks into the pub and sees Slimey down there cryin' over a beer. Paddy says, "Slimey, what ya so sad fer?" "Well Paddy, I gots ta be tellin' ya.... Yesterday I was out paintin' me skiff, just paintin' me skiff, and the most desirable brunette comes up to me... bosom WAY out to here, Paddy, WAY out to here!" She says, "Can I have a ride in your skiff?" So I says, "Sure you can have a ride in my skiff." So I took her way out, Paddy, way WAY out... much further than the last two. I luffs the sail, and looks at her bosom, and says, "It's either shaggin' or swimmin!" She pulls up her skirts and.....She was asportin' manhood, Paddy!, more manhood than any three shipwrecked cutthroats combined, ... and I can't swim Paddy! I can't swim!"
I wish you were 100% correct. A person's life and situation today will be the result of meddling by a nonrepresentative government. I can't spend my way out of dept and neither can the government. (insert barf icon here)
Gordon Lightfoot and Harry Chapin is well represented in me songbook.
Gawd I love Tucson. Yeah we get dusted every few years but it doesn't stay long.
1. Conan the Barbarian 2. King of Kings 3. El Cid 4. Quigley down under 5. Fantasia
A panda walks into a restaurant, sits down and orders a sandwich. He eats the sandwich, pulls out a gun and shoots the waiter dead. As the panda stands up to go, the manager shouts, "Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn't pay for your sandwich!" The panda yells back at the manager, "Hey man, I'm a PANDA! Look it up!" The manager opens his dictionary and sees the following definition for panda: "A tree dwelling marsupial of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats shoots and leaves."
Sorry. No sprecken ze espana. $3.00 at the 2nd hand store. Have to dissassemble the case, clean n lube, it rolls pretty bad.
I would be press gangin' a group 'o perfessional musicians ta visit all the public houses and record ta parchment everything they hears. Have them document all the missing pieces of how the music and lyrics intertwined. There be a movie wheres Neil Diamond is call ta the west coast to help a rocker interpet Diamond's song "Love on the Rocks". The difference between Diamond's version and the rockers version is, ta say the least, w i d e. 300 years of interpetation an drift lies between us an the actual music 'o the age.
1974. It don't seem like 34 years has passed.
Workin' fer uncle Samuel a few years back I was a'stationed at RAF Moldyhole UK fer a spell. Just off ta the south side of the village was an old gypsy wagon beautifully detailed and painted. Always meanin' too but never did get a picture 'o said wagon. Still sees it in me minds' eye. Many samples heare- http://gypsywaggons.co.uk/index.htm The Quartermaster said- "I'm just glad they worked the bugs out of this awesome beast." I wished they'd worked the bugs out a few years sooner. I'm about 2 leagues south 'o the Avra Valley Memorial. Was at an R/C night flyin' session a ways down the road when all hades broke loose. (Doffs hat in respect)
I's seen this movie 3 tymes before. No good comes of it
Bout 10 people in line, 5 min wait at 5pm. This mornin' different story, freekin' madhouse wi' cars lined up out inta the street.