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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
Fresh shirt was taken from the depths of armoire as she stated her mind. Laying linen on bed's expanse, goblet was downed. Sidelong glance was given and as clothing was reached for again, quiet knock hailed its' desire for answer. Moving away, linen abandoned, answer was given and ordered feast delivered. Those with command of the burden kept their attention to task at hand, then left quickly once all was laid upon small table at hearth's near side. Entrance secured once again, Sabastian gestured to one of the matching chairs at table's side, drawing one out for Ransom's seating then deftly captured and refilled crystal want.
He had been delayed much later than expected. Andre' had become sullen with Younger's defiance and gave no indication that by your leave was something quickly granted. Nothing more had been said with Sabastian's departure, but the Trio remained for two hours more. After test of patience, the gathering dispersed. The Bays flanks were frothed with exertion spent back to the Port. Now moving at slower pace and rounding the byways to meeting place, Christophe's hearing called full alertness. In receding parameter, familiar echo of bell cadence drew attention to keen center. The Bay was goaded forward to canter. Fading in dim view, Noir was picked out on a course away from the Inn and something was not right. Instinctually, blunderbuss was removed from keepers and checked. The Bay felt deep dig of bootheel and sprung forward with increasing pace. The distance beginning to close, Christophe observed rider ahead and confirmed that it was not Sabastian astride, the other's technique was wrong. Gripping tight with knees, Christophe raised the 'buss and discharged intentionally just to the Noir's left then spurred Bay to full run.
He paused mid way thru the removal of soiled shirt at her words, then cast it off. Stepping from behind the half barricade of opened door, he moved into the more open area of the chamber and eyed her speculatively. "Then perhaps one day you might know, but it is something that is rare to happen, Mademoiselle. The last that truly knew my inner thoughts lay in earthen bed...."his voice dropped to near whisper, ....."And perhaps that is for the best and she will find more peace than what I could have offered." He hesitated, then turned away to renew crystal aquaintance and fresh linen shirting.
Lupin features pinched briefly as she moved away, "Then you think me to be of that sort....? Tres vien, Mademoiselle." He lifted delicate stemware in salute. Moving towards a large armoire facing four posted elegance, one door was opened and the dark eyes regarded her intently. "I shall beg your pardon for this chamber is only one and I think I might be far more pleasant company if I were to change part of mine adornments...." Drinking vessel was placed on bedside table, then overcoat was removed.
micro skirt
He stepped close, proffering crystal elegance and the pale fluid it contained. As she reached to receive and vessel was released, the slightest brush of flesh contact whispered and dissipated. Sabastian's full focus fell once again to her face, and though his hand retreated with delivery, no ground was given from his stance. His voice lowered to charmer's smooth, the mischievous edges of smile threatening to come forth. "All walls have tales to be told..." he moved back a pace then circled around where she stood to pause just behind left shoulder. Leaning in to where ear was hidden just behind tress curtain, he continued, " You are welcome to ask these if they are willing to speak..." Another pace was taken and verbose spoke to ear's twin, " But perhaps you would learn more from the one who holds possession of said walls....." Beggar Prince made no further attempt to relocate position, lingering just to her right....
Inwardly he had not expected her parry and redirect of played wisdom. For fleet still of time, Ransom had managed to catch him off guard and said verbose aroused phantoms of the Past upon his expression; piercing manner of skillful upper hand. Redirecting his attention, Sabastian shut and secured door, replying with back turned, "To that, I dare say, I would not be so bold as to draw conclusion. Perhaps that is not for me to judge...Mayhaps that is a enigma best left for you to conject." Dark eyes slyed a glance to where she stood before crossing to carved credenza and the decanters resting there. "What might I offer as your preferred djin in crystal cage, Mademoiselle? Madeira?...Champagne? Porter?..Perhaps vin or Bourbon? There must be something within mine humble possession that will stir your cravings." Two glasses were set near at hand as he awaited answer.
He considered statement politely and as the upper floor was reached, opinion was held until door was achieved at furthest point. Releasing captured appendage, key was brought to light and door released. "Perhaps one should not always hold what one hears as truth, ma petit..." With a wide sweep of arm and slight bow, Sabastian invited her within what lay beyond theshold and the appointments contained. Innersanctum was daring contrast to without and amusement played his expression to her reaction. "An oyster is a rather humble vessel to the majesty it contains...."
