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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. 'Aaaaghhhhblllaggph.... achoooO!!!!!! "Sorry lass" I be a bit under the weather as it were....
  2. RedCat, Chloe and Ransom now bedecked wi some o th jewels an warmed by th pubs fire an the rum, all smack tankards together in a pirate toast... "Hey! I wunner what ever became of ol Inigo?" He still owes me a bottle...."
  3. blue eh? Well come on in! No use standin in th doorway son! We be a thristy lot an that's Ray th barkeep oer in th corner there.. he'll fetch ye whate'r yer vice be! Thaat is o course as well as wha ye be buyin yer new mates here! ('Tis tradition - n' everybody know 'tis bad luck t' break wi tradition!) I'll have a vodka Cranberry on yer coin ta welcome ye then!
  4. Then William, I shall enjoy providing one. Just bought a new scanner so I can include pics as well!
  5. Aye Boots! T' be th tradition here on th pub for a newcomer ta buy a round! I welcome ye and I believe I'd fancy a rum please! How did ye come t' find this fyne place? Set a spell as ye buy drinks fer th scallywags what wander in, an tell us about yerself!
  6. ^ Yes I found these champagne gold colored ornaments that were $5.99 a box on sale for $1.25! I wanted them for my Pirate treasure chest tree next year! < Mmm hot pastrami on a tosted roll with mustard V Have a favorite piece of jewelery or one you never take off?
  7. ^ Didn't make any to break - does that put me ahead? < BlackJohn I got bit by a mosquito and killed another one in my foyer last night! V If you were making a sandwich RIGHT NOW...what would it be? (sorry didn't have breakfast yet)
  8. Wow! well I didn't expect any replies.. I saw that a bunch of people read my post and thought eek perhpas I was mistaken to post it. Even though I still thought it wasn't bad.. 1) For all nice comments -Thanks! Encouragement for me! 2) I've been writing the book since about August of 06, stopped awhile through the busy holidays, but I have a few more chapters knocked off now. I've learned a lot here on the pub and it's helped me to go forward to the part which will take place largely at sea. When will it be done? Well if I had to guess, I would say I'm only 1/3 into actually having written and fleshed out what I have in my head. But I just might post some stuff on my website Thanks again for the compliments and interest!
  9. ^ Right now...sunrise - It's absolutely beautiful to watch it change by the minute from up here.. Otherwise the wee hours of night when the world is asleep and I have some quiet time hidden away. < Actually had to turn the AC on in my car yesterday afternoon because it was parked facing the sun! Drove home with the windows cracked and no coat! woohoo! V What are your first plans for this summer?
  10. Jigme..I think it's melons mate Ok heres a staggering rum reference list (some people have waaaay too much time on their hands) The Rum gallery - sorted by country
  11. San Francisco Maritime Museum Bookstore Has some great books I haven't seen, as well as a selection of books on Women who sailed with heir husbands and a narrative tale called "Ahab's Wife" which looks interesting A book which I have ordered on art SHIPS AND SEASCAPES "A sweeping historical survey of marine artists and printmakers from earliest time to the present day" A section of shanty music and history Plus a pirate section which for some maddening reason the link is down for. I'm hoping it comes back up. Enjoy!
  12. Pirate Journal, ink, skull and crossbones seal and sealing wax
  13. ^ Why.... just this afternoon comes to mind.. < Oh great just got comfortable and now the dog wants to go out! VWhat do you do to "get comfortable?"
  14. *Heats up a bit o Tea w' Honey and lemon and just a shot of rum* Doctors orders, dear drink up. Smiles gratefully at Doc and takes the cup warming her hands on it.."perfect..thank ye !" Thanks to Lady B as well!
  15. “To be thrown upon one's own resources, is to be cast into the very lap of fortune; for our faculties then undergo a development and display an energy of which they were previously unsusceptible.” ~ Benjamin Franklin 18th century US statesman, writer and scientist
  16. bump - since there are a lot of newbs here
  17. Awful...*hack* *wheeze* my head, my nose, ugh... I think even my hair hurts! I have such a cold and I have to get up at 3AM for work.....damn. *sneeeeze!
  18. ^ I'd wear em if they looked cute but not if they were the big dumb ones..rather have a hat with a tassle! = fun! < Hey how about one of those awful swim caps with the huge plastic flowers?? V Ever wear something you thought looked so cool and someone made fun of you?
  19. Here is enough boat building reading to choke a Navy! Thanks for the words of encouragement mate! They did just that! I wish you luck with your vessel in the making! I dream of sailing out past the sight of land and finally feeling that sense of freedom!
  20. Red Cat sits or rather flops heavily down on a bucket an pulls er hat down toward her eyes... crossin her arms "hmmmph!" No treasure, no riches, no magical gold spittoon! Hmmph!"
