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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Since everyone seems t' be orderin' up their favorites, I'll hav a toasted bagel wit' raspberry jam. (Me stomach is growlin'.)
  2. Innocent (Hardly... Pirate!)
  3. "Aye, the Relentless is in Havana, I know it. They've no where else t' go." Pointin' t' the harbor at Havana, "No one will be lookin' fer the Rakehell, fer no one there knows I'm aboard her." I laughed, "T' the crew o' the Relentless I died, an fer now, that suits me purpose." "I know wot yer thinkin', Spoons will be lookin' over his shoulder wonderin' if yer followin' him." I paused, "Trust me, his hands are tied in Havana; so are yers. We will deal wit' him later, away from Havana."
  4. jiggle (Bouncy sums up a lot of pop songs an pop culture)
  5. Ye know Patrick, Ransom carries a rapier an she's not afraid t' use it. Aye, the scene looks like it's out of a Doris Day movie wit' feathers everywhere.
  6. Ye know it's hard t' get a decent (or indecent) pillow fight goin' wit' the ladies sittin' round orderin' drinks! I brush the down from me face, an start lobbin' pillows at the lasses (wit' all zippers removed). Enjoyin' watchin' the pillows explode on impact.
  7. Beyonce (member o' Destiny's Child)
  8. Shirts and skins games only take place durin' boys' P.E. classes or mayhaps pay per view? But all the same, a pillow fight wit' these lasses is not t' be missed. (Jacky picks up a down filled pillow an takes a swing at the ladies...)
  9. Yer toddlers need time wit' other toddlers. Parks, Mommy & me classes, or friends wit' little ones will help ye keep yer sanity. Sides I'm pretty sure they don't allow any alcoholic beverages at most o' those first two places.
  10. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
  11. That is one serious lookin' spoon, Chole! I've seen smaller clubs.
  12. Tinker Toys (Another childhood favorite.)
  13. President Lincoln
  14. Saw ye lurkin' 'bout, an wondered when ye'd get around t' introducin' yer self. So, Sebastien yer a west coast pirate an a French pirate no less? Bienvenue monsieur, an thank ye fer the drink.
  15. Ye are well met, Iron Jim. A bio an ye offered drinks wit' bein' asked. So, tell us a bit 'bout yer self, an wot brings ye t' this fine establishment. I bein' havin' an ale, thank ye.
  16. Jacky offers a hand t' Red CAt, an helps her t' her feet. I turn t' Silkie an Ransom, "If I were ye both, I'd take yer plunder an run!"
  17. It looked like I wasn't the only one concerned 'bout our latest guest. "I heard wot ye said t' Tunny. I wondered the same me self. Mayhaps we all should keep a weathered eye on our guest?" Ransom smiled, an I said, "I didn't get a chance t' properly thank ye, fer savin' me hide back there." I paused an smiled, "Mayhaps ye'll let me make it up t' ye in Havana, wit' a night on the town?" She said, "Would that be before or after we get your ship back?"
  18. Blackbonie, the pencil drawin' is very nice. It reminds me o' the ladies the flyers use t' paint on their planes in WWII.
  19. If we were all t'gether, I'd even share wit' yer self Mister Hand. After all, ye did say we were all, "Brethren of the Toast!"
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