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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Cascabel, when the tall fellas pass out we just use 'em as spars. We had a main mast crack, an Patrick was rummed up, so we spliced him t' the main mast. Made it in t' port, under full sail, fer the lad even woke up! Aye, another short pirate on deck.
  2. "I haven't even dressed 'em up wit' the whip cream, yet!" (Ye got t' luv pirate women!)
  3. (According t' experts... No one knows fer sure if the sky is fallin'.) Daffy Duck
  4. "Why are the fountains always milk chocolate?" Jacky melts some dark chocolate an hand dips a few strawberries, fer Silkie.
  5. (The sky isn't fallin' Lily.) Come back... come back!
  6. (Maximum terminal velocity fer any fallin' body is 220 mph.) Dead Duck
  7. Jacky rushes in t' the Kate, "Hope I haven't missed Silkie's party!"
  8. With all earnest, I said t' Ransom, "I wasn't implyin' that this visit t' Havana was a bad idea. It was the only course we could o' taken t' get back the Relentless." "Nunez still holds me culpable fer his ship sinkin'." I paused long enough t' taste the pork. I turned t' any that would listen, "This is the best braised pork I've ever tasted!" Ransom grabbed me, an said, "You sunk his ship?" Nate fell back in t' his chair, an reached fer the nearest bottle. "Nay, I never even opened a gun port t' his vessel."
  9. Our host still had not returned t' the table, when they started servin' the second course, a Spanish pork braise. I glanced up, an saw wot kept Raphael occupied, a very animated captain Nunez. Apparently my presence was takin' a unexpected toll on our hosts' guest list. I turned t' Ransom, "I doubt we will be so warmly welcomed next time. In fact I'm beginnin' t' seriously doubt if we should pass this way on our return trip."
  10. ^ Aye, lots o' dark chocolate an a good cappuccino. < 'Course I suppose there's other things t' shake the blues... but in a pinch, dark chocolate is easy t' get an non-habit formin'. V Wot makes ye happy?
  11. Road Runner (outwits Wile E. Coyote... priceless)
  12. Welcome back Filch... er.. I mean Thomas! We haven't seen many Sheppeys lately, I trust yer all just busy plunderin' an such.
  13. Aye, I had me concerns. The treasure fleet was in port a month a head o' schedule. Some o' the mutineers from me ship were in port. Ransom looked like she were ready pull anchor an leave Havana. Me ship had been boarded once. Oi... an I'm smugglin' emeralds in t' port. Aye, everthin' was goin' according t' plan. The grinnin' Red Cat looked like she were trying t' out lady Ransom. She got me attention, an I said, "So, Red Cat is the food t' yer likin'?" She nodded, an I thought well at least she's usin' a fork an not wipin' her hands on her dress. Truth be told, the ladies t' my surprise were behavin' like ladies!
  14. I whispered t' Ransom, "Only if we try t' take his treasure fleet!" I pulled off a piece o' the chicken, washed it down wit' a nice Spanish wine an nodded t' captain Cardona.
  15. Our attention was directed t' the food, a dish that needed no knife, a very tender baked chicken. I watched the conversation 'tween Raphael an Captain Cardona. I could tell Cardona was not happy t' see me an still regarded me wit' disdain. "Bloody hell, ye'd think I boarded his ship," I muttered.
  16. I saw Ransom's mock expression, an realized there would be hell t' pay later. I quickly interjected, "Not in their employ as a map maker, an they were kind enough t' return me charts." Navarro was quick at table politics, an remarks like his could make or break deals. "The Spanish hav boarded the Relentless before an borrowed some things, as it were."
  17. I didn't like where this was conversation was goin' an neither did the Spanish captains, as they moved further away from our table. "Senor Navarro is too kind. It looks like the captains won't be joinin' us fer dinner." Captain Cardona whispered something t' Nunez an moved closer t' the door.
  18. I didn't respond immediately, I noticed the pair had found the drinks. "Si, Senor Navarro, Nate an the lass Red Cat are wit' me." Raphael found this amusin' as well and started t' chuckle.
  19. I chuckled, "Ella es Ransom!" Raphael still looked puzzled and proceeded t' kiss the back o' Ransom's hand. "Raphael, puedo introducir a capitán Ransom." Raphael looked even more amused wit' Ransom's title.
  20. As promised, a large maitre d' stepped up an politely requested we check our arms. I handed the gent me pistol, an nodded t' Nate t' do the same. Wit' a pained expression on his face, he handed over his pistol an cutlass. I smiled an thanked the gentleman, an whispered t' Ransom, "We better get some food an drink in t' ol' Nate quickly, he looks as pale as a sheet."
  21. I glanced over me shoulder an saw Red Cat's attempt t' curtsy, "Will ye both relax! Red Cat ye just curtsied t' Navarro's wine steward." This remark caused Nate t' grin, again. "Nate, they'll be takin' our arms 'fore we are allowed in the dinin' room; so, say yer good-byes now." A worried look passed over Nate's face, which made Red Cat grin. Ransom seemed more poised then any o' us. She was even able t' tread lightly on the tiles in her boots an thus sustain her illusion o' the fashionably attired lady. I muttered, "We should hav left 'em in the carriage." She tugged my arm lightly in the direction o' the dining room, 'fore I could turn around. So many servants rushin' about, yet ours was the only carriage under the portico, they must be expectin' more guests.
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