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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Il y a des incidents dune minute qui font plus qu'une cour d'une annee. ( There are minute long incidents that do more than a year's flirtation.) A. Dumas ~ Fils, La Dame aux Camelias
  2. Aurore considered his request briefly, then rose from her seating. Gesturing for Reiley to follow, she lead the way down first floor corridor to stop at closed door. Two keys were produced, two locks shot in reverse then the heavy door swung inward. The chamber was dim with shutters secured against outside intrusion, again she gestured, this time to have Reiley wait as she crossed the room and furnishing obstacle. Heavy shutters were unlocked and pushed away from glazier panels, allowing afternoon lumination into their midst. Moving to the cumbersome expanse of mohogany desk, Aurore indicated for her companion to have a seat in ornate claw foot chair while she remained standing. Leaning to the desk's burnished surface, she laid a hand upon large ledger dominating center and glanced to him with a hint of intregue playing olive sights. "Monsieur Reiley, herein we shall discover just what I have readily at my disposal...." She turned back thick cover of leather wrought, "How well do you decipher French....or Rom?" The expression on the Doctor's face to such inquery caused a gentle roll of good natured laughter to ring from her in response.
  3. Aurore found the Reiley's companionship was of delightful qualities. His wit, insight and charm most welcome in light of the unknown taking place on the second floor. She laughed with his last observation, so confidently rendered, " Oui, Monsieur...I am to think the there are many that are poor for opportunity missed." She left the comfortable give of sofa support to retrieve waiting decanter. Refilling Reiley's glass, then her own, the crystal vessel was placed near at hand. Regaining former seating, Aurore regarded him thoughtfully for a momment, sampling from amber refinement. "And now you find yourself in Capitaine Sterling's company...I think it is an advantagous situation for you both. I thank you again for your dilagence in regard to his wellfare, Monsuier..." her eyes drifted to away briefly. "I know that you might say it is an act of duty, but it means much to me and if there is a need that I might fulfill in order to show my appreciation for your skills, please do not hesitate to ask."
  4. Aurore listened intently to companion's telling of origin and destination obtained. He had hinted in semi-obscure reference to what he might know of her household and Aurore resisted the temptation to gently prod him into greater detail of his knowledge. Being as it had been stated what his means of commerce procurement had been with Jamaican arrival, there was no doubt in her thinkings that Reiley may have some insight to the enigma and charade that was carefully maintained. The question lay in how much of it he truly smoked out. She regarded him with kindly expression at his compliment, her delicate brow's raising a degree. "You are to kind in your words, Monsieur. In other areas of the world, there would be many be quick to negate your evaluation of our company, as it were."
  5. Sabastian watched the interchange with close inspection hidden under semi-nochalant outward bearing. He would remain in Sphinx like manner unless something arose that commanded otherwise. His sight drifted to Sterling and in no way was he envious of current position. As proclamations were given by petit beauty and confessions delivered in kind; Sabastian silently mused on what was already known of her and what was being revealed. There was no contradicting the fact that she was quite pleasing to the eye and it could easily be deduced how a man could fall to her charms without overmuch prompting. But, Sabastian could not neglect the nagging reminder of a past encounter with a beguiling creature much like the one before him. Not that he carried much regret in the trysts that had taken place, but as enchanting as said meetings had been, there had always been an air of condacending nature giving soured flavoring to what should have been bliss. Oh how she had pleaded when announcement was made that he would never again play puppet to her whims. Looking back in retrospect, Sabastian realized what true worth he had been to the girl in question. Perhaps this situation was different, and he cared not to place judgements where none were asked. This battle square lay strictly betwixt the two factions on four poster encampment and regardless of his concern for Aurore's stake, Sabastian would keep his peace. Whatever culumated and drew fated outcome would be delt with when the accord, for better or worse, was brought to conclusion. And thus Sabastian remained, Egyptian relic rendered in flesh until the subject of unknown child entered the field. Slight animation fleeted his features and seating was shifted in response. The stakes had just been raised...
