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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. "See the Rakehell has turned in t' the wind, t' allow the boat a safer launch." I said, "There's only one sailor in that boat! Whom would Ransom want off her ship bad enough t' give up a Jolly boat, which she may need?" I wondered out loud. Dillard, replied, "I believe it's that sailor Nate, sir." "Wot?" I stepped forward an snatched the spyglass, from Dillard. "It would seem that Nate, has left someone behind, too." A figure standin' at the waist, had a pistol pointed at the sailor, in the boat. "An they seem t' be takin' exception wit' Nate goin' solo." I said, while gazin' through the spyglass. I shook my head, an handed the spyglass back t' Dillard. "Orders sir?" Dillard asked. "Stay on our present course." I replied, "If Ransom, is willin' t' give up a boat, her ship must be more seaworthy than ye thought."
  2. A Very Happy Birthday Rumba Rue! May yer day be filled wit' all the things that bring ye joy, luv.
  3. As Silkie went off in a huff, I muttered t' Stones, "Why couldn't we hav recruited a male selkie? Aye, I'm beginning t' come around t' Dillard's way o' thinkin'. Women aboard a ship bring bad luck, or worse." Stones nodded. I continued my sermon 'fore the mast, "Women are temperamental, and unreliable anywhere aboard a ship, except the galley." Stones chuckled, an added, "They is a handful, suh." "And like rats, once aboard, we must learn t' live wit' them." I said wit' a smirk. "Or, at the very least, keep their number in check!"
  4. "Aye lass, I wouldn't mind seein' the faces o' Red Cat, an Roberts." I replied, "But we best keep Ransom, an her crew right where they are, lest we exchange more than words." I smiled, "So, ye still hav a soft spot fer that fella Roberts, do ye?" I didn't expect an answer. "We're only a few days out, from our next anchorage. Mayhaps upon our arrival, saner heads will prevail, then we can resume bein' in hailing distance o' that ship."
  5. "Silkie, since when were ye nervous 'bout goin' in t' the water, luv?" I sighed, "I'll hav yer back, even if I hav t' throw Dillard in the water t' watch it." Dillard winced, as Smithe shuffled him away. I chuckled, "Ye know when the Spaniards netted ye, I thought Dillard might swim out t' rescue ye." Silkie gave me a doubtful glance. "Aye, it was the first time I've seen him express any concern, 'bout yer well being." "By the bye, the ships in the Dry Tortugas might lie in as little as thirty feet o' water. If luck, or chance, favors us, ye may not need t' take yer other form. Sides, I've heard tell, ye can dive t' that depth in yer maiden form."
  6. Red RAspberry JAm (Very good on toAst, wit' A mochA!)
  7. (Need a better mouse trap... er CAt trap!) Toast
  8. GAllows (CAn too, an the feathers lead t' JFK!)
  9. Careful Lady Barbossa, yer going t' give pyracy a good name. Huzzah!
  10. Never too early t' party wit' Herself, an usually never too late, either (though she is keepin' early hours lately). Happy Birthday Iron Bess!
  11. "Mister Dillard, I'm not sure wot concern the sea worthiness o' the Rakehell is t' ye. If yer volunteering t' help wit' repairs aboard the Rakehell, arrangements can be made." Dillard's concern fer the Rakehell, an willingness t' be transfered t' the other ship, seemed t' pass quickly. "Silkie, if yer more inclined than Mister Dillard, t' join the crew o' the Rakehell, I'll extend t' ye the same offer!" "I believe the captain o' the Rakehell, has worn out her welcome aboard this ship, for the time being. She left us in Havana wit' the excuse o' leading the Spanish away. She then left us alone again, t' face that galleon; no doubt she thought t' lead them away, too." "Where we are goin' there maybe more Spanish galleons, an I doubt any will follow her, should she decide t' lead them away, once more." "So, while I too wish the captain an crew o' the Rakehell no ill will; I can't wait fer them t' lead away the galleon, which now follows us in earnest. Nor can I tow them, all the way t' the Dry Tortugas."
  12. A fine thing, she just returns t' the pub, and threatens carnage, if she doesn't get a drink! By all means Ray, give the lass a glass o' milk, an speed her on her way.
  13. I caught Stones lookin' back over his shoulder, in the direction o' the Rakehell, so I asked, "Anyone back there burst in t' flames?" He shook his head. "There must be a lot o' smoke, or a least a little steam, trailin' that ship?" I continued. Stones smiled, an set his gaze towards our bow. I'm sure she is furious, but t' lag now would only let that galleon close on us.
  14. Silkie surprised me, when she took me arm, an I remarked, "Ye look fetchin' lass. But ye best go below an change, 'fore the Spanish catch up t' us." I turned back t' Ransom, an shouted, "We'll arrange a parley, when we've reached a favorable anchorage in the Dry Tortugas. That is, if ye plan on doggin' us that far?" I saw the look of disgust on her face, or perhaps it was disbelief, 'fore I turned t' Stones an shouted t' veer away from the Rakehell.
  15. I glared back at Ransom, as she hung from that rat line, an shouted "Unless ye want a few more holes, ye best get Nate away from those cannons. That sailor, an holes in ships seem t' go hand in hand!" All eyes on both ships turned towards Nate, who was resting a foot on one deck gun, while nervously twistin' a swivel gun.
  16. As I approached the railing, where most o' the crew was standin', I noticed me stocking fluttering in the breeze, attached t' a rat line, above her head. Was the stocking meant as flag o' truce, or a trophy? "Alright lads, return t' yer stations, I'll speak t' their captain." I shouted. I shouted in the direction o' the Rakehell, "Ahoy, captain o' the Rakehell, state yer business."
  17. Guaranteed (She always connects; it's a curse.)
  18. Frying pan (Nay, Rosie uses the rollin' pin t' get yer attention, an lays ye out wit' the frying pan.)
  19. Funny, I had heard that Cheeky was openin' up positions fer BF# 4, BF# 5, and BF# 6; seems she needs t' fill out the rest o' the week, when the hubby an captain aren't around. ------ Mojo salad wit' shrimp Not much Anyone that would listen (my daughter turned 14 t'day) Ransom, Silkie, and Red Cat
  20. Belaying pin (A tranquilizer we use aboard the Relentless.)
  21. Medication (I've been told they treat depression wit' pills.)
  22. Inspiration (Depression often leads t' inspiration fer many writers.)
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