We can't get this stuff in America....because of the trade embargo against anything imported from Cuba into the US. Anything in the US called Havana Club is not from Cuba.
Cross the northern border, Mats! Saw Havana Club on the shelf at the liquor store the other day. Hadn't realized it was real Cuban rum. Have to try it next time!
[i've gone off Gosling's for the time being -- after a nasty case of overindulgence complicated by stomach flu over the St. Pat's day weekend. Besides, the performing seal on the label isn't exactly the coolest looking logo on earth (unlike the Bacardi bat).]
Instead, this time I bought Captain Morgan Deluxe dark rum. It's in a textured, old-fashioned looking bottle -- but I miss the cartoon Cap'n.
Several years ago, at a theatre festival, I saw a woman do the most hilarious solo one-act play about having an 'affair' with Captain Morgan. She spent the entire time talking to the picture on the label, and it was so funny, I actually had tears rolling down my face.
Cheers, Hester