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Everything posted by John_Flint

  1. I wish I could have gone to this event, however, I have been pressganged to Murrieta for the purposes of education...
  2. Have any of you scurvy dogs gone to the renaissance faire that they have in Corona, CA? Are ye plotting to return? Wot of the Cutthroats of Corona Fest?
  3. ^It depends upon the given sit'ation, although sometimes I think wit' me head when I ought to 'ave thunk wit' me heart, and also many an occurence has happened where I've thought wit' me heart when the better would 'ave been to think wit' me head... <Searching for the right girl, haven't found 'er yet... V What is your favorite article of period clothing?
  4. I thank ye William, and I shall investigate yer posted links forthwith.
  5. Ahoy to all! My Pyrate name be John A. Flint, and I be new t' this site. I be seekin' to join up with a pyrate crewe that be quite near the Orange County, California region of the map. If any soul here has information on such a crewe, I would be greatly appreciative of receiving said information...
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