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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Corona & lime (oh, check! -- that craving's fulfilled) and a pinata shaped like a star and filled with Godiva truffles. < Ole! V Favourite "cult classic" film?
  2. "Oooo -- I love biscuits..."
  3. A hell of a thump and bang that just shook the whole house as a truck dropped an enormous dumpster in the front yard of a house across the street. Now, the truck's making that infernal beeping noise, because it's in reverse gear. Goddess grace people, give the bloody home renovations a rest for once!!! Stop watching Home & Garden TV, and find something else to do with all that excess time & money you apparently have, rather than gutting your house and remodelling yet again. Give a thought to your neighbours! Some of us would prefer not to live in the middle of a continuous construction zone every fricking summer! Whatever happened to peace & quiet? Arrgh.... where's the rum?!
  4. The Canadian Mint has issued a $1-million coin, made of 99.999% pure gold, and weighing 100 kilograms (over 200 pounds): http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_10630.aspx Plunder that, me hearties! (If you can find a treasure chest large enough to store it in!)
  5. Hester

    ^, <, V

    [Oh, isn't that how "to-do" lists are supposed to work?] ^ Need to schedule our holiday time (mostly at the cottage). < Benadryl's finally kicking in, and the birds nesting in my eaves are starting their morning chorus. V Passing on the Q about summer plans...
  6. Not usually an insomniac (all that anaemic languor has its benefits), but it's allergy season, and my swollen sinuses woke me at this unGoddessly hour. Waiting for the Benydryl to kick in. Besides, the angelic Mr. H. is snoring like the devil... ... so, I'm gonna head to the virtual beach and see what Surfer Joe's up to. Cheers, Hester ... who's rather afraid to hear that alarm clock of William's!
  7. for porn-ography and biscuits ! ... http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/capn%27+crimson/
  8. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Never have them. (I'm anaemic, remember ... and, well, naturally lazy... er... languorous.) < Picked up someone else's black leather jacket off the coat rack in class today. Luckily put it on as soon as I got outside and realized it wasn't mine in time to return and exchange it. Good thing it didn't get too warm this afternoon, or I might have come all the way home with someone else's coat slung over my arm. V Every find yourself wearing someone else's clothes (on purpose or by accident)?
  9. Since when is 25 considered "underage", and since when do teachers have to be tee-total (or lack a sense of humour)?
  10. I got a lion on the first try, and a hare on the second. Neither feels very representative, though. I have some friends (adults) who have been reading the series of books and enjoying them.
  11. I bet Jenny's seen more of the Dread Pirate Roberts than just his hat, don't ya think?
  12. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ O positive --how vanilla is that? But, I am anaemic, which should make my blood at least slightly more interesting to lab techs. < Singing recital went well today. My solos were fine (although the whole class managed to muff the words of one of the ensemble pieces). V Passing the Q on to the next pirate...
  13. Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Hg5mTNxaA 90s retro-surf meets spaghetti Western soundtrack music.
  14. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Untangling the love story of my 3xgreat-grandmother, an innkeeper's daughter in Aberdeenshire in the 1840s. < Cranky from tree pollen -- and I have a singing recital today. V Any skeletons in your family closet?
  15. Yes, right now in fact --- so, would the Dread Pirate Roberts please dive in and rescue me?
  16. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Dark as sin, baby! < Give me death by chocolate! V How much chocolate do you eat?
  17. A fairly tame version of the song "Barnacle Bill the Sailor" as part of an embryonic Betty Boop cartoon: Hmmm... a flapper, a sailor, a naughty sea shanty, & mermaids as chorus girls... how could I resist?
  18. I know a carpenter in his 80s who would love that joke, Mats! Indeed, I think I shall dedicate this song to him (it's one of his favourites, 'cause he was in the Navy, and has a tattoo of the Cutty Sark on his forearm to prove it): "Barnacle Bill the Sailor"
  19. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^^ Born "across the Northern Border" ^ I've had a few grapples in the backseats of cars in my wild youth. < D'ya think adding gin to the Gatorade would defeat the purpose? V Where were you born? Do you still live there?
  20. Spinach salad with mandarin oranges and toasted almonds. Really big strawberries. Drugstore cashier. R.
  21. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^^Conservative -- moi? Spent the other night drinking tequila with a biker gang and dancing on tables! ^ Picnics -- oh, yes! Thanks for the reminder. I think the weather might be nice enough to try having one on the riverbank this weekend. < Pre-hydrating for my singing recital tomorrow. Hey -- see, there was a use for the Gatorade in my fridge other than as a hangover cure. V Have you ever danced on a table (with or without bikers & tequila)?
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