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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. And I'm sure that my wayward wifemate, Captain Wench, or should I say, Mrs. Honour (Bright) Wolfe, will be close behind.

    Mrs. Honour (Bright) Wolfe?

    Me thinks yer just back t' do some braggin', when ye need t' be pourin' some more drinks.

    Welcome back Mad Jack.

  2. I glanced at the docks an caught site o' her. "Wot had Raphael done t' me? I asked fer a cook an he sends a powder keg!" I muttered.

    Aye, she was easy enough on the eyes an not a bad cook either; but stories o' men goin' t' war over women like her, were not too far off the mark.

    I walked ov'r to the railing an shouted t' her, "I'll wager yer lookin' fer the Relentless."

    She stood wit' her hands firmly on her hips an smiled up at me. I watched her clamber up the gang plank in bare feet an I wondered, "Should I negotiate the terms o' surrender now, or later?"

  3. Hoping t' lift Silkie's spirits, I said, "We'll be visitin' a local inn fer a bite 'fore we shove off."

    T' Roberts, "We set sail fer Port Bayou St. Jean t'morrow, I'll explain later why the change." Roberts nodded, an didn't look too surprised.

    I was still concerned Capitan Navarro would not be happy wit' me refusal of his offer; but I knew we'd be better off wit' out any deals from him. I'd sent Smithe t' give my answer t' the capitan an I was anxious fer Smithe t' return.

  4. Hot Chocolate.... and before everyone jumps on me because that wasn't one of the choices.... since when do I play by the rules? ;)

    Aye, an Hot Chocolate goes wit' yer strong pyrate hunter image!

    Would ye like wit' whipped cream?

  5. Aye, I didn't envy Ransom collectin' her drunken crew. Wot little crew I had left was still aboard, except Roberts an Silkie, whom I spied driftin' along the docks.

    Dillard, Stones, Jonesy an Smithe were stowin' provisions Raphael Navarro's men had delivered. I noted we still had aboard a few Dutch sailors, whom accordin' t' Dillard, had not sided wit' Spoons; at this point I was glad t' hav any extra able-bodied seaman.

    I sent word t' Raphael that I desperately needed a cook, an a reminder that I still had some undelivered cargo fer him. I believe a meal t'night at a nearby inn, fer the crew might be in order, as well.

    Hearin' Ransom's partin' remarks, I mumbled t' me self, "A couple o' borin' days at sea would suit me just fine, right now."

  6. "Ships are compared t' women, why not the Kate (she bears a woman's name). The Kate offers things conducive to pleasure and comfort, as well as food an drink. Aye, she is woman."

  7. Ransom was a scrapper, not that I wanted t' run from a fight, but I didn't want t' start one I couldn't win. "Nay, we will make our goodbyes. If Navarro gives chase, will make 'em wish he hadn't."

    My crew was a bit lean an the port o' St. Jean was a several days out; so, I wondered how the crew would take the news regardin' our next port o' call?

    "Ransom, we will need t' prepare t' leave Havana. Best inform yer crew o' the change." I paused, "Let's keep any discussion 'bout future plans just t' the next port o' call, shall we?"

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