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Posts posted by capnwilliam

  1. If given the choice between coffee or tea in the morning I would most certainly take the coffee, blacker than pitch to be sure.

    However in evenings since I already have trouble sleeping, there's no need for extra caffeine so I tend to go with tea..or alcohol.. :rolleyes:

    Aye. And if tea, preferably herbal or decaffineated.

    If alcohol, preferably rum or brandy, neat. :P

    Capt. William

  2. I was once regaled with a story of pyracy in the South China Sea. No names here, but I trust the source. An LNG tanker was approached by several go-fast inflatables which were spotted by a lookout. The captain bided his time and at the “opportune moment” called for “all ahead full, hard left rudder.” The inflatables were sucked under the starboard hull by the props and the slewing of the ship, never to be seen again.

    Three cheers fer that Captain! :D:huh:B)

    Capt. Wiliam

  3. As usual, too many things at once... On Basilisk Station, GURPS Ultra Tech, The Sea Rover's Practice, Dampier's A New Voyage yadayada... and I'm always looking at the next book purchase... like right now, trying to figure out how to get $500 to buy that ultra cool book!


    A man after my own warped heart! :huh:

    Capt. William

  4. Yes Capn William, we shall be there! Our whole crewe is already planning on it! We also are going to try to have two tracks of exhibits,speeches,etc.... one for the more fantasy and hollywood pyrate types and the other for Those who are looking more for the historical info. Since the theme is Port Royal Related we thought there should be a lot of historical offerings, I will have to see if Kass is available for some costuming sessions :)

    Mark me down for the historical track! :lol:

    Capt. William

  5. Angelina Jolie...I have been told my lips are full..not as full as hers..but full..and I think she is very pretty..I can see her playing The Siren..lol

    Jolie isn't pretty enough to play you. B)

    Capt. William

  6. My dad brought an orphan home from the hayfield the other day -- all the activity and equipment ran her mother off, and with all the grass cut down and bailed, there's no way she was ever coming back. It's just lucky the hay cutter didn't hit the baby herself...


    Just calling her "Baby Girl" right now, 'til something more appropriate shows up.

    How about "Spot"? B)

    We love the outdoors critters too, even though all we have is a fenced-in back yard in New Orleans. We just set free a sparrow who had fallen into our fish pond: he wasn't hurt, just soaked, so we put him in a cage outside for an hour, so he could dry out and fly again. B)

    Capt William

  7. Rumba, this appears to be something related, but different: what I was referring to was not a Yahoo group, but the web site's discussion forum: like our Pyracy Pub Forum.

    Someone from the PyracyCon told me that they are "restructuring", so I'll have to wait and see how this plays out.

    Capt. William

  8. Does anyone know what happended at the PyrateCon 2008 Forum? I just registered, tried to post a message, and received a response that "this account has been suspended."

    I don't get it: is it me, or them? It wouldn't be the first place I've been thrown out of, but you'd think they'd at least have given me the chance to make trouble first! :lol:

    So I'm thinking it must be them, not me. (?) :lol:

    Capt. William

  9. Short of shooting a live person - which I don't recommend! :ph34r: - or a live animal: no test will give you a reliable result, because blood doesn't flow post mortem. Even if you shot an animal - or human - cadaver in the cranium: it's not the same thing as shooting a live one.

    The closet replication would be a study of shootings of human subjects in the head with a contemporary, large caliber pistol, like a .45. Which, of course, is still a lot smaller than a period .62 pistol.

    Capt. William

  10. I'm trying to locate info - contemporary newspaper accounts - of the sinking of the JEFFERSON DAVIS, a Confederate privateering vessel, off St. Augustine, Florida, on August 16, 17, and 18, 1861.

    Does any one have any idea where I might be able to access relevant old newspaper archives? :D

    I've just sent a message to the St. Augustine Historical Society, also.

    Capt. William

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