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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. As Dillard an I were 'bout t' enter the cantina, I felt a feelin' at the back o' me neck. "I feel a change in the weather comin' on, or worse." I said. Dillard looked at the clear sky, an then stared blankly at me. We opened the door t' the cantina an were greeted wit' shouts, "Hola comodoro Tar!"
  2. Me favorite drink on Catalina Island! Buffalo Milk 1 Shot Vodka 1/4 Shot Dark Creme de Cacao 1/4 Shot Light Creme de Cacao 1/2 Shot Kahlua 1/2 Shot Half & Half 1/2 Fresh Banana Ice Whipped Cream Nutmeg Fill a tall glass with ice. Blend the ice and the first six ingredients until smooth. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with nutmeg. Then sip the drink an sit on the beach an watch the world go by!
  3. parley (wit' friends not enemies.)
  4. ^ Likes t' solve problems fer others... Now, if he could just get this mug off his mug.
  5. I turned t' Dillard, "See, we haven't even officially docked in Havana, an we already hav a dinner engagement!" The color was startin' t' return t' Dillard's face. "If Havana is anythin', it isn't borin'. We need t' get cleaned up, but first I think we need a drink." Dillard nodded. "If we walk t' the beginnin' o' this pier, there's a little waterin' hole, where we can get that drink." I got no argument from the lad, so we walked.
  6. Wot's this, Lady B an Merrydeath, leavin' port fer a bit? Fair winds an followin' seas t' ye both. Be safe out there.
  7. Grabs BessFlint's yummy plate o' toast... as all the Americans are not sleepin'.
  8. Sir William, the apple crisp ala mode looks excellent! Thank ye.
  9. And that the outcome of those wars ended over dessert an a cappuccino!
  10. ^ Rarely shows his head (er.. face).
  11. Raphael offered t' send a carriage back t' the dock at seven, but I declined his offer. He was 'bout t' leave, when I asked, "Raphael, may I bring some other guests t' dinner this evenin'?" He glanced at Dillard, an whispered, "See that they dress better." We both chuckled. I watched Raphael return t' his carriage.
  12. Raphael was a handsome man, wit' a broad face an broad middle t' match. He approached me wit' open arms an we exchanged greetings. I looked behind him an saw a line o' soldiers, lead by Diego. "I see ye brought company!" Raphael's mood changed as quickly as he turned. He towered over Diego.
  13. I looked at Dillard an smiled, "Let's hav us some fun." I pulled the tiller, an we began t' travese the dock. Diego started cursin' an shoutin' orders. The soldiers ran down the dock t' intercept us at our new landin' spot. I changed course again, an headed back up along the dock. The soldiers rushed t' where they believed we were headin' now. A large stately lookin' carriage was now runnin' up the dock, as well. The driver pressed the horses through the soldiers flank, an a couple soldiers fell off the dock. The crest on the carriage door was familiar. It was time t' dock.
  14. (It's not a mystery Lily... happens t' me all the time!) Enigma
  15. (Is losin' track o' time the same thing? - was referrin' t' Timeless) Ancient
  16. Red Cat... some people just are...
  17. Good (It's all a matter o' perception... That was "Wicked" the musical.)
  18. As we approached the docks, I spied a welcomin' party waitin' fer us. Navarro had sent Diego back t' wait fer us t' come ashore, along wit' double the soldiers this time. It would be harder t' intimidate the lieutenant on Spanish soil.
  19. ^ Me dad loved sauerkraut. Thank goodness me mom always served mashed potatoes when she served this rottin' form o' cabbage. I'd mix it in the potatoes, so I could swallow the stuff. < Funny I love kimchi, but the German equivalent never did tempt me palate. V Hate one thing, but love somethin' else which is almost the same?
  20. Pirates of Penzance (Pirates o' the Opera)
  21. Very sorry t' hear 'bout yer father passin', Silkie. Prayers fer yer father, family an yer self.
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