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Everything posted by Jacky Tar
(The lads hear Bonnie Red Weasel's remark, see her slip in t' her cheerleadin' attire and they all scramble fer gloves.)
(Lost in thought... lost soul... Or yer just lost?) Found
(I know where I am, why do I need a map?) Home
(Tote 'em here... tote 'em there... Where do ye want 'em?) Location
gonna have to get dirtier than that, boys Aye, lads how 'bout a game o' pirate football, in the rain, wit' Bonnie Red Weasel an Red CAt cheerin' us on? (A few o' ye lads put on gloves, the CAt wants clean nails.)
I turned t' whisper my response t' Ransom, "That dinner invitation was fer one, luv." I believe Ransom blushed! Looking at Nate's gift, I realized that Navarro thought Nate knew how t' use one. "So, Nate how is yer study o' Capo Ferro?"
'Though I was only able t' visit wit' pubbers on Saturday, these are a few members I saw... Patrick Hand, is the go t' guy fer makin' just 'bout anything! He is generous an happily shares wot he knows wit' others. Red-Handed Jill, Jack an the pirates from the Tales o' the Seven Seas, hav the friendliest encampment ye would ever want t' visit. They greet ye, brand ye, an put on quite a black powder show (even in the rain)! Also, they are generous, kind, an held an auction wit' lot's o' plunder fer auction (t' support the Royalist). Durty Mick Moon, he does look like Long John Silver an casts a very long shadow. Rumba, she has competition in the trick my motorized chair category. Rumba has quite an impressive ride, wit' Dead Fred on the bow; however, I saw another sportin' a mermaid on her bow. Ransom, wit' her mate Chain Shot were present an accounted fer; I was fortunate enough t' spend most o' the day wit' them. Ransom it seems had a bad case o' happy feet, an could be found dancin' anytime music was present (Who knew?). Kenneth, who has a personality wit' out caffine, an is well on his way t' bein' a splendid pirate. Oderlesseyes, an his charmin celtic bride, who made off wit' a bit o' plunder from the auction, as well. Iron Bess, I'd be remiss, if I didn't mention Herself. Whom I only saw briefly after she tried t' knock me down; 'course Herself didn't hav her sword drawn this time. There is still time t' share in this event, as the event runs this weekend as well. Alas, the rain an a few o' us will not be there.
Chrissie Hynde, lead singer o' the Pretenders.
All eyes turned on Nate, an ye could here a pin drop, it got so quiet. I feared Nate might make some other remark an embarrass himself or worse. "Nate, all this prattle is just dinner conversation. No points t' be made here." I turned t' our host, "T'morrow the Relentless will dock. We are a bit shorthanded, so if ye would make sure we hav a few extra stevedores, I would be indebted." Raphael nodded an said he would.
Fan Fair (CMA Music Festival)
I chuckled softly, "Capitan, it's a good thing the Cat doesn't speak Spanish." "I doubt yer brother shares yer fervor to make Havana a Spanish only port o' trade," I said more loudly, as Raphael returned t' the table.
"Capitan Navarro, did ye suspect I wasn't aboard me ship, when ye had yer men board the Relentless?" "How was it that yer men knew I was comin' ashore, so that they might collect me?" The Relentless had sailed in an out o' Havana many times, wit' out bein' boarded, save once. Wot was Navarro lookin' fer this time? Did he know 'bout the mutiny? Or the emeralds?
Bein' a member o' the tye dyed, tree huggin', granola eatin'... well ye get the idea... I was here in the 60's. So, if Red CAt wasn't, that puts her in her thirties (Fer those born after the sixties, ye can take out yer calculators t' do the math).
Seein' the Jolly Roger flyin' over the tower at JFK, an hearin' a voice wit' a Bronks accent say, "Prepare t' be boarded!" Aye, she'll be drivin' those security types insane.
Welcome Poopdeck Pappy! Happy Birthday t' ye as well; so, you'll be buyin' two rounds fer the house! Check the Raids section o' the Pub, fer 'Talk like a Pirate events', here in SoCal.
