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Everything posted by Hester

  1. chance to flash his
  2. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ This side of the border, we celebrate the opening of the summer season one week earlier than our Yanqui cousins. Our upcoming long weekend is Victoria Day. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Day No specific plans for it yet. Might buy some sparklers (as it's also our traditional "fireworks" holiday). < Still hyper from a surfeit of social activity this weekend (well, by my hermit standards anyway) V Favourite holiday and corresponding activity?
  3. 4:00 a.m. allergy alarm clock again. With a touch of bronchial spasm thrown in. Settling down again now, and waiting for the Benadryl to take me back to sleep.
  4. Mizzy Lake trail (in Algonquin Park)
  5. Yup, meds kicking in ... yawn! ... And I didn't even get to tell you my waltzing story ... but I'll save that for another time. G'night! Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite! (When I was a child, I used to think my parents were slightly insane for saying that to me just before turning out the lights! What a way to trigger nightmares!) Cheers, Hester
  6. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Oh, the Caribbean! Through the Great Lakes, up the St. Lawrence, then down that eastern seaboard and off to open sea. < Pestering the angelic Mr. H. to buy us a sailboat. Ocean cruising size prefered, dinghy with a dagger-board acceptable. V Passing the Q back to ya...
  7. kept under wraps until
  8. I just got "carded" by the Samual Adams website! It told me I was underage (bless it) and wouldn't let me in! Never seen Sam Adams here. But then we Canucks are awfully smug and snobby about Yanqi beer and don't tend to import it.
  9. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Had a long "chat" with a rather odd fellow at English Country Dancing yesterday. He was wearing plaid trews AND a kilt (of a different tartan), a headscarf with a button that said "Kiss me I'm Irish" on it ... and jester bells somewhere on his kit. I think he was off his meds, because when I say "chat", it was more of a continuous frenetic monologue on his part. I did try to be polite and tolerant and open-minded, but eventually just got overwhelmed and excused myself to go to the washroom. I didn't want to be rude or hurt his feelings ... but I just couldn't cope. < Dance class today, but it'll just be the Jane Austen tea party set. V Mother's Day today -- are you ready?
  10. out of stock [Corona]
  11. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ None. I'd probably be happier with an arm's length force-field bubble around me -- at least in crowds of strangers. < That said, I do at least try to keep the neuroses under control, and push past my comfort zones occasionally. V What are some of your neuroses?
  12. 3:45 EDT and even the Cat's not here. I'm waiting for the Benadryl to take effect. Allergies woke me up. Oak trees spewing pollen like mad.
  13. Oh I don't know, I squish an squeeze me limes in t' Coronas all the time. I like lots of limes in my Corona. I do feel sorry for the cabana boys, though -- having to fish all the squashed lime wedges out of the empty bottles before returning them for the deposit.
  14. and exposed his enormous...
  15. One (Surfer Joe once went undercover as a race-car driver, y'know. Or was that the plot of a Frankie Avalon movie? Not sure -- I haven't fully woken up yet.)
  16. I think there's some leaves still attached to the limes, Matt. That should work -- in lieu of a fig leaf.
  17. Blast of a train whistle ... after midnight.
  18. American in Paris
  19. Well, Jenny ... it would be no weirder than the rest of my day! Lime juice in my hair again! Very sticky. I'm gonna have to ask Dex to give me a shampoo and redo my dreads. Love your subjunctive mood, btw!
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