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Everything posted by Hester

  1. I made roast beef & Yorkshire pudding last night. And we had lots of leftovers, so I just finished eating a very nice toasted tomato & rare roast beef sandwich for lunch. Tonight: more leftover roast beef, heated up in gravy. [still anaemic. So, I say, "Bring on the beef!]
  2. It's been so cold here the last few days, I've had to drink my rum hot. I've been enjoying dark hot chocolate with a healthy slug of rum in it. And last night, I made a cup of "Hot Grog". In a tea mug, mix together: 1 shot Jamaican rum 1/2 shot Cointreau 2 lime wedges, lightly squeezed Boiling water to fill cup Warms the cockles, it does!
  3. Some similar rum-burning going on at the Tiki Party on the girls' thread. We're drinking "Volcanoes"!
  4. Tiki Party? Count me in! [Hester pokes her straw into the volcano and sips.] Great drink. But, geez, that bartender's so slow, a girl could die of thirst waiting for him to finish making a drink!
  5. Marlon Brando & Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHPZuQTNoCo
  6. "Listen to the JUNGLE song":
  7. Yeah, Cap'n Bob, that Arctic Air Mass heading this way was definitely an inspiration for my choice of cuisine tonight! Add a margarita, and maybe I can pretend I'm in Baja.
  8. Hot Tamale Pie, from a recipe in a WWII cookbook.
  9. Awesomesauce -- oh, yeah, that's that rum-laced brown sugar & butter concoction I pour over plum pudding! Use enough rum and you can even light it on fire!
  10. ... and nutritious, too!
  11. And I've got some porrrrn to go with that too!
  12. I'll take that as a request for further porrr.... ahem... entertainment, LOL. Damn, I wish Lestat were my Lover http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=YJVt_n6_NeI Vampire-boy lap dance, anyone?
  13. Do you think it's your bead-tipped velvet flogger that scares him off? LOL
  14. Petticoat Party? I brought Pimm's: And Porrrn: Salty Pyrate Love [Well, PBS-style Porrrrn, anyway. LOL]
  15. Well, we were out of apple juice, but I did make myself a hot toddy last night with brandy, Cointreau & sliced clementines that was quite nice. Not particularly Pimm'sy, but cozy.
  16. Well, Pimm's actually makes a brandy-based version, Pimm's Winter (originall called Pimm's Cup #3). [The gin-based summertime version that we've been drinking is Pimm's #1]. Alas, the LCBO (government controlled and operated liquor stores here in Ontario) doesn't carry Pimm's Winter, so I haven't been able to try it. Apparently, in addition to the brandy base, it's infused with citrus flavours and spices, and is intended to be mixed with hot apple juice. I think we might be able to bodge together an approximation from Brandy, Cointreau and the usual mulling spices.
  17. Candy Apple Martini I made some substitutions from the original recipe: Sour Puss Apple Butter Ripple Schnapps Appleton Estates Amber Rum Apple Juice Marischino cherry syrup Proportions to taste. Shake with ice. Moral of the story: When the Liquor Store gives you Sour Apple -- make martinis!
  18. A.C. Newman, The Slow Wonder http://www.myspace.com/acnewman
  19. The Raveonettes, Whip It On http://www.myspace.com/theraveonettes
  20. I recently bought a bottle of rum, and it came with a little 'bonus' bottle of liqueur attached to it: Sour Puss Apple I've been wondering what the hell to do with it. So, I started Googling cocktails recipes, and I came up with this page of really cool Postmodern Martini recipes: http://www.statlersonchurch.com/index.php?...6&Itemid=29 I'm thinking I'll go with the "Candy Apple", since I just happen to have a large bottle of Phillips Butter Ripple liqueur in the pantry. Might swap Appleton Estate amber rum for the apple vodka, though. (And that makes sense, since that's what the mini Sour Puss bottle was originally attached to.) I'll let you know how it turns out. I might even take pictures.
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