"Capitan Navarro, it has been some time since we shared a cena, together. Why the sudden interest in yer brother's business?"
Juan Francisco was bein' gracious an charmin'! I wanted t' tell him he'd taken his brother's seat, but at the moment I was struck by how he had not broken eye contact wit' Ransom; she had still not released me hand. And I was still wit' out a sword an only inches away from a sworn mortal enemy. "Aye, Capitán Juan Francisco Navarro may I introduce my companion, Ransom."
I heard a familiar voice approaching, as he shouted at the servants. I saw the shock of black curly hair come through the door way. There was the scar on the cheek (right where I left it). It was Juan Francisco Navarro, makin' a dramatic entrance. There I sat without a weapon, an he was still carryin' his sword. The rules never applied t' Juan Francisco, he just enforced them. An eerie calm came over me an I was able t' ferget 'bout Ransom fer a minute, until Juan Francisco's eyes settled on her.
^ Best part - bein' there. Worst part - comin' home. < Most vacations are too short. V Wot's yer favorite weekend get-a-way?
Jacky notices a bunch o' fresh scrubbed pirates rollin' around in the dirt, t' get the Red Weasel's attention.
Red Cat wanted t' talk now in private, but I was all talked out an I told her so. I heard Ransom offer t' return Nate t' the sea, if he didn't remember his place. I wondered if I'd wish t' join him 'fore this night was over.
Aye, Ransom had been as true a friend an comrade in arms as a man could ask. I didn't see how me unspoken past wit' the Spanish, could be misconstrued as a breach o' trust. Her emotions betrayed the real reason fer her frustration, it was the unspoken bond they shared that tore at her heart. She meant more t' him than ship or crew, but it was those very things that kept them apart. Underneath it all she was still a woman, his woman, if he'd let her be. "Hold out yer hand," I said t' Ransom. "Just hold out yer hand, please." Ransom did so reluctantly. I pulled an emerald, the size of a robin's egg, out of me pocket an placed it in her hand. She stared blankly at it and turned it over in her hand. "When cut an polished, it would be fit fer a queen." I looked in her the face, "This is me last secret fer this port, I swear. I transport emeralds from Colombia, fer certain persons. These trades don't appear on the books an if discovered I could be held as a smuggler." Such trades are needed t' grease the wheels o' commerce in Havana an other ports, but she knew that. She didn't seem t' care, so I said, "The stone is yers, an if ye decide t' leave t'morrow, I understand. Sell or trade the cargo aboard yer ship as ye choose. Mayhaps ye'll stay a day or two longer here, while we tend t' the business at hand. Ye hav several bargainin' chips now, so no one will touch yer ship." Why didn't I tell her I loved her an plead wit' her not t' return t' Port Royal? It was too late fer that now; she wouldn't believe me. I left the balcony an returned t' the dinnin' room.
I excused me self, and followed Ransom out on t' the balcony. Away from pryin' eyes, I said, "Aye, I hav history wit' some in this port. As fer Nunez, maybe he'd be happier if I let 'em go down wit' his ship." "Nunez, was not a captain, when we first met. The Relentless was anchored in the Dry Tortugas. We had hooked a wreck wit' grapnels an were doin' a bit o' salvagin'." "Nunez's ship, a galleon happened upon us. They fired a shot across our bow, as the Spanish were wont t' do, us bein' in Spanish waters. Their captain didn't know these waters an came in closer, an got his ship reefed." "I sent over water an offered t' take some o' their passengers back t' Havana. That's how I met Raphael Navarro." "Nunez, wit' some marines, were sent t' accompany Senor Navarro back t' Havana."
"Excuse me. I hav t' take a cold shower."
Aye, since it's yer birthday celebration I'll serve ye, on yer lounge. Just don't ask me t' peel yer grapes, like Herself does. (It's all 'bout the food wit' that woman.)