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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Me, sink the Sea Witch? Nay, that ol' tub, just started springin' leaks. (Slips Alder's auger, safely out o' sight, behind the bar.)
  2. Trust me lad, no one wants t' see this belly dancin'! Liberte was the belly dancer, an well... most o' the gents eyes never made it t' her belly, either. So, I suppose it's back out t' sea fer ye, lad. That ways, we landlubbers can keep the belly dancers t' ourselves.
  3. Lad, that hole ye be diggin is getting a tad deep. Ye may want to stop diggin now. Students and dates? Won't go there... Really enjoyed the friendly challenges, an the hospitality of yer camp brethren. Til' the next event.
  4. Fair enough... Her ship was sinkin' when I got here.
  5. Single ye out? It's just that yer easier t' hit... The others duck an cover faster!
  6. Welcome lass! Enjoy yer stay. Ray, I'll hav a root beer, on the lass's coin. Thank ye, Agenia!
  7. Aye, I spent a bit o' the shiny fer a copy, fer me self too. The members o' New Providence are lively performers, an very entertainin' in their own right; as those who've caught their live performances will attest. Iron Bess is a Celtic songbird t' be sure. Just watch yer purses and hearts, when yer aroun' her, lads.
  8. Wot' cheat? Ye taught me how t' play the bloody game... and is it my fault the rules changed every 5 minutes? Bloody pirate! (Aside... Went t' yer picture box site... I've never seen a picture box wot' can take pictures o' the future! Got any pictures o' PyrateCon 2010?)
  9. She!!! Bloody Hell, I was called a few things at that event... Heck ol' Sage Lion kept callin' me Richard. MadL we need t' get ye a woman, lad; this isn't the King's Navy! (Aside... http://www.nameplayground.com/Jacky ... The spellin' is 100% male... )
  10. "I thought ye could... We'll wait fer night fall. Get some rest, it could be a long night." I was sorry I couldn't let Silkie sail wit' Roberts, but I wasn't sure in wot' condition they'd find the Rakehell. I also felt, Silkie an the Relentless would hav a better chance at sea, together.
  11. "We'd be in more danger, if'n ye weren't wit' us, I believe." I said t' Silkie, in hushed tones. "Know that the lads that signed on t' this ship risk their lives, every time we put out t' sea. Know too, that I'll not hold ye against yer will." I looked at the galleon, not far from us, and remarked, "The Spanish empire is in decline, and they're not much better than the treasure hunters they condemn." I turned back t' Silkie, "I want ye t' help us leave a partin' gift fer yon galleon." I chuckled, "I want ye t' pass a rope 'bout their rudder, and we'll do the rest." It was just then, that lads brought up on deck the spare anchor.
  12. The attendance, at Corona, was light; no doubt 'cause o' the heat an the fire, on Saturday. But the Alliance of the Double Cross was there in spades. They welcomed crew-less (an clueless) pirates like me self, in t' their camp. I was glad t' finally meet Greydog and Sage Lion. I can't say enough nice things 'bout this group and other pub members there in, like Oderlesseyes. These mates are black powder enthusiasts, an sword fighters t' boot. This is a group t' look fer at future events.
  13. Smithe returned from below decks wit' a small keg o' rum an a dusty bottle o' whiskey. When he had filled Silkie's flask, I remarked, "Don't worry lass, ye'll get yer chance t' get back in the water, t'nite." "Stones, roust up the spare stern anchor an some rope; our Spanish neighbors will be needin' t' borrow it."
  14. Belated Birthday Wishes, Mary Diamond! Hope yer natal day celebration was a grand one.
  15. "Aye, ye look like ye could use somethin' t' lift yer spirits, lass." I said t' Silkie. "Now a spot o' rum wouldn't do ye any harm. Or a shot o' the whiskey, mayhaps." She nodded, an I suggested she sing t' lift the crews' spirits. While I hav Smithe fetch some libations, t' lift her's.
  16. Aye, here's hopin' fer a day o' celebration fer our Red-Handed Jill, an smooth sailin' on her next trip around the sun. Happy Birthday, Red-Handed Jill!
  17. "A teacher, an wot' me wit' no apples!" I smile at the familiar faces gathered t' greet (and fleece) the newcomer. "So, wot can ye teach a bunch o' pirates, lass?"
  18. Well this is embarrassin'. Where's a big ol' treasure laden ship, that needs sinkin', when it's yer birthday? Aye, I hope ye celebrate it in grand style, when Chain Shot gets back. Best wishes always, on yer birthday or anyother day! w.d. Jacky Tar
  19. I walked over t' the side where the long boat was tied, an spoke directly t' Silkie, "I want ye t' climb out o' that boat, an drag yer sorry hide back on this ship." "Did ye really think that launch would ever make it t' the Rakehell, wit' yer self aboard?" I laughed, "Ye'd just be makin' it that much easier fer the Spanish t' collect ye. And ye wouldn't be doin' any o' yer mates any favors; except mayhaps in Nate's case, one could suppose the galleon's brig might be bigger, than that o' the Relentless."
  20. "The Cat's got yer wot?" I said curtly, t' Silkie. "Then I suggest ye retrieve it 'fore they shove off! Unless ye'd like t' swim after it." Wit' a redder face, she turned in the direction o' the long boat. "The rest o' the lot o' ye, look alive. Back t' yer stations." "Stones, grab the spy glass an send Jonesy back aloft, t' see if there are indeed other galleons." I exclaimed further, "If the galleons are a bluff, prepare t' make a run fer open waters, once the long boat is safely away."
  21. Thank ye, Red Maria! Glad t' hear the Pirates will be there in force, both days.
  22. Well Eyes, I hope yer birthday celebration at Pyrate Con was a grand one. Hope t' hear 'bout yer trip when ye return.
  23. "I believe we are at an impasse, Stones will show ye t' yer boat." I said t' Spoons, then I glared at Dillard. Reluctantly, Spoons returned t' his boat, as he descended the ladder, he said, "I'll ask the capitan to allow your long boat safe passage, but don't try to leave this bay, Mister Tar."
  24. Will the encampment be there both days? Or just Saturday, like last year? (Went down there last year, on Sunday... No pirates.)
  25. Happy Birthday again, ol' Rusty! T' a man who is as big as an ork (I believe he speaks orksy, too!), and as kind hearted as they come; I hope ye find some time t' celebrate. **A prayer fer Brant (aka Roger the Red) and his family, his father-in-law passed, on Brant's birthday.**
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