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Everything posted by John_Flint

  1. I would very much enjoy having one of those pistols... :) :)
  2. I meself would like to be a bit more "Historically Accurate"
  3. I be a little short on flags as of current, But I shall draw one up as soon as I decide on the design.
  4. I be certain that thar be much more weirdness to me than a mere 58%...
  5. Yarr! That thar be hilarious. Do ye not agree?
  6. Currently, my occupation be that of a college student. However, I have experience in all aspects of construction. :)
  7. "You Are 58% Strange!" "Based on your score, it seems you do have a healthy dose of strangeness. You aren't THAT far out, but you are somewhat bizarre. Congratulations on being different and having some quirks. It makes you an interesting person!" Methinks this test tells lies...
  8. Oh, man. I miss Calvin & Hobbes...
  9. Oh, this picture was taken before I decided to grow my facial hair out; I've got quite a bit more now. :)
  10. Here be a photo from the student dinner at my school last semester: (I be the one dressed as a pirate, in case yer wonderin')
  11. Well, seein' as how I've limited transportation, I'll be dining at the school cafeteria tonight, and I shall settle for whatever slimy gruel they may be labeling "food"... I wish I had some Rum...
  12. Wow. That joke about the assholes cracked me up...
  13. What the world needs is less people like this...
  14. I would like to join in on this, but I don't know how...
  15. Jeff foxworthy
  16. Ahoy! This humble Pyrate is now also added to said Map...
  17. Does anybody know how much a subscription to this seemingly Wonderful magazine will set me back?
  18. Might any of you skallawags know of any good pirate-themed places in Southern California?
  19. Of course -- set an anti-pirate trap made of duct tape! Cheers, H. Wow, Cool! someone else who's heard of Red Green...
  20. Ahoy! I be lookin' fer to learn how to sail, and the best method I can fathom is to find a ship that I can work on, maybe for a couple of weeks during the next school break, which would be after the end of the month of November.
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