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Everything posted by John_Flint

  1. Buffalo Gals :)
  2. Methinks that this be just the place to get me fabric for to make me coat...
  3. Walker, Texas Ranger (sorry, couldn't resist. But it is my Grandpa's favorite show of all time)
  4. This sounds like a fun game...
  5. Methinks it be real.
  6. I'll have to try this wonderful-sounding concoction some time...
  7. freestyle walking
  8. If ever I acquire some spare coin, I shall certainly request one of these.
  9. "Dragostea Din Tei" By Ozone (The "Numa Numa" song)
  10. Aye, Grand show!
  11. The young man suddenly stands up from his chair and calmly walks over to the bar. It seems that his encounter with Elvira has not phased him in the least. "I'll have a pint O' Rum. Warm." He raises his left hand and wipes away the droplets of blood that remain. As his sleeve slips down, a strange tattoo is partially revealed. Everyone's eyes are strangely drawn to it, as if they are unable to look away. He notices, and smoothes his sleeve back down over his arm. He looks directly at Elvira. This is the first time he has made eye contact with someone, and his blue eyes seem to be staring straight into her soul. It sends a chill down her spine. " 'Tis not the first time I've encountered such as your kind." He then turns to address the rest of the room: "My name be John Flint. 'Tis a name ye may do best not to forget."
  12. Ahoy thar, Scrounger! Welcome te the pub...
  13. Provision for God's people
  14. Beautiful women
  15. The door of the pub is suddenly violently kicked open, and in swaggers a handsome young man. He has dirty-blonde, shoulder-length hair, swept back and covered with a silk hankerchief. His eyes are the color of a storm at sea, dark Blue with just as much gray. He is not very tall, but strength and wisdom beyond his size and age are evident. His eyes slowly sweep from left to right, and then back. "Oops, didn't mean teh kick the door quite so bloody hard... Ah. More accursed pyrates... Oh, well. I be lookin' fer teh get meself a pint O' sumthin' warm..."
  16. Aha! We've got ourselves a flag-maker. I'll keep you posted on my design. (I'll have to draw it up first)
  17. Ahh! 'Tis a fine game indeed...
  18. tequila = "to kill ya"
  19. Yarr! Such a beautiful thing I ne'r did see before
  20. I agree wit' that thar statement heartily. 100%. :)
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