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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke
Bottom of the page here Simply lists it as "18th century".
Was surfin' through the GG Godwin site an came across solid lead pencils. Wot time frame would these be? Seems ta be much more convienent than carryin' inkwell an quills about ye. Dimensions, shape, practical uses?
/\AZ renn faire again. Meetin' up wi' the Lions Share crew. I'll make me demands an hope it don't involve too much grovelin' on my part <One foot and a bar stool inside linen shirt tryin ta stretch it out. Wife says it looks sexy. Feels like burlap spandex ta me. \/ Wot does ya do wi stuff that don't fit anymore?
Fallering' links from the "Songs of the Sea "site, it seems that the song be evolvin' from one 'o the Childs ballads called 'the Elfin Knight". Lyrics has ta do wi' a lass doin' impossible tasks ta keep from bein' married off. T'was an interestin' read.
/\ Ex gymnast, ex wrestler, ex sca, does a little canyon carvin' on da Buell and open mic nights at local areas. I think me physical hobbies be over < 75 board feet of knotty alder cut ta the wrong sizes. Can only give the customer what they asks for \/ Most expensive project ye ever worked on?
Arizona Renn Faire 2007 visual impressions of an old fart- Arrived late in port around 1030. Many in the parkin' lot is gettin' garbed up so I blends right in. The tiny ramshackle 3 acre tent n pole village is now 30 acres 'o 2 story structures an a couple 'o small castles. The flyer says about 200 merchants an seemed ta be accurate. Merchants wi' demonstrations goin' on included a blacksmythe shop an a couple 'o glassblowers. Typical rennfair mass produced junk did not overpower the sales scene. There be lots one of a kind arts n craft work. One shop looked ta be specializn in monster heads as seen throu the eyes of Drs Suess an Leary . Prolly spent as much time lookin' at building construction an architecture as I did lookin' at the contents. There be 12 different stages scattered around the site. Constant entertainment if ye could navigate the area . The site map be printed not accordin' ta standard practises (top of a map be north not east!). Most of the staged shows was a'pointed toward the mundane hoards. The best music ta be had was provided by two young lasses in the grassy glens under shady trees. One was a playin' the harp an a lovely sound it be. The other was demonstratin' her skills on a harpsichord/spinet type instrument. Cast in Bronze was drawing in the largest musical crowd an Ded Bob was a'grabbin the standup comedy groupies. Sawr Tia Dalma and Captain Jack, the Pope an many others I could not identify. Ran inta one pirate skit bein put on by ? A lass tyd ta the bridge, two kegs 'o powder an the pirate attemptin' ta light the powder trail. Asked several piraty types iffins they knew of any afterhours get togethers (pirate raid at Long John Silvers or ARRRbys?) but no luck. Costumin' seemed pretty good fer the most part. Sawr a few mx type boots an satin/spandex trousers Wandered around fer a few more hours, petted the greyhounds, bought a Cast in Bronze cd, an took my leave till next year. Notes fer next year- Take not I-10 ta Phoenix, the back road thru Florence be faster. Larger bag ta throw goodies in. Disposable still camera in addition to camcorder.
/\ Box fer now. 10x12 workshop shed fer creatin' anything I be needin' < Contemplatin' postin an ad on craigslist fer a folk pirate group in Tucson. \/ Any friends who think yer loopy fer doin' this? :)
(Befuddled by technology as he attempts to hook the camcorder to the tv and sets the tv on top of the scanner). I be writin' a few lines 'o visual impressions tonight. (Also contemplates the oddball sunburn line runnin' diagonally across his forhead).
Well t'was an interestin' day. Checked out the vendors in the mornin', then lost me glasses somewheres. Spent the afternoon listnin' ta music an explainin' ta little old ladies that I don't be workin' here, an I can't tell ye how ta get from here ta there. Sawr not a single Pyracy Pub black spot anywheres. Place has gotten one 'ellofalot bigger since me last visit @15 years ago. Was nice not gettin' rained on too.
Painting Undead Pirate Model Clothing
Morgan Dreadlocke replied to Caraccioli's topic in Beyond Pyracy
If the clothin' be ratty with any sort of molded in texture then it be callin' fer a dry brush paint job. Most figure modelers be usin' water based acrylics. The craft store stuff be fine. I recommends stoppin' in at Hanksters Hobbytalk BB. It was the home base fer a few hunerd Polar Lights fans who was the cream o the cream fer figure modeling be it plastic, vinyl, or resin. Ya did check the price 'o those kits on today's market diddincha? -
/\ Only nonhobby type hat be an old beatup black cowboy hat. < Filk be a well known song wi the words swapped out. Fer example, "Ghost riders in the sky" becomes 'Ghost porkers in the sty". Almost killed off an old folks home singin that one. \/ How does ye hide yer camera at events?
