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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Yeah, don't you wish you were an only child? Actually, my sibs are SO much older, I sometimes forget that I'm not. Anyhow... feeling more mellow now "after several large gins" and some Stargate: Atlantis DVDs.
  2. Would it melt down their chins, and run under the ruffles of their pirate shirts, making their chest hair all matted and sticky?
  3. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^"Put on the dog"? -- Yikes, that's a bit of Yanqi-slang I haven't heard before. Sounds decidedly kinky! < But I do spend a lot of time "screwing the pooch" V Favourite slang expression? (With translation for those of other dialects.)
  4. The inside of an old boathouse.
  5. Art-deco movie theatre, with the scent of fresh popcorn overwhelming the faint mustiness of the antique upholstery. (I hate modern "Cineplexes", which smell of Nachos and carpet glue.)
  6. Malcolm in the Middle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KQ6Tc-qc5k
  7. ^Likes Unibroue beer, rockabilly music, and sunsets
  8. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ I went from Boston to Salem alone on the commuter train once. Mr. H. thought that was very intrepid of me. < I'd like to be more intrepid. V Passing the question on...
  9. Put your feet up and take a break, Blackjohn. Keep well! Cheers, Hester
  10. such a thing to
  11. Mmmm... shark steak! Did you harpoon him yourself on one of your midnight swims, William?
  12. Okay, yeah, I know I just posted this one on the WAG thread, but it's so brilliant it deserves further distribution. David Bowie in 1974, performing "Rebel, Rebel" in full-on pirate-glam attire, complete with eyepatch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj9ZILlq1rA "Hot tramp, I love you so!" Cheers, Hester
  13. "Rebel, Rebel" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj9ZILlq1rA
  14. Lindt Madagascar chocolate for breakfast: Spider crawling up the wall behind my computer screen. Said spider. James Bond.
  15. Um... yup, that's pretty much my philosphy of life in general! Huzzah!
  16. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Well, I'd like to get a propane barbecue for the convenience factor, but Mr. H. insists on charcoal. We're very retro and use those little portable tripod barbecues and lump charcoal, not brickettes. But, of course, that means we can't barbecue all that often, as we need time for the coals to get hot, and we can't barbecue if it's raining. We're also continually running out of charcoal. < Looking forward to the summer season, but not really prepared for it yet. V What's the most exotic meal you've ever made on the barbecue?
  17. On their way to bed after a night of dancing cheek-to-cheek, Hester and Surfer Joe decide to stop off at The Kate for a sunrise breakfast. They tiptoe in. Hester's carrying her silver dance slippers in her hand, and Surfer Joe's down to his shirtsleeves, having already shed the tails and his bow tie. No one's up yet, so Joe slips into the kitchen, rolls up his sleeves, and whips up some scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and caviar in a pastry shell: ... while Hester makes mango juice & champagne cocktails: As they clink glasses, Hester looks into Joe's eyes and says: "Here's to you, Nick!" "Here's to you, Nora!", Joe whispers back.
  18. ^New to the pub, so he may not realize that Jacky Tar actually prefers ale or wine. [Jacky's such a sophisticate!]
  19. "Do the Mashed Potato!"
  20. Yeah, I did a couple hours' yard work yesterday... ... but then I blew it by eating ice cream and fast food all weekend. However, tomorrow I intend to get my 40 minutes of walking in, and buy lots of fresh fruit, veggies and fish down at the shops. In the meantime, I bought some looser jeans, which I hope I can shrink in the dryer when my willpower finally kicks in. Cheers, Hester
  21. to its dorsal fin
  22. Jack Flash: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZZaR_K47ps (Ooops, I think that just woke up Mr. H.)
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