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Everything posted by Rats
"It was a lot of blood." Thought Davis, as he wiped his hands in a nearby towel. "Not much different than when he helped the good doctor with Captain Sterling." "I'll be thanking you, Sir." Spoke Davis, bowing his head toward Christophe. "And for back on the road sir.... In all my life, I never seen anything.... like that. Sir."
"Looks like you'll be diggin, my dear..." Announced Reiley, as he allowed the spoon to be placed in his mouth. "Could.. be worse..." In the next moment, a loud howl filled the kitchen, as Abbi, probed for the bullet. "She's in there good!" Sighed Abbi, as she felt a sudden resistance. "Might be easier if you just cut through from the other side??" Offered young Mr. Davis, as he sheepishly noticed all eyes turn to him."It's what we did for the captain...."
I plan to pick up one of the new doglock busses. But I was also thinking about a long arm for cross over to Rev and or F&I. The Fusils were the imported trade guns right?? Rats!!
“They’ll be hanginig ‘ol Rats if he gives em the chance!” Sung Reiley, as he rolled over. “E’s got an eye for the whiskey and the ladies who dance!” “He’s out of his mind!” Cried Davis, as he helped steady Reiley “And what’s this Rats he’s talking about?” “You never mind that son.” Interrupted Abbi. Just hold him down if I’m to be finding that bullet.”
I so wish I could go! I have to save for RF2 and my kit or not??? Rats
"Mistress... McKinney...?" stuttered Reiley, as he tried to sit up. "I must confess dear lady.... I believe, I Am going.. to be... sick." Then following his dillusional attempt at propriety, Reiley calmly leaned over and proceeded to fill nearby chamber pot. "My appologies, my dear." insisted Reiley, attempting to appear the gentleman. "I believe I'm a bit disheveled..."
I personally wish it was going year round! Winter $yuck$ in these waters! Rats!
Finding myself in the middle of a Fred and Barney scheme for pistol, blade (and blunderbuss???), I start to wonder about a longarm. I would hope to use said boomer for GAoP. but also if possible for F&I or even Rev war if I ever get involved. Though I wanted one the second I saw the Doglock Blunderbuss, possibly the better investment would be to go with a longarm??? Now comes the question which and why...... :) I've fount these two from Loyalist: 1728 1st model brown bess: http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/fi...fantry1728.html Doglock musket http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/do...oglockmusk.html Any advice? Anyone own one? God I luv starting a new timeline! Feels like X-mas!!! Here's to ye all! Rats!
Onward, the young Mr. Davis Spurred the horses. As he made the sharp turn, he could feel the wheels start to raise from the ground, then suddenly regain it's rolling disposition. But as he flew through a clearing and almost collided with a passing merchant's wagon, young Davis finally close enough to spot the mill. It was a lousey, rainy morning! Yet Abbigale Crane wasn't one to let a few drops keep her from her daily chores. But the sound of racing hooves and a string of profanity directed at the driver, caused Abbi to take notice of the approaching carriage. "We're here Mistress!" Yelled Davis, as he brought the carriage to a sliding halt. "Please mum, we 'ave an injured man in 'ere!" Called Davis, to the old lady who looked on with bewilderment. "I was instructed by Master Christophe to bring 'im ere!" As Abbi carefully looked on into the carriage, she immediately recognized Mistress McKinney and the wounded Reiley. "Are you alright mistress?" she asked Lilly. "Just a bit shaken, thanks to our young daredevil here!" Lilly replied, jesturing toward the young Davis. "But I believe Mr. Reiley has taken a bullet." "Well it wouldn't be the first, the idiot!" hissed Abbi, as she wiped her hands in her apron. "We best get him inside then... Come boy, give us a hand!"
