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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Waving 'good-bye' to 2008! Like Christine & Jill, I had some health issues that plagued me through the year, but whenever I felt strong enough, I was out on the dancefloor swinging with the folkies and having a blast. [Love your pic of Pyrate Baby New Year 2009, MadL!] Some of my resolutions for 2009 are: - Indulge my inner punk -- publicly. - Cull the crap! - Spraypaint things. - Buy a sailboat and learn to sail. - Stop worrying. - Go to the Caribbean. Wishing all of you a fabulous new year! Cheers, Hester
  2. Happy New Year's!!!

  3. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Apparently, I'm the only one here who gets in sticky situations on Facebook. My most recent escapade was kinda fun. I sent a 'friend request' to someone with the right name and general geographic location of a person I was looking for. Turned out it was the wrong person, with the same not uncommon name. But he complimented me by saying I looked "awfully young" to be a friend of his. Well, hey, he's a friend of mine NOW! < Spending New Year's at home, with DVDs and champagne cocktails V What are you doing New Year's Eve? (That's tonight, folks!)
  4. Raspberry danish Treasure in the drop box K. via e-mail (who's overconcerned) S&C (who are in town)
  5. A whiney interview on CBC radio with a disgraced biographer.
  6. [Open a window, Silly Billy!] ... I feel kinda punk -- not in the rebellious rock'n'roll way, but in the sense of my f-i-l's archaic prairie slang, meaning 'under the weather'
  7. Okay, I have a winner in my 2008 New Year's Eve chez moi Champagne Cocktail contest: Champagne & Litchi juice
  8. Due to unforseen circumstances, I'm going to be cooling my heels at home on New Year's Eve, instead of tripping the light fantastic under the fairy lights. Bugger! So, now, as a consolation prize, I'm looking for the perfect champagne cocktail with which to ring in the New Year dulce domum. Here's a good collection of champagne cocktail recipes that I've been browsing for ideas: http://www.thefiftybest.com/wine/best_champagne_cocktails/ ... Still haven't picked the winner yet, though.
  9. Stock Market
  10. [Don't forget the bungee cords, Jenny!] Toad in the Hole & chocolate liqueurs (Breakfast of champions!) Movie trailer for RocknRolla Mr. H. (who has fixed the toilet -- hurray! -- and is now working on the dryer) D. (with whom I will not be dancing on New Year's Eve)
  11. Well, Syren, my anemia's much milder than yours. I tend to get chilled easily when sitting still watching TV (in my draughty old Victorian house) but I get all hot, sweaty and breathless doing folk dancing (but that's mostly because I'm middle-aged and out of shape - LOL). Take good care of yourself, Syren! Best wishes for a healthy & happy New Year!
  12. Pieces of Eight (in the jukebox!) http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=1Oc7HuRUibA
  13. Plum pudding & rum sauce (for breakfast) Garbage strewn in the alleyway. (Bloody raccoons picked the 'raccoon-proof' lock on the green bin again. They smelled turkey carcass and would not be denied.) Mr. H.: "Hey honey, the toilet's broken." Dryer repair guy. (Who ya gonna call?)
  14. Cajun Catfish
  15. This carol just seems perfect for Xmas morning at the Pyracy Pub: I Saw Three Ships, by Blackmore's Night http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=C5LROczmJHg
  16. Happy Holidays, everyone! Cheers, Hester
  17. The Submarines http://www.thesubmarines.com/ Sweet, lo-fi indie-pop.
  18. Dean Martin ... the voice of Xmas!
  19. Leftover prime rib, in a sandwich, on Wonder bread with spinach dip. Yum! Sign on a storefront Latino Evangelical church, whose name had been unwisely translated rather too literally from Spanish into English as "Intimacy with the Father". Yup, welcome to the Church of Incest! The Sister (whining about Xmas plans) The S-i-L (or should I say the S-i-Lly Cow!) She sent a belated birthday present for Mr. H. Same book I gave him on his actual birthday over a month ago. And at the time, I e-mailed her to let her know what I'd bought him, so that she wouldn't duplicate it. And she actually REPLIED to the e-mail, thanking me for the "heads up", then still went out and bought the same book. What a sieve-head!
  20. Come to my place, Rumba! You and I can share a quiet night cuddled up in my double bed drinking rum, and I'll send Mr. H. and his congested sinuses over to your place to snore in harmony with your partner!
  21. Not nearly enough! But I can remedy that!
  22. Oh, dear Goddess, Jill -- you're scarin' the crap out of me now! Can't I just skip that decade? LOL
  23. Hey, Jill! Yeah, seems like unpredictability is the name of the game at this stage in the road! LOL 39? Oh, I wish! Hope you're feeling well and fighting fit!
  24. My number is 22.8. Hey, I'll claim that for my waist measurement too! But I've asked for some PhotoShop software for Xmas (or in the Boxing Day sales), so that I can tweak my sig and incorporate the text into the picture. Cheers, Hester P.S. I liked yours big, Nell!
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