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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. (a dead drop an a sudden stop!) gallows
  2. Yer pretty colorful yerself, William (Are ye a maple?). Very nice picture o' the clan Red Wake!
  3. Wit' a bit o' moon lite left t' sail by, I could make out the unmistakable raked sails o' the Rakehell. A lit lantern aft an stern, so Africa would see us comin', we made way fer Ransom's ship. Didn't need no one turnin' a swivel gun on us, since the long boat was not from the Rackhell. I wanted t' get back t' the Relentless, an find out why Silkie (not Roberts) had sent another long boat, t' fetch us. This day had presented us wit' so many course changes, wot was one more!
  4. (Yer a pirate, an ye hav t' ask?) Loving gaze
  5. I'm still laughin' about Gentleman of Fortune sayin', "Screw authenticity!" in Twill!
  6. "I really don't like you, would you like a cookie?" "If ye hated me, would ye buy me dinner?" JT
  7. (When it looks like ye spend eight hours a day in the gym an hav six pack abs!) Physical attraction
  8. The horses an I were both lathered, an I was glad when the docks were within sight. The horses slowed t' a brisk walk, as we ambled up t' the docks. I saw no signs o' Navarro's men anywhere, not even in the shadows where I imagined them t' be. The horses stopped at the end of the pier. I set the brake and jumped down t' open the door o' the carriage, t' check on my companions (whom had not shouted any unkind remarks, the last mile or so).
  9. Aye, a very nice sword Ransom. Chain Shot did ye right wit' that gift. Lookin' forward t' seein' ye wear that wit' yer garb, at some future event.
  10. (Other remarks...) Wot, did no one else hear weddin' bells? Wot do ye mean she's easy, didn't ye see the spikes on the corset? Why has no one else jumped on this? (I meant the thread!)
  11. The coachman was missin' an the large doors t' the Castillo were open. Peerin' inside, I remarked, "Suppose were just t' make ourselves at home." I turned t' Ransom, "I'm not waitin' fer the welcomin' party. Get back in the carriage, we're goin' t' the docks." Helpin' Ransom back in t' the carriage an then I climbed in t' the driver's seat. Once the reins were loose, I released the brake and gave the reins a snap. The carriage lurched forward as the horses started t' pull. "Aye, I could do this!" I thought. Along the way, cursin' everytime the moon passed behind a cloud as we hurtled down the hillside, I'd pull back on the reins. My best efforts t' keep the carriage on the road did not go unheeded by the horses. While I received no protests from the horses, I could not say the same 'bout me companions in the carriage.
  12. Makes one wonder
  13. (Reads Red CAt's description... goes back t' the picture.) Hmmm. (Reads Red CAt's description... goes back t' the picture.) Well.. (... goes back t' the picture.) I have no idea wot she's talkin' about! (... goes back t' the picture.)
  14. I must o' dozed off, when suddenly the carriage lurched t' a stop. Somethin' didn't smell right, where were we? Even fer bein' late, the sounds o' the docks were absent. The door o' the carriage swung open, an I believe we were at the gates o' Castillo del Morro.
  15. Happy (If the lasses want t' wear pearls, heels and fishnet stockings.)
  16. Arrow (Straight through the heart.)
  17. Zephaniah, thanks fer the link back t' Patrick's oringinal post, much appreciated mate. Casket Chris, truthfully mate yer version looks first rate. I like the wider waist band wit' two buttons. Did ye create a paper pattern or modify the Sparrow breeches one free hand?
  18. Retired!!! Truly gone mad he did. Wot was the lad thinkin'? Givin' that kind o' responsibility an power t' that fur ball! Oh... Hi Red CAt! Congrats luv.
  19. Alright CasketChris, I'm inspired now. Where did ye get the pattern fer the slops? The pockets look like those on me Jas Townsend an Son breeches. Great job, I'm sure Patrick is proud his message has been heard.
  20. I chuckled, "Relax Nate, yer sword an pistol are under the carriage seat, safe an sound. I opened me jacket an displayed me pistol." "The bath house will be closed at this hour. There's a boardin' house nearby, where we can take lodgin' then pick up everyone's effects in the mornin'." I tipped me tricorn back over me eyes, sunk back in t' a corner o' the carriage, as we trundled down the road towards the boardin' house.
  21. Just pearls!
  22. Saw yer behind, never saw ye talk out of it. I've heard tell ye let yer flintlocks an swords do the talkin' fer ye.
  23. Répondez s'il vous plaît (Aye, RSVP.)
  24. Reluctantly, I turned to Raphael Navarro, an explained that we too must depart. A sad expression came over his face, an he apologized for his brother's behavior an that of the other capitans. "Senor Navarro, ye hav been a most gracious host. My campanions an I thank ye." So we made our good byes. Ransom an I each helped the others t' their feet, an we staggered fer the door.
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