  6. Aurore smiled knowingly, "But then, is that not the case with most of us?" She moved away to gain the comfort of overstuffed sofa, tucking one leg under herself while one bare foot was left to brush the carpet below. Gesturing towards the surface's opposit end, Aurore procured daint sip from brandy flame. An appreciative look crossed her features at glass content, and she offered comment offhandedly. "There are men of position that have never had such noble spirit cross their palet. I think you will quite approve of the selection you have made." Aurore tracked Reiley's movement as he took seating on sofa's deep give. Considering ealier train of thought, she continued, "Do tell, monsieur...and please do not think me over bold, for it is not my intent to pry...." The sentance was allowed to hang then dissipate as she regarded her companion with vieled observation. "...How long have you been in The Port? Jamaica is quite a change of venue from native Sod. Did you come here seeking fortune, as many here have? Or perhaps new beginnings...?" Aurore's expression was a portrait of innocent interest and her smile turned thoughtful.
  7. Aurore moved quietly into the Parlor where she found Doctor Reiley perusing the contents of book ladden shelves. Not wishing to startle him with supposed unawares intrusion, she waited near the entrance until his attention drifted her way. "Am I disturbing you, monsieur?" she queiried softly," If so, I shall kindly beg your leave and retire to the Drawing Room. You will find, just to the left of where you stand, a collection of decanters that might offer a respite to current issues."
  8. Um...er....nevermind. Bratwurst
  9. Aurore leaned into the lay of his hand against cheek, giving into the comfort provided by the caress. She would make no further mention of the parchment or subjects breached unless the time came when he decided they need be discussed. It was not that Aurore was timid, or in fear of gaining his wrath with such delvings; it was not her nature to be cowed or lead unwillingly. The fact of the matter lay instead in her nature and she felt no desire to dig into subjects that would rest well enough in their current placement. Sterling's request brought forth a trace of smile to her expression and the mention of event to come forward in steadfast manner was quelled, hidden deep from acknowledgement. Backing away slowly, Aurore felt the trail of weathered touch forefit angled perch. A smallish hint of sympathy dwelled within dark mocha sights as she gazed upon him, knowing that the trials ahead were not something that was wished upon his worn constitution. And that factor alone was enough to stir venom in her thinkings in regard to the woman that sat in Parlor luxuries below. Placing those thoughts in check, Aurore offered him look of encouragement before stepping to chamber's closed door. With a mere handfull of words, it was within her power to issue punishment to the transgressor awaiting audience...But she would still her demand of tithe due to the respect felt for Sterling; not wishing him anymore angst than what he was already being forced to endure. As the heavy wooden barrier was eased back on burdened hinge, Aurore paused and answered his earlier question, "Oui...I shall select something special for your pleasure..." Moving into hallway, she whispered though near shut door a statement said once before and rendered in the same manner of Rom articulation. "You are the air I breath..." The oaken blockade was drawn to closure.
  10. Aurore returned to Sterling's side, sitting carefully upon the surface as to not disturb his placement. She said nothing in response, her expression radiating nothing more than what was felt in her heart. As an overature of compassion; of understanding and in turn devotion; Aurore leaned forward, proffering gentle brush of full lips upon his own. An action that spoke far more than the cumbersome navigation of words would manage render.
  11. The sooth of his voice lent some comfort to the frenzy of emotions that suddenly stirred as white squall within her soul. The cunning control that lay as partial bequethment of childhood name kept any evidence of her fears from rising up to Sterling's viewing. Aurore nodded silent accord, hesitantly leaving the security she felt with his semi-embrace and reviewed what indicated parchment contained. Twice over contents were surveyed then she turned slowly to hold him within visual frame.
  12. Puzzlement crossed Aurore's features at Sterling's question, but his touch placed her at instant ease as she whispered, "Non, mon cher..."
  13. Aurore gave a hint of nod, watching his expression and trying to gage what was running through his mind. His features where drawn, a sign of the strain with all that had ocured rapid succession in such short duration of time. The door was secured quietly and she returned to his bedside with concern swimming the liquid depths of her sight.
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