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Everything posted by Rosalinda

  1. Hmmm, well, rock music worked, for me at least, whilst watching A Knight's Tale (Heath Ledger also worked for me as the lead character, but that's another story). So perhaps if the music fits the imagery, then I say rock on. My "screenplay," which is now in the works thanks in part to some of you Pyracy Pub people, is a DROMEDY, rated a very strong R for Language, Nudity, Sex, and Violence. Whee! While I seriously doubt it will ever make it's way into the hands of a studio for their kind consideration, it will certainly be printed on 70mm cinemascoptic celluloid in Dobly Digital Surround that I loving refer to as "my brain on Depp." Who would play the HMFIC? Gotta be Depp, but I'd have him a little cleaned up. Minus the dreadlocks, minus the grime under the fingernails, minus the funky gotee. Hair in a ponytail---looking more like himself, but keep the kohl 'round the eyes. Add a large gold earring and more than one shot for the pistol, and several major love scenes. I'm certain Disney wouldn't stand for this one bit. Lawsuit? But here's the good news. Arch enemy #1 would be Benicio Del Toro! He'd be another pirate (from Spain), but more wicked and evil than the Depp pirate, and several R-rated scenes containing more nudity, violence, language and sex, not necessarily in that order. Hoo-raaahhh! As far as the score goes, I'm into gypsy (flaminco) music at the moment, but I don't think it's appropriate to the period. But who am I kidding? I don't know jack about the period. All I can say is the score would be all instrumental. I can't stand musicals. Perhaps something Pink Floyd-esque?
  2. An speakin' o Cap'n Jack Sparrow...I'd like to git me hands on a little action figure of 'im me self, I would! I can only hope he'll be the same size as my little Dana Scully action figure. Things could work out quite well between the two o 'em. Especially since I had to destroy the Fox Mulder action figure after seeing that wretched movie Evolution. Scully doll's been feeling a bit lonely an' a nice little pirate feller might be just the ticket. I find it hard to swallow that the suits at Disney would miss out on a money making machine from the sales of action figures and the like for POTC. An' I'd like to be wearin' Jack Sparrow all over me body. "aaaaarrrrrhhhh," she sighed wistfully.
  3. Would it be possible that, whilst docked in Jamaica, a Pirate might have enjoyed himself a spleef or two...or more? Or do pirates predate the use of such