^ Um.... well, okay, yes. Considering I wear a pirate hat and a Hawaiian lei as everyday attire, you could say I like dressing up. However, I live in a Victorian house that came with a "reputation" for extensive decorating at Hallowe'en. It was fun at first, but after 10 years, I'm starting to see it as more of a chore than a lark. Last year, I skipped town (in pirate gear) and let my b-i-l pour Cuban rum for me instead. Happily, I still had windows when I returned.
< Favourite Hallowe'en anecdote I remember: Back in university, I went dressed as Magenta from Rocky Horror, with my very handsome platonic friend chem-partner-locker-mate (although I think he might have thought it was an actual date). We were party-hopping our way across campus, and I happened to come across my real boyfriend & his band (can't remember now why we went seperately). I sat down on my boyfriend's lap, and he was extremely startled, because he didn't initially recognize me in my heavy make-up. Anyhow, I spent the rest of the evening with them drinking something purple called "Witches' Brew". At the end of the evening, I met up again with my escort , who gallantly drove me home, but we had to stop along the way so I could upchuck the purple stuff. I woke up the next morning still wearing my make-up and nearly gave my dad a heart attack when I walked into the kitchen. Saw the locker-mate on Monday, and he said "Well, that was a fun night!" with his usual drier-than-gin sarcasm (although he wasn't really mad, and had had his own adventures while I buggered off with the band).
V Favourite Hallowe'en story?