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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. I saw the stranger on the beach, an cursed, "We've no time fer this!" We had t' set Roberts down, an I drew me pistol, "Avast! If ye know wot's good fer ye sir, ye'll put that pistol away. If ye don't, I swear I'll drop ye where ye stand an leave ye fer the gulls." I heard Ransom draw an cock her pistol. He didn't look like the fella I'd freed from the cage; how many other men were wanderin' round this island?
  2. Sure enough it was Roberts an he appeared t' be unharmed. "Damn, am I glad t' see yer face." I said, "But 'fore we start receivin' guests here shortly, wot say ye take me hand an we get ye out o' this hole?" He stopped growlin' an took me hand; thankfully, Ransom kept Roberts from pullin' me in t' the hole wit' him. He brushed himself off, an we three followed not far behind Red Cat an Silkie, back t' the boat.
  3. I think Patrick was sayin', that the poor might not hav the fancy cloth but the workmanship was still very good. After all, it was often the poor folk wot' sewed the clothin' fer the wealthy.
  4. sel de mer (English: sea salt. Good on pretzels, too.) (Aye, the French do know how t' dress up ordinary things.)
  5. Wetzels (Hot soft pretzels...)
  6. The hairs went up on the back o' me neck, it sounded like a heavy body had fallen in t' a pit. I scowled at Red Cat, if she had shot a member o' the TRIBE, it ment we'd drawn first blood. I had a bad feelin' 'bout this. Surely that shot would wake someone or alert a sentry. "Red Cat, head back t' the boat an take Silkie wit' ye." I didn't wait fer her response, an walked quickly wit' Ransom, in the direction the thud had come from. The moon was high overhead, but this was dense jungle like growth, I didn't want t' stumble in t' a trap. I heard a familiar voice ahead o' me, as I inched forward through the bush. I stopped at the edge of a hole in the earth, dropped t' me knees t' get a better look."Oi, anyone down there!" I said in a low voice.
  7. Life Savers (Candy... I like the cherry ones.)
  8. Sir William, are ye sayin' ye want us t' eat crow? (They look like tentacle t' me; it's perspective I suppose.)
  9. Thanks fer the label, I thought it was baby Kraken pie!
  10. (Nay, I be jammin'!) Raspberry jam
  11. Aye, the shots caught us all by surprise, but it were only two shots. "Red Cat, simmer down lass!" I hissed, "The only thing that will give away our position, is if we start arguin' an fussin' right here." I whispered, "If it were another ship they'd o' returned fire, mayhaps the TRIBE tried t' board the Rakehell!" Good man, that Africa, I thought. I smiled an nodded at Ransom, she seemed t' hav reached the same conclusion her self. Ransom pointed at the last known place we saw Roberts, an we edged our way closer t' his position. I stopped dead in me tracks, somethin' or someone was comin' straight at us, at a full charge; this time I drew me pistol.
  12. Eyes, that is an amazin' transformation, mate!
  13. Iron Bess, mayhaps we can do a Baconfest West fer ye, luv! After all, "It's all 'bout the food!"
  14. So this is a good time t' challenge ye t' a duel... eh? Let yer self mend Red-Handed Jill, get healthy luv.
  15. Blackbonie, the lads are right, don't lop off yer head luv. Yer more attractive than the rest o' us, an we include our mugs in our pics. The jacket needs buttons (I'm sure ye know this), an I'd say the pants says Hollywood or at least Sunset Strip (The Roxy); but it all says, Pirate!
  16. The range of talent o' yer crew is boundless!
  17. Pale (Do some just stand at the gate, an go no further?)
  18. Sterling's Archangel's, whose goin' Hollywood now? (The Charlie's Angels style shadow picture is very funny!)
  19. Shout (I'm sure they bus 'em in t' see yer place.)
  20. fright (I believe ye will, get 'em back; saw yer Halloween photos of some very scary stuff.)
  21. traps (t' catch the vandals, if they come back!)
  22. platform (sometimes used fer puttin' toilet paper in apple trees.)
  23. prank (Why do they call 'em practical? Wot's practical 'bout pullin' toilet paper out o' a tree, unless it's reusable?)
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