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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. vandalism (or rite o' passage; got kids?)
  2. TP'd (Aye, havin' yer house TP'd on the inside, by the cat.)
  3. Silent, please tell us yer teasin' 'bout goin' out on a raft an can't swim! It's so easy t' fall off a raft, mate. They don't hav tillers an often go where the current carries 'em. Good luck, if ye do venture out on one.
  4. Bunny ears (Aye, didn't his pj's hav bunny ears; bunny ears are best on... bunnies!)
  5. A million apologies an a belated happy birthday, m'lady. Mistress Gage, I do hope Capt. Gage showered ye wit' treasures fer yer special day.
  6. sleepers (another name fer footy pajamas)
  7. ^ There's too much hatred an intolerance. < More choices won't eliminate it. They had it in the past when things were simpler. V Anyone have any suggestions?
  8. Aye, prayers for yer self an yer father; prayers that ye both recover quickly.
  9. Aye, tactics... Wikipedia has a nice little synopsis 'bout, "Naval Tactics in the Age of Sail" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_tactics...the_Age_of_Sail Interestin' readin', explains briefly why some naval forces chose t' run rather than fight (the French mainly). Could make fer some lively discussions.
  10. We had a cat that would lay on the keyboard like that; I can't believe it would be comfortable.
  11. I'm not addicted... I need coffee!
  12. Pattern (few things are ever random...)
  13. Ye can hear sample tracks from "Down Among the Dead Men", at http://cdbaby.com/cd/ponewprovidence A few pub members perform on that CD, enjoy!
  14. I heard the Cat cock her pistol, "Red Cat!" I hissed, "Half cock that pistol, lest ye stumble an shoot one o' us by accident!" I mumbled t' me self, "Trigger happy pirate..." I didn't think we'd meet wit' armed resistance, an left me own pistol in me belt. We were gettin' closer t' where the tree houses lie. But in which tree would Roberts be? A house t' house search in the dark could be fraught wit' dangers. We might hav t' wait fer daylight an some indication o' where the TRIBE might be keepin' 'em.
  15. It's not often enough ye see herself in garb wit' her hair down. Very nice picture of our Iron Bess.
  16. ciao (Another way t' say hello or goodbye wit' one word!)
  17. Kapu (Durin' the GAoP men an women were forbidden t' eat t'gether at luaus; it was forbidden or kapu.)
  18. Aye, navel tactics... Who are ye an wot hav ye done wit' Red CAt?
  19. Laundry Soap (To clean the towel that dried the feet, that wore the wet socks, that splashed in the puddles)
  20. socks (Need washin' after splashin' in the puddles)
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