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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Ok just please don't take this the wrong way. But I try to make an honest living designing and it really doesn't help if you publicly say you've copied one of my designs. Um... Hilde ... you do realize that you're talking to an imaginary character in an imaginary hat, don't you? [A hat, which, btw, I drew free-hand, and has nothing to do with your actual "designs".]
  2. Trying to decide which is louder -- the group of pubescent high-school kids having a water-fight in the front yard across the street, or the three little boys under the age of seven having a sword-fight in the treehouse in the backyard next door. Helluva a lot of screaming coming from both directions. I assume their parents have gone deaf already ... or insane ... or simply aren't home yet. Oh, the joys of warm weather and open windows!
  3. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Um.... well, okay, yes. Considering I wear a pirate hat and a Hawaiian lei as everyday attire, you could say I like dressing up. However, I live in a Victorian house that came with a "reputation" for extensive decorating at Hallowe'en. It was fun at first, but after 10 years, I'm starting to see it as more of a chore than a lark. Last year, I skipped town (in pirate gear) and let my b-i-l pour Cuban rum for me instead. Happily, I still had windows when I returned. < Favourite Hallowe'en anecdote I remember: Back in university, I went dressed as Magenta from Rocky Horror, with my very handsome platonic friend chem-partner-locker-mate (although I think he might have thought it was an actual date). We were party-hopping our way across campus, and I happened to come across my real boyfriend & his band (can't remember now why we went seperately). I sat down on my boyfriend's lap, and he was extremely startled, because he didn't initially recognize me in my heavy make-up. Anyhow, I spent the rest of the evening with them drinking something purple called "Witches' Brew". At the end of the evening, I met up again with my escort , who gallantly drove me home, but we had to stop along the way so I could upchuck the purple stuff. I woke up the next morning still wearing my make-up and nearly gave my dad a heart attack when I walked into the kitchen. Saw the locker-mate on Monday, and he said "Well, that was a fun night!" with his usual drier-than-gin sarcasm (although he wasn't really mad, and had had his own adventures while I buggered off with the band). V Favourite Hallowe'en story?
  4. I'm out of Corona..... Bugger! I do, however, still have half a bag of key limes.
  5. Cajun chicken drumsticks Succotash Sweet Potatoes
  6. ... and contrary to expectation, it's not all soft and singer-songerwritery. It actuallly rocks hard enough to drown out the incredibly loud neighbour children. You can listen here: http://www.rhettmiller.com/
  7. Mock-lobster and swiss cheese melt on a whole-wheat bun and a side salad with that new Kraft Mandarin & Sesame dressing. Yum! Two squirrels fighting in the back garden... or maybe they were just having sex -- it's hard to tell. The postman ... who did in fact ring twice, because he was collecting customs duties for a gadget that the angelic Mr. H. ordered on-line. He looked a bit like Henry from Ugly Betty. [The postman, that is, not Mr. H.] C. -- need to tell her I got the tickets.
  8. ^ A good sport ... but he gets a bit tetchy if you untie the hostages.
  9. Was this part of a Jollyship the Whiz-bang episode?
  10. Hmmm.... more dirty, bad-boy Norrington? Yes, please!
  11. no filters on board
  12. Hester

    ^, <, V

    (I'm sorry, what was the question? Oh-- "Why do you pirate?"!) ^Love the attitude. And the porn is cool: < Have a friend who's a nudist and a flight attendant. She doesn't fly nude, though. V Favourite skinny-dipping story?
  13. Hi, Hetha: That's awful! I hope you weren't injured. Best wishes, Hester
  14. Hey Salty: Well, as The Clash said, "Anger can be Power". Congrats on reaching Captain status, btw. Cheers, Hester
  15. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Kris Kristofferson naked astride a motorcycle of his choice < Don't know if the story's apocryphal, but apparently students at the college he attended at Oxford once voted to erect such a statue (although not in fibreglass). However, it seems they were short on funds. Hey, I'd chip in! V Still passing the Q...
  16. tails http://www.razzledazzlerecipes.com/canada/...eaver-tails.htm
  17. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Stonehenge, baby! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU3H1Um4Ju4 < Took the most eccentric road trip through Britain that you can imagine. V Still passing the question down the queue...
  18. "Another Sunny Day" by The Happy Couple ... a German/British twee pop duo: http://www.myspace.com/thehappycouple "Lying down on the beach, you and me, There's nowhere, nowhere I'd rather be."
  19. Of course, Ransom, what else do you think I actually do with him every evening in our grass hut on the beach?
  20. Pushing up _______
  21. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ I almost got to see the giant Canada goose in Wawa: < Need breakfast. V What's the most impressive sight you've seen in your travels?
  22. My pillow last night was Surfer Joe's lap ... but I guess that's as good a place as any to drool.
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