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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Jacky enters the Kate an pulls up a chair next t' Ransom.

    "Aye, I'll hav a glass o' wine as well. A Cabernet is wot' I've brought, I hope the proprietor won't mind?"

    Jacky stops t' admire Ransom's new cutlass, "Aye, a trip t' the Kate has been long over due. I don't suppose I can use yer cutlass t' open this bottle?"

  2. ^ Hopefully, somewhere away from all this smoke an ash!

    < October has become our annual fire season, it's terrible. I want the leaves t' change t' red wit' out goin' up in flames!

    V Anyone enjoyin' fall color?

  3. Dillard entered the galley. "Mister Dillard, reacquainting yer self wit' the lay o' the ship? I believe the main deck is the other direction." I smiled, an offered him a sausage from the pan. "Grab yer self a mug, I believe Silkie has some coffee ready as well."

    He knuckled his forehead, took out a knife an stabbed a sausage and went in search of a mug. Returnin' the pan t' the stove I said, "Send the other lads around fer a bit t' eat. Then get the men topside, we hav a ship t' dock!"

  4. ^ Aye, but me first mate won't let me look!

    < A beach, an umbrella an a bucket o' Coronas wit' lime... Where did the summer go?

    V Are ye missin' summer or relishin' fall?

  5. I gladly accepted the coffee, chuckled at the sweet remark an stared at the spoon, which was standin' straight up in the oatmeal. "After we dock we need t' search in earnest fer a cook, or the crew over sleepin' will be the least of our problems."

    There's some sausages an bacon in the larder, I thought I best fry some up. The coffee was passable, so I asked, "Silkie, if ye could make some more coffee fer the crew." I looked 'bout fer the large fryin' pan, "An I'll fry up some sausages. At least the lads will hav somethin' in their bellies!"

  6. I ignored Silkie's remarks 'bout wot she heard. She couldn't hav... I wondered.

    The sun was risin' an me first mate an last first mate were still in their bunks! I brushed by Silkie, an went below t' raise the crew.

    "Alright, ye scurvy lot, all hands on deck!" I bellowed. Every man jack was in his, hammock fast asleep. Frustrated, I started tippin' bunks. "Are ye sailors, or landlubbers?"

    Dillard was the only one who landed on his feet, an gave half a salute. "Topside Mister Dillard!" I shouted, he smiled at that remark.

    I turned t' go t' the galley. As I entered the galley, I was greeted by Silkie, again.

  7. I rousted the lads whom had brought the long boat over, the crew o' Relentless might need the boat t' help dock the ship. Also, I wanted t' be back aboard sooner than later.

    As we rowed toward the Relentless, I noted a lack of crew on deck. 'Twas early still, an no doubt the decks would be bristling wit' activity soon enough. But why wasn't Roberts on deck... or Dillard?

  8. Miss Piggy??

    Miss Piggy showin' herself durin' Baconfest, an at the Tsunami Kate!

    Will Kermit be puttin' an appearance in, when Sir William is servin' frog legs?

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