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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. ^ The first one that comes up in the Spring where some of you may be < I have definately contibuted to Kleenex's GNP this week. V Biggest change you have made in your looks ?
  2. Red Cat pauses to give thought to the possibilities of such bounty..after all they had risked plenty on the last trip.. Turnin to the other she says "Oi, we'd need supplies, rum, a small crew and a proper map" ticking off the items on her fingers, she looks for signs of interest in the others "Who's for it then?"
  3. "T'would hav ta be quite a treasure ta risk all that"
  4. Well there are many first kisses... each time ye kiss someone new.
  5. Fishes in bag..... I know I have some Bactine in here somewhere... and some pirate bandaids..
  6. Come on now... you KNOW you wanted that new shelf... so whats a few rocks in a shoe box? oops! doh! sorry!
  7. "* ~ * "
  8. Awww I beta he or she is very happy in there!
  9. Aye watch the lass Mr. Blue...she'll be plunderin yer heart as well as yer goods! Sly as well as enticing she be..
  10. Um... Mr. Dutchman... though I think yer hat be the seriously coolest thing goin.. ye might want ta check the slime issue... ps crab leg? so cool!
  11. To sail the horn in a boat that size.... or to face potentially 40 - 60 foot waves.. I don't know. One would have to have supreme confidence. However I can't criticize someone who would have much more experience than me. HIs website about the planned trip
  12. Now bumping for the long cold winter months "A pirates gotta do something to keep warm!" heehee little Miracle on 34th Street tribute
  13. Gosh! that would rule out the burgers, meatballs, turkey pastrami, Jennie O turkey roast (ummm graavy) and my world famous turkey meatloaf with spinach and provolone stuffing! Plus I'd have no excuse to live on creamed onions and stuffing for the entire month of November *sigh*
  14. ^ Why Jacky...you KNOW I'm answerin this for YOU.... < Madness to normal scale?I would qualify at least an 8.... but it depends on how the wind blows that day.. V What do you think peoples general opinion is of you on first meeting?
  15. Rumba that IS a great desk! All it needs is an inkwell and a candle! By th by... who be in the little fishtank?
  16. Cat studied the man's face.. Jacky warn't a man ta tell tales if'n he didn't believe there may be some truth in their weave.. Oh, he could spin a yarn as deep as the sea at times, but this was different..she could tell by the glint in 'is eye... that faraway look that already was searching... Lowerin her voice a bit she leant cross th table an fixed im wi an earnest stare.."Whar keep ye these ...maps an such?" "Mayhap a second look is merited?" He paused a moment, at her question. She supposed he were tryin ta determine if she be playin him a fool or truly being drawn in as he by stories which had drifted about the local fringes for some tyme...
  17. A flash of fur.. a glint of cutlass... so quickly it’s more a physical sensation than a visual one...and Jack's cookie is gone save for a few macadamias in his palm. The Red Cat loves Key Lime......
  18. RUM'S THE WORD - good article
  19. Is there a 12 step program for that? "My name is Captain William Brand and I'm addicted to gravy"....
  20. Nice What is the cost in USD? Was shipping a lot?
  21. Happily willing ta sit all starry eyed and listen ta BlackJohns tales all night.. .......... long as th rum isn't gone....
  22. Red Cat turned the totem over in her hands. It was simply carved out of a single piece of reddish coral, not extraordinary in design, though she assumed it's importance lay not in its beauty. The surface was worn smooth in one spot as if it had been caressed often as a talisman against some unknown evil. The tiny beast's mouth slightly upturned in a merry, yet fiercely toothed grin..if such a thing were possible. It seemed to be enjoying some secret known only to itself as it dangled on the plain brown leather lanyard which ran through a loop at it's tail. "Interesting...." Jenny muttered still inspecting the trinket as if it would suddenly reveal some hidden clue "Holata aye?.." "I suppose there are many such things as there are mysteries in the world.." Handing it back to Jacky she inquired "What became of the native wot gave ye this ?"
  23. Red Cat puts her tankard down an leans in so the conversation be exclusive ta this small group..after a quick glance over her shoulder she turns back to the pirate before her. "Aye Mr. Tar I've heard tell of such treasure....go on then.."
  24. I believe you wished for this earlier And if your server has been deafened by too much canon fire, simply do the following...
  25. Aye hot buttered rum and a sick day on the couch'll do it fer me. Perhaps Hester will lend me some of her magic sanitizer Thanks for th thoughts!
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