Arm accepted, he leaned to her hearing, " Oh ma chere Mademoiselle...Exotic is such a word of wonderous facets and I must say that it is of great loss to Monsuier Trilby that he should be denied the plaisir of your presence....But it is not with tears or heavy heart that I say things of this nature for it is my own selfish gain that I am reveling in at his loss." Pause was given to retrieve deserted goblet and bottle, Sabastian gave her another smile of impish quality, "Shall we.....?"
Her comment drew forth a speculative cock of brow and low chuckle. Moving around table's border, he paused leaning forward with whisper of silkened texture, "Mademoiselle, it would be a fool to make such an attempt on many counts, but I would invite such a venture to be entertained. I think it might be of heightened amusement to observe such a bold attempt...." He lingered momentarily, tantalized by faint scent that mingled about her presence, then withdrew slowly. Barmaid crossed thru once again, attending the Common's denizens with practiced choreography. Gesture brought traverse to halt, conversation was quick and locomotion regained pace. Mischievous glint played expressive sight as Sabastian returned full attention to where Ransom waited. Arm was proffered with smallish nod, "Mademoiselle, shall I play honoured escort to the delight of your dinning wants? Welcome to the end of the real world for above these humble beams lay the Gates of Shangri-La...."
An expression of mock injury played lupin angles, "Stairs, Mademoiselle? Ye have so little faith in me, I see. Let me assure you, that managing the upper floors and the path to such, are of no challenge." His focus shifted slightly to a passing barmaid, then back, "It would bring me greatened pleasure if you would have mercy on my sorry state, gracing me with your company for a meal."
The chosen perch, like so many others that were sought in the inns and taverns of the Port, offered unobstructed view of the Common. Deep within the concave of third libation sacrifice, Sabastian half noted movements in proximity, but was far more focused upon recent circumstance and the bottle which sat near to the right. Cognac had done well to numb some of facial angst, but it did not vanquish it as quickly as he might have desired. Goblet was set back upon wooden surface support, and spirit container was tipped again; amber lifeblood given up to the pleasure of Dauphin's want. Disturbance of light and shadow drew him away from current task, dark eyes shifting to approach; recognition coming to bear. Fluid movement brought Sabastian to his feet, flourished bow proffered as she neared. "Bonjour, Mademoiselle....." Liquid pools of expression surveyed her with thief's agility and practice. The cognac was indicated with smallish gesture. "It is good to see you well, perhaps I might offer you something to warm your soul and a place to rest in mine company?" A hint of smile flashed, though hampered with the swelling and he seemed to consider briefly....."Perhaps a private room above, without so many ears about ,and a meal?....I know the owner of this establishment and can assure to you the utmost discretion." The tincture of smile rose once again, then departed in the manner it had before, his sight never wavering from the caress of low lamp glow over Ransom's features.
"Cognac, s'il vous plait, Monsieur Spindlethorpe...." The receiver of request bobbed his head in acknowldgement, started to turn then paused. The cogs of mental process could almost be heard in the other's cranial boundaries, and he took a tentative step closer. From the semi-dim of chosen perch, Sabastian raised a brow slightly and read the proprietor's demeanor. The other edged a bit closer, eyes darting the immediate before lowering his voice. Business was business, and business was founded on reputation. Reputation could be made or destroyed by those in elite classes and what Spindlethrope needed at the moment, was the procurement of proper Aul Mountain Dew. What had been found would surfice....almost. But the man wished to impress the Lady of the House taking up temporary residence aloft.... Words were spoken in soft tones, tithe was created , accords made.... Cognac was quickly handed over to rightful owner.
