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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Wot we would later find out was a pistol shot, caused every man on deck t' turn his attention in the direction o' the Rakehell. "One shot?" I spun about, almost losin' me footing. "Bloody hell! Doesn't look like a melee." I remarked, while gazin' through the spyglass. Scannin' the faces on the deck o' the Rakehell, I breathed a sigh o' relief, when I spotted her red head captain amongst those standin'.
  2. Aye, another poor soul died waitin' fer Iron Bess t' return t' her office!
  3. A quick glance ov'r at the Rakehell, wit' the spyglass, told me Ransom was givin' her first mate another tongue lashin'. I lowered the glass, an quipped t' Stones, "Ye suppose that first mate on the Rakehell, knows he's bigger than her?" Stones replied dryly, "He was probably taller 'fore he signed on, sir." "Yer probably right, I believe I was a head taller 'fore I met her," I mumbled, an turned t' see Stones stifle a laugh. "Dillard!" I shouted, "I need some bait t' catch me a white tip!"
  4. Aye, more good pirates lost t' family life then t' Davey Jone's locker. Doesn't set so well wit' the locals, but it can't be helped, sez I. Happy Belated Birthday, Blackfoot!
  5. Iron Bess, she's the Pearl... I'm sure she has a happiness hangover, an they always last fer a day or two! Happy Birthday (Hangover) BHP!
  6. Eyes, I just had t' revisit this one. Ye need t' post a 'fore an aft' pic. Wot a transformation!
  7. Aye, shenanigans like drunken sword fights are why some events won't allow blades (even peace tied). While pirate sword trainin' classes are few, an far in-between; ye might consider Kendo classes, which are poppin' up all over the place. In Kendo classes, ye'll find plenty o' lads an lasses, willing t' whack some sense in t' ye. 'Sides ye'll develop some skills t' deal wit' those pesky Ninjas, t' boot.
  8. A red head, an it's yer birthday? Aye, how we does love the red heads! A very Happy Birthday Red Jessi.
  9. "We best let this one pass, sir." Stones muttered. I nodded, "Aye, hoist the anchor, an let's stay clear o' this one's wake. I don't suppose we'll be so lucky next time, if our paths should cross again." "I wonder how the Cat an Nate are fairin' wit their new shipmates," I said, wit a bit o' disdain.
  10. So how is this day any different than any other day? Aye, it's yer birthday! The day they broke the mold, an threatened the mold maker (as if he'd be that silly, or brave, t' make another!). Well I'm sure ye hav a bad case o' happy feet, t'day; an why shouldn't ye, it's another chance t' rework that story about this bein' the anniversary of yer 29th birthday. I fer one am glad yer still dancin' around the sun. Happy Birthday Ransom! WD JT
  11. Eyes, sorry I'm so late t' yer party, mate. I hope Sweet Cricket, an that surly lot (ye call a crew), took ye out t' celebrate in grand pirate style. Happy Belated Birthday Eyes.
  12. I hope this day includes sailin' on ships, shootin' black powder an things that go boom, or playin' wit' pointy things. Happy Birthday Red-Handed Jill!
  13. Stones looked at me, an meekly asked, "Will ye be answerin' the Flodden's captain, sir?" I was busy watchin' Red CAt, an Nate, an I replied, "Well that would depend on whether or not he opens fire on those two!" Stones, turned in time t' watch the pair, beach the sloop. "Lord help us," he muttered. "Aye, while ye can't count on them t' do the right thing, ye can always count on 'em t' do somethin' else." I said wit' a grimace.
  14. I didn't think that was a secret!
  15. Wot? I know I had that thing stashed around here somewhere... Where's that jar o' dirt?
  16. Oops! (blows out the candles on the cake) 'Course it's a rum cake... it should keep til' the 24th.
  17. Wot's this? Did Red-Handed Jill escape the humiliating... er I mean the humble natal day celebration that befits any pirate o' her stature! Aye, she's short, but a crack shot; so, keep yer birthday barbs short, an then run fer the nearest exit! Happy Belated Birthday, Red-Handed Jill.
  18. The Flodden had raised a flag, t' which I remarked, "So, the dance begins!" "Stones, bring us in position across their bow, that's where we'll drop anchor." I smiled, "They want t' talk, we'll talk."
  19. Billy Bones, I'm interested in the pistols as well, an I sent ye an email, too.
  20. Now Ransom... ye know the belly dancer I stopped t' watch was a friend... Aye, an those other dancers wanted t' be friends, too! An well... I'm a friendly fella... ask any belly dancer!
  21. A very Happy Birthday t' ye, BriarRose! I do hope the lads treated ye in grand style, on yer natal day, lass.
  22. Silkie, get yer mitts off the lad; I'm sure he gets enough o' those hugs at home! Can't ye see the lad needs t' do some dancin' on table tops, a pirate beach party (or two), an a good ol' bar fight thrown in fer good measure!
  23. Never saw no messages in a bottle? Fair winds an followin' seas (an no brigs, unless yer sailin' in one), Jacky Tar
  24. I think I tripped ov'r a Blackfoot in the pub once... Nay maybe it were a Lakota Sioux... I can never keep them straight! Wot's the matter lad, not enough testosterone round the home front? I'm sure we can convince Dorian t' get in a bar fight wit' ye; although, the lad hasn't wrestled wit' swords in a while (he might be rusty). We might even get someone t' break a bar stool ov'r yer head, fer ol' time's sake. Ho hum, well let me be the first t' welcome ye, wit' a boot t' yer back side, an then I'll buy ye a drink! (By the bye, I hope the Mermaid, an the wee one are well.)
  25. We heard a loud crack, wot I believed t' be a rifle shot, an watched the longboats hastily change course t' return t' the other brig. "At least the captain o' the Flodden, has sense enough t' return t' his vessel, if alerted." I muttered, an instructed Stones t' hold our present course. Smithe asked if we should run up a flag o' truce, or at least run out some colors? "Nay, lets see their colors first," I replied. "After all, we aren't the ones attackin' ships o' the Spanish crown."
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