Well my friend that is where the questions are comming from. Having served the Union as a cavalryman and also as a nogooder during the Wild West, I am familiar with the various uses of firearms, however I am new to this game of steel on steel. Having consulted with my captain, I strongly aree that a standard should be set so that all who hope to be involved in steel on steel presentations know what to expect, have the correct equipment and can therefore take part "safely". Unfortunately we live in a country full of "Pirates" who would seek an opportunity to ruin an image or group just to make a few crowns. Therefore we have to keep vigilant to ensure all loose ends are tied down. Any advice from our UK brethren?? Rats
Thank you so much dear lady! I should have just e-mailed you, but got lazy.... Yes that is pretty bad! PM sent just the same Rats
Ahoy Tall Paul! I tooks me a look at the Armor Class site especially http://www.armourclass.co.uk/Data/Pages/17...17Century_8.htm I'm interested to see what they made for you sir! Thanks for the lead! Here's to you! Rats!
I'm looking at the blades from Armor Class http://www.armourclass.co.uk/Data/Pages/17...17Century_8.htm and I'm wondering if the US dollar is worth more or less than a pound?? They're asking about $110.00 for reenactor blades and $142.00 for the battleready. What does that come to in US dollars?? Never dealt with this before!!!! Help! I want to buy me a blade!!! Rats!!
Young Mr. Davis immediately brought the team to life. He had seen the mill while enroute to the cottage and made haste to find it again. From inside the carriage he could hear the "good doctor"? "I showed ye ya, rotten bastard!" spouted Reiley, as he was jostled about. "Thought you'd get the best of 'ol Rats, didn'tcha !"
Sounds like a great time was had! Too bad so many of us are so scattered. Guess that just means we need to revel that much more when we all get together! Here's to us all! Rats!
Allowing the lifeless body of Johnathan Morehouse to slide from his blade, Reiley calmly returned to check on the welfare of his companions. As he nodded his approval and thanks to Christophe, Reiley suddenly began to feel his legs become sluggish and his senses dull. Looking down at his left arm, he noticed a continual stream of blood which poured from his cuff. "Bugger..?" Sighed Reiley, realizing he had been shot. "Right when I was doing so well." Then taking a few additional steps toward the carriage, he suddenly felt his legs give out and the world fade black.
“This isn’t going as planned!” Thought Morehouse, as he feverishly looked for an avenue of escape. “I have to leave this place! Where to go? Where to go!” But as the outlaw staggered from the road, he found himself facing the man whom he foolishly believed would be an easy mark to his credit. “Leaving so soon mate?” grinned Reiley, as he wiped mud from his chin then looked coldly into Moorehouse's eyes. “Ere I thought you were having fun…” With a howl, Moorehouse lunged forward slashing his blade wildly. But as the outlaw's blade repeatedly scathed through the air, Reiley casually deflected all of the careless attacks. Then seizing his opportunity, Reiley quickly stepping forward, parried the outlaw's blade, then moved close as he brought an unseen dagger into play. As he felt the blade drive deep into his chest and his life begin to fade, all Moorehouse could do was to stare dumbfounded into the eyes of Jacob Reiley.
I wonder if my good captain will allow a pair of chaps and facepaint amongst the crewe?? Was that my outside voice again?? Bad Rats! Bad Rats! I mean.... AAARGH! Rats!
Could it be my dear lady, you're simply being attacked by a muppet?? Afterall, it's not easy being green! God save your apprentices! Rats!
With his blade drawn, Reiley continued to close the distance and made ready to engage the outlaw Moorehouse. However, without warning a shot suddenly tore into his shoulder, causing him to sway backward in the saddle. Reveling at his well-placed shot, Moorehouse casually dropped his pistol and drew his sword, as he spurred his horse forward to finish Reiley. But as Moorehouse triumphantly raised his sword, he quickly discovered just how dangerous a wounded animal could be. For without warning, Reiley leapt from the Bay and viciously pulled Morehouse to the ground. “You want hell, Johnathan Moorehouse?” snarled Reiley, as he landed on top of the outlaw. “I’ll be takin’ you to there!” As the two enemies fought to regain their footing, the sound of hurried step caused Reiley to regain his composure and turn around in time to parry the thrust from an Allister’s blade. But as the bounty man followed with his thrust, he drove his bear-like shoulder into Reiley’s chest, sending him sprawling backward into the mud. “Just like a rat!” sneered the Allister, as Reiley backed through the mud, trying to catch his breath. But as the bounty man drew forth his sword and made ready to dispatch the fallen Reiley, he suddenly found his blade parried from a new opponent.