Sabastian cut thru the upper lands as short cut to The Port. He thought tostop briefly at Royal Grace Inn, a layover to serve two purposes. The first would be to request from private stores an aged bottle of magic qualities with hope of dulling the love tap by older sibling. The second order would be that in the time lapse occurring, Christophe would catch up. A cursory glance was cast to the ships moored in harbour's parameter, hesitating briefly on the familiar lines of floating powder keg. Beggar Prince almost smiled as her owner's image came to mind, but was cut short by the fact that smiling was not a comfortable action currently. Turning the Noir into one of many byways, chosen destination was achieved and back door gained. A shadow playing tag with shadows, Sabastian took seating in preferred local, surveying the structure's interior survival of recent storm and waited, with ever patience, the appearance of Spindlethorpe. Confrontation One had been handled deftly, although it did not pass without a price. Unconsciously, the swelling was tested with careful fingers, bringing an expression of displeasure to lupine features. There was sure to be a Second encounter and he doubted, by far, that it would prove any more pleasurable than the first. A flurry of nervous movement caught peripheral view as quary desired returned to Common Room, "Monsieur Spindlethorpe...." vocalization, like articulated smoke in smoothed hailing, drifted to Prop's ears; conjuring full stop.
Aurore watched without comment, as Husband and Chestnut vanished into the lands that surrounded home. She gave no way to the confusion which swam her thought process, simply stood on main entrance stoop as rider and mount departed near proximity. Mental focus drifted to the well being of kith and kin, there had been no word since the initial contact with Seth and Devon. And it was Devon's revelation's that tugged the recesses of her mind now. The soft intonation of Dubois' query drew her attention to the present; turning her away from the outdoors and back into dwelling. Liquid of rouge tincture lay within crystal confine, extended in offering by escort. Aurore smiled appreciation than motioned towards the drawing room. The Frenchman shifted his weight as if in deliberation, than nodded accord. Conversation flowed as it had on the road; she grateful for the distraction, he grateful for the company of one who understood his philosophies. Gently time rolled forward as soliel traversed afternoon skies and shadows shifted Drawing Room with eased turn from Point A to Point B. One decanter then two were put to rest when the hour of day occurred to those of comfortable aquaint. Water was drawn, sacrificed to large cauldron for heating. Temperatures reaching desired peak, it was transported above and into noble copper basin. Waiting, with ever patience, for Rider's return...
Game Hen
The blow was as hard as it was precise, landing with finite accuracy against the resistance of angled bone and flesh. A bright flash clouded vision momentarily with the dance of faux celestial bodies and suspended gravity of fleeting freefall sensation washed over the reflex of feline agility. With half spin of torso following cranial lead, soft soled boots staggered haphazard, suddenly unfamiliar with familiar ground and it was the mutable soft but hard catch of another that ceased dazed backwards travel. There were four, in total, occupying the small copse of trees....Roi, Dauphine, Killer and Thief. The First gave impression that no movement had been made; the Second hung precariously, griped just under the arms in act of support by the Fourth; the Third looked almost impassive...but looks could be very well an act of deception. Silence hung heavy the surround in unearthly bearing, and even equine companions, faithful bearers of the Four, stood in some sense of dumbstruck mute. When verbose broke the quiet, it was with low and controlled tone; but deep bellow such surface lay a beast wishing release. Elder measured Younger with stoic visage, giving no hint to what boiled below. Dark eyes scrutinized the appearance of crimson streak that lazily traversed the aquiline terra from slight fullness of lip. "What have you done?....." Sabastian righted himself, shaking off Christophe's support, " What you never would. " "Where is she?" "Safe..." " Ou est, Camille? " As reply, Beggar Prince turned, moving away from sibling's glare and onward to awaiting mount. " Arretez!" The demand fell on deaf ears as saddle was gained and Noir turned. Sabastian held mount in check, jaw line throbbing with steady pulse as he gazed upon Elder. "We are no longer in Navarre, that is the past. You may wish to hold on to it, but all I can recall is the abuse, the misery, the taunts and strife. If that is what you wish to hold onto, then you are welcome to it. I wish for happiness and peace, I wish to see Renard in good keeping, to enjoy life for all that it has to offer. Our ways will do us no service in this new world..." Slightest touch was issued to inky sides, followed by cadence of harness bell and strike of hoof on sodden ground.
Midnight at the Oasis ~ Maria Muldaur
Pictures of "where the magic happens"?
Aurore Devareaux replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Beyond Pyracy
Only because that is the only section I shot....There is chaos beyond, I assure you. -
Pictures of "where the magic happens"?
Aurore Devareaux replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Beyond Pyracy
Here's a section of where I do the voo doo I do..... -
up lifting
My husband had "Pyrate" on his '71 Nova SS plates. Sold the car about a month ago...still have the plates.