  21. Aye Cheers an welcome fellow sea rover! Good friends and fyne drink shall findy ye here.
  22. 18Th Century Grocery and research
  23. Aye lass, Tea.. nice and hot
  24. Red Cat would normally be leanin right back on Ransom ta hold the two o them upright laughin... but her face is a mix of incredulous shock and complete confusion... her eyes are big as the moon and her cheeks are turnin red.. she be sputterin and murmerin, but nonesuch makes any sense .. at least if ye speaks the Kings English.. "Mrgbl.. blrba buckets, fancy gold spitter, slimy buggy ship grrrr dammit, red headed eight legged srglwhrpr flbrnps gahhhh!"Clenchin both fists she turns t' the others "We braved all fer this.... this....." "Bloody ..... " Unable to think of an appropriate expletive ridden title for said pot, she spouts the first thing which comes to mind.. "...Terbakky Tankard!!!???" The word hangs in the air .. even Ransom stops laughing with a sudden hiccup A slow smile creeps over the Cats face at the rediculousness of the phrase as well as the prize.. not to mention Ransom's suggestion that it be magic, and with a snort she begins ta laugh starting Ransom an Chloe howlin like hyenas again.. Jacky an Oderlesseye look at the wimmin in hysterics and then back at each other and they get drawn in till the whole group seems ta have spent th day in a rum barrel!
  25. A lucky man is alive today after a rescue at sea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Chilean trawler rescues U.S. sailor By ROBERTO CANDIA, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 3 minutes ago PUNTA ARENAS, Chile - An American trying to sail around the world alone was rescued early Friday after drifting three days on his disabled yacht in treacherous seas off the southern tip of South America. Ken Barnes was picked up shortly before 6 a.m. EST by the trawler Polar Pesca 1, the Chilean navy's Operations Department reported in Punta Arenas. Barnes, 47, was in good condition, said an officer who asked not to be identified in line with the department's rules. Two hours after being rescued, Barnes called his family at his condo in Newport Beach, Calif. He said his right leg, which was reported to have a deep gash to the bone, was fine. "I love you. I'm on the fishing boat headed for Punta Arenas, and I'm OK and everything's OK," he said in a calm voice. A navy plane guided the trawler to the disabled yacht, using a flare fired by Barnes as its beacon. At first the pilots only saw the flare. Then they spotted sailor wearing a yellow jacket and waving to the plane. The trawler sent four men on an inflatable boat to pick up the sailor. "Once on board the trawler, he contacted us by radio," said plane pilot Capt. Cesar Delgado. "He repeatedly thanked the help of the Chilean navy." The navy officer said Barnes would be taken to Punta Arenas, a trip that could last up to two days, depending on the weather. The fishing vessel had a paramedic team, food and fresh clothing on board. Barnes' mother, June Dee Linn, broke into tears of relief on learning of the rescue. "I'm just picturing him on the ship and being grateful that he's been picked up," she said before receiving his phone call. When he called, his mother, his 21-year-old twin daughters and his longtime girlfriend huddled around the cell phone, trying to make out his words over a broken connection that lasted less than two minutes. "I've taken a shower and everything feels better," he told them. He said he hoped that once on land, he would take a helicopter to the nearest airport and fly home within a few days. Barnes' sister Teri Ashurst said she was "feeling great." "I was very fearful of this trip, but I was very supportive of his quest. It's his dream, not mine," she said. Barnes left Long Beach, Calif., on Oct. 28 in the Privateer, a 44-foot ketch. He hoped to be the first solo sailor from the West Coast to circumnavigate the globe. But about a week ago he ran into a fierce storm that broke both the vessel's masts and its hatches, disabled the steering and soaked Barnes' supplies and food.The U.S. Coast Guard and Chilean maritime officials picked up signals from his distress beacon Tuesday afternoon, just minutes after Barnes called his girlfriend on his satellite phone to report he was in trouble. A Chilean navy search plane spotted Barnes about 500 miles off the Chilean coast around 5 p.m. Wednesday and dropped a life raft that missed the boat, said Barnes' longtime girlfriend, Cathy Chambers. The trawler, at the time about 300 miles away, was dispatched to the scene as two Chilean planes hovered over the boat to keep it in sight. During the ordeal Barnes wore a survival suit to keep him warm and survived on Pop Tarts and granola bars, Chambers said. Chambers said a Chilean-American HAM radio operator in Riverside, Calif., had been instrumental in coordinating the rescue with the commercial fishing vessel. The operator, Michael Morales, contacted HAM operators in Chile, who talked to the fishing vessel, she said. According to his Web site, Barnes had planned his trip for several years. "For many years, probably from the age of 10, I have liked the solitude of sailing, the adventure, the adrenaline associated with the chance encounter of the unknown," he said. ___ Associated Press Writer Gillian Flaccus in Newport Beach, Calif., and APTN producer Mauricio Cuevas in Punta Arenas, Chile, contributed to this report.
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