What's your favorite smell???
Morgan Dreadlocke replied to Capt. Marcus Keys's topic in Beyond Pyracy
It be a little wierd but me favorite smell is that of a '60's Aurora model box. Somthing in the plastic was terribly addicting -
/\ No breakfast. Big lunch, big dinner. Workin that way fer many years. < Just filked 6 verses ta "The Pyracy Pub Reel" \/Does ya do filk?
Yes lass, just the one biggun Now as ta the fish, iffins ye can stop at one you've got no soul. Ye must have one of each color an pattern. Between overcrowdin', power failures, varmits and the water company pisnin' the water, it be a task ta keep more than a few at a time. It be worth it though ta watch livin' jewels
Koi. Went from a 15 to a 30, to a 50, then to the porch with a 6'stiffwall pool. Moved out of the city an went to a 14" pool. Gave up on the pools about 10 years ago an dug a 1500 gal pond. Still not big enough Come the rainy season we gets choursus 'o singin' toads and year long we be the waterin' hole fer deer , javalina and bobcat. The koi are purty too.
Blimey, sniped again. In ansewerin Capt Sterlins Question it be many years too long.
/\ Not really . Production contract fell through, nothin ta do fer the next two days. < Sittin here tryin ta remove as much Hollywierd as possible from me kit. Stuff is still WAY too clean. \/ Dinner?
In this PC world I thinks they be lookin' ta distance themselves from stereotypes liken "Injun" Joe and uhh ...Mr Jim. The dert over Sam C be writhin' as classical literature takes another beatin' Speakin' of old memories I distinctly remembers seein' model airplanes flyin' in a caged circle an ridin' the tallship Columbia around TS island. The cage be long gone. Does the Columbia still resides there?
A day late an a dollar short Carry on.
/\ That would be the "Great Desert War" 'round 84-85. Precurser ta the Estrella War. 'Bout 500 combattants in the biggest dust bowl ye ever seen. < Went ta the 2nd Estrella war, in armour, on a bike. BIG MISTAKE. 2 hour ride with a 15 lb helm gives ye a Lou Ferrignio neck fer a few days. \/ Car, truck , van or bike ta the next event?
/\ A rag on me head. Tis the only spot not sunburn proof. > Haven't been ta the renn faire since about '88. Was rained on every time. Hope this bleedin' shirt don't shrink anymore. Got scary tight \/Does ye travel ta an event done up or after ye gets there?
Distressin' a musical instrument?
Morgan Dreadlocke replied to Morgan Dreadlocke's topic in Thieves Market
All 'o the above. Whatchagot? -
Distressin' a musical instrument?
Morgan Dreadlocke replied to Morgan Dreadlocke's topic in Thieves Market
1. I'd like ta be seein' what others has done or tried. 2. Not at all. Does ye know of any? I'd look but I still prefers to do me own buildin'. There be no satisfaction or creativity in buyin a finished product. I had expectations 'o hearin bout (samples) ol Katguts experiments on raisin grain an period colours fer shellacs an such. I understands not the smells of fear an reluctance on this topic. -
Distressin' a musical instrument?
Morgan Dreadlocke replied to Morgan Dreadlocke's topic in Thieves Market
Why should it Laddie? A black powder pistol makes not the same sound as a glock. Technically me example is a 10 string- five pairs. This means droppin one pair or losin the octave strings offen the low E an A pair from a modern 12 string. Nut an bridge are easy ta alter. Scale length from nut ta bridge I'll not be changin' thus no fret work involved. You blokes have listed many reasons why this project canna or shouldna be done. You've not touched on why it should be done. Are ye happy with seein modern instruments at events? Be ye happy when a crew member pulls forth an instrument from under his/her cot that be covered in Grateful Dead Stickers? I'm not. I would be puttin forth effort ta change that image. Worry naught 'bout the technical challenges, been there done that -
Distressin' a musical instrument?
Morgan Dreadlocke replied to Morgan Dreadlocke's topic in Thieves Market
www://classicalguitarmidi.com/history/guitars_evolution.html Figures 9&10 from the 1680-90 's are much closer in body and headstock shape to what I have in mind than the Torres sample from 1800's. The purpose of the project is to remove the above said jest of the woodcut pirate playin' a gibson. I've no fear of puttin' blade to wood an think this a minor interestin' project. I not be askin' fer permission to make a Lear 30 into a pirate ship. But if ye prefer ta listen ta yer mp3 player hidden in yer tent--