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Everything posted by Rats

  1. I must have soooo totally been at the wrong place at the wrong time.......
  2. OK so tonight for Christmas my two sons and I each got a nerf Maverick.... I haven't let them shoot it yet, but they're even just having a blast running around yelling, "Going somewhere Solo?? Open the blast doors!! Let's Rock!!" ANd then shooting me...... Well worth the 8 bucks spent!! Oh and BTW: I picked up the Serenity DVD at Shopko for about 6 bucks!!!
  3. OMG!!! Those are perfect!! I've been on sportsman's guide for theirs... and I was only going to convert em anyway!!! Very sharp!!
  4. I love it!!!! Utterly perfect!! Thank you for making the jump and making it happen! Now we can build from what you have started and have a standard to work off of!!!
  5. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=440193045
  6. Corset or bodice??? No thanks, they only get in the way.... I'll just have the side salad!!!
  7. Actually I have to get my mask fixed... I haven't been able to use my machine for the last month or so.... Yes I can feel the lack of sleep!!!
  8. Well then yer in Mr. Roberts.. like it or not! I personally love the combinations available... Tech sh-tuff with old world style!! Right now I'm trying to tweek out my SPiller and Burr reb revolver. I will also probably tweek either my 97 pumpgun or add some pieces and parts to my Blunder buss!! Found a pair of British Bulldog goggles for a buck and a half, still in the box.. Just need to take one link out of the nose chain!! Ever see the movie Hardware?? Good look with the Zone Tripper!!
  9. Cool... Drop me a line at my PM and I'll stop crying..... a little
  10. OK so how the heck do you tewwk the myspace sh-tuff to customize you site??? AAARGH!!
  11. Excellent look you guys!! And just for the record, I'm told that boys were in dresses till they could wear shortpants!! OK I have to find more of mine!!
  12. AAAha! Another CPAPer!! we can have drooling... I mean dueling CPAPs!!
  13. Since I always try to find the good or should I say the opportunity in a situation..... If he scares you cap'n, just think what he does to those we're hunting for!! He might be crazy... But he's our lunatic!!!
  14. Hell Capn' Maybe you can sell em??? I hear that in part of the world... A fella might even get a couple of horses and a mule or two for a perfectly good.... SWACK!!!!! AAAAEEEe!! Never mind...........
  15. Very sharp!!
  16. Good sh-tuff... Lots of my favorite sites!
  17. Not another birthday... doggonit!! A mongr... I mean scoundrel like that can't live forever!!! Oh well... since he hasn't kicked the bucket yet, we might as well FILL the bucket!!! Drinks to ya Matty!!
  18. OK for those who might not have access to FF videos.. here are some free episodes on line!! SInce they don't have the first episode... You might want to start here. There are some flashbacks and back stories, which gives a good overview. http://www.imdb.com/video/hulu/vi4135583769/ This is the next episode after the pilot http://www.imdb.com/video/hulu/vi2245328921/ I'd give my spleen for another couple seasons..... Actually I'd give my spleen to be able to film a similiar series... Only better!!!
  19. good deal... great idea!
  20. You are the man!!! Wait a minute... who's the new guy?! Where's the beard!!????
  21. OK I just had to bump this back up... since everyone looked so sharp and I didn't want the thread to get lost somewhere's in Limbo!!
  22. It was in the 40's yesterday and the snow started to melt... Then it dropped below zero and now everything is ice... I also hate this C-rap!!
  23. Last time we hung him at Beaufort... he spat on me ;( ANd that wasn't even part of the show........ was it?!!
  24. Enjoy it while you can Mad dog!! That's it!!! from here on out... Rats is on the LL Cool J program for 6 pint abs... For those who don't want six pack abs...
  25. Stupid man dog........ Who hired that guy anyway....... grumble grumble.... Mad dog....punk!
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