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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Beef Curry with red & yellow peppers, mushrooms & spinach Saffron Cous-Cous with peas Sweet Asian Yam (purple skin, yellow flesh)
  2. Frozen Mango Tequila Sunrise: (Dear Goddess, I love my blender! And my new 2009 Tropical Paradise calendar.)
  3. Heating up left-over Chinese food. And it smells like it's almost ready.
  4. Dark Belgian Chocolate bar with "Maca" (Peruvian ginseng) [Got it in my Xmas stocking. Not really sure what the point is.] Silk pillowcase on eBay -- which I bought to cure my bed-head -- and brilliant sunshine outside my window. Catherine via Facebook Ivy -- to whom I need to mail a letter
  5. waves, curves
  6. I believe mine's from the cover of a novel. Didn't notice the artist's name at the time I snagged it (drat), and I never have been able to Google the original again. Anyway, I really love the expression on this pirate woman's face. Goes well with the expression on the theatrical flapper-pirate in my sig pic. Both cynical, rather than sweet -- 'coz I ain't no feckin' Earth Mother!
  7. Thanks for the good advice, Merrydeath. I actually decided to skip dancing tonight, though. No freezing rain yet, but it's hard to tell what conditions would be like on the way home three hours from now, when I'd be catching a ride with a car-pool [since I don't drive]. B'sides, I'm feeling kinda headachey from the low pressure system that's moving through.
  8. Glad to hear you're safe and sound, Merrydeath! But your story makes me even more hesitant to venture out tonight into the predicted freezing rain. [Although I hate to let my dance group down!]
  9. Fish Tacos (thanks to Jacky Tar for the inspiration!)
  10. Freezing rain predicted this evening. Hmmph! Wonder if I should stay home?
  11. Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros
  12. The Message http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3kRuJhIVIo
  13. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Wardrobe reno: add more 'punk'! Hello spraypaint, scissors, and DIY attitude. < Really not very productive today. V Pass the Q: Planning any renovation for the Spring? Home, personal or wardrobe?
  14. [Pretty sunset, Jenny!] Canned chili, veggies & dip Earthship videos http://www.earthship.net/modules.php?name=...wpage&pid=2 My mom (who laughed so hard, she had tears running down her face) S&C -- who aren't crazy, just really self-confident
  15. Pete & the Pirates http://www.myspace.com/peteandthepirates
  16. The Raveonettes:
  17. MGMT interview on Q on Radio One
  18. New Year's Brunch: Smoked Salmon Kedgeree with Mango Chutney White Stilton studded with candied Mango & Ginger Fresh Strawberries & Cherries Mimosas (Can't waste that open bottle of bubbly from midnight!)
  19. Love & Understanding http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=fP9a1CKe8g4
  20. Great fashion plates! Love the red & gold hunting outfit.
  21. Best wishes for a happy & healthy New Year, Syren!
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