The Allisters immediately recognized the young lord. However, being well paid and with another bounty just out of reach, it was a chance worth taking. “It’s not that easy! Yelled one of the Allisters. “He’s a price on his ‘ead, which my brothers and me aim to collect! So one way or another, he’s a dead little bastard! And so are you if you take his side.” This was a situation Reiley had never wanted. It was one thing to risk his own life, but to risk the lives of his new friends was something Reiley could not accept. Therefore, outnumbered and with little choice, Reiley slowly spurred his horse forward to the middle of the road. “If I cooperate, you’ll let these good people go.” Insisted Reiley. “They have nothing to do with this.” “Sorry Rats!” replied Morehouse, in a sarcastic display of sadness. “I just can’t have any witnesses… I’m sure you understand.” As Morehouse and the Allister brothers began to chuckle to themselves, Reiley quickly pulled a pistol from his belt and fired a single shot through the neck of the nearest Allister. Blood sprayed forth from the bigman’s throat and a thick cloud of black powder hung in the air. Then as if the beast was familiar with such a fray, Reiley quickly spurred the Bay into a charge, as he hastened to close the distance between himself and Morehouse.
"By God, I hate the rain!" hissed Reiley, as he trotted behind the carriage. Yet with such a long time since he had been on horseback, let alone a mount as fine as this... For a moment he almost felt a resurgence of the freedom he had known while working the highways. He knew the situation with the good mistress was far from over. And though he felt drawn to comfort her, Reiley also felt a need to clear his thoughts and attempt to find a solution to the upheval. But as the carriage ahead of him began to slow to a halt, Reiley brought the Bay alongside to learn the cause of the delay. There in the middle of the road waited a rider on horseback, his long coat blowing in the wind. He was accompanied by three equally sinister and heavily armed men, whom Reiley immediately recognized as Johnathan Moorehouse and the Allister Brothers. “Time to settle up Reiley, you bastard!” yelled Moorehouse. “I told you, you were a deadman the next time we meet. Unfortunately for you, it looks like we’ve met….” “I haven’t the time nor the desire to bother with you Johnathan Moorehouse.” Cautioned Reiley, as he opened his coat and revealed a pair of pistols. “If you have any sense about you, you’ll give us the road and let sleeping dogs lie… Otherwise you’ll force me to take hold of me blade and kill you in front of your men. You wouldn’t want that… Would you?” It was a threat more than a question, as the rain continued to fall. However as the two enemies began to size each other up, it was obvious there would be bloodshed in moments.
I did infact go with the concord. I would have liked a straight last. But the concord comes in EEE sizes and thats exactly what I needed. Infact I should have stayed with the original pair I recieved. 10.5EEE. Maybe even an 11EEE. The 10EEE was just too tight and killed my feet. I went with the concord because they were light and could be broken in easy. I wear a small pair of short sport socks under my stockings and have a insole for comfort. Go a size larger so you can have some cushion and avoid the ouch! Great service!! Rats!!
"Hellfire!" cursed Reiley to himself, as hurried Mistress McKinney from the atrium. "I'll see you to the inn at once m-Lady." "Mr. Davis!" Called Reiley. "A carriage brought forward at once!" "Yes sir!" replied Davis, as he sprinted to the livery. "Come mistress, perhaps you would like to accompany me out side?" Offered Reiley, in an attempt to aid with the awkward departure. "M-lady." Nodded Reiley, as he passed Lady Aurore. "I thank you for your hospitality. I will return annon to see to the good... to check on Captain Sterling." As he escorted Mistress McKinney from the house, Reiley could feel her body quake as she continued to cry. Thinking back to the advice he had once recieved, he could almost hear old Grady Lords warn, "The only thing a heart is good for, is breaking." "Shut up, old man!" cursed Reiley under his breath.
Mayhaps it's only in me own mind... But two things stand out to be somewhat peculiar.... One being a fox tail yu'll be wearing (And where) , and two my dear.....I've never seen me a green one afore. Must be Irish fox!! Rats!!