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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. The truth is... the only ones that don't bite, don't hav teeth!
  2. Welcome BessFlint! Thank ye, fer steppin' up an buyin' a round, I'll hav an ale. We hav a few UK pirates 'bout the pub; Sheppies mostly, good lads wit' high spirits. Tell us a bit 'bout yer self, while we share these drinks.
  3. Aye, nice garb Callenish and Silkie. Callenish, do ye prefer slops t' breeches?
  4. ^ Aye, a couple o' days or weeks mayhaps. But no years or decades. < Hav a few events comin' up which may be worth repeatin'. V Pass the question along.
  5. Queens (Twang, Queens... accents!)
  6. I felt a strange calm standin' on the deck, wit' out the burden o' command. Me fate an future was wit' this lot, an there's wit' me. Several o' the crew were now on deck in ladies fashions. I smirked, an thought wot a strange lot we appeared t' be. The shore party descended into the jolly boat t' rescue Roberts; I hoped we would soon be on our way t' Havana, wit' Roberts aboard.
  7. Wot's up Patrick? I picture Pat wit' his blunderbuss, doin' his Elmer Fudd impression. "Shhhhhhhh, be vewy vewy quiet; Patwick is hunting wabbits!"
  8. Alas, I went down Sunday (not in garb). The only pirates we saw were workin' in a few merchant booths. Wish I had been able t' go Saturday.
  9. Ye sure it doesn't hav anythin' t' do wit' Russell Crowe playin' Jack Aubrey?
  10. Now here's a red head I can't refuse. Why wait till midnight?
  11. Sorry darlin', but I don't believe we've met. The invitation was t' Hester who has her hands full wit' Joe. Any pirate here want t' take a dip wit' Jolliet?
  12. Care t' go fer a swim?
  13. Ever had a conversation wit' someone that caused ye t' plumb the depths o' yer very soul? Sometimes the things we thought we put away long ago are right where we left them; if we don't acknowledge the elephant in the middle o' the room, mayhaps the other person won't bring it up in conversation. Of course some hav their own elephants, or are too polite t' point out mine.
  14. Everyone has a choice, care t' make yers?
  15. Graydog, ye party animal, welcome! There are some fine re-enactors here. Ye might want t' introduce yer self around. Aye, sit an play the tapster, an ye never know who might drop by fer a drink.
  16. Thank ye, kindly Maureen McCoy. I'll pass on the rum, an hav an ale if it's all the same. Course if it were all the same, I'd be drinkin' rum! Where do ye hail from lass? Wot ports do ye call home?
  17. Welcome BluePuppy! Mayhaps ye'd like t' tell where ye got moniker. Thank ye fer the ale, lass.
  18. grilled cheese (ye can use french cheese if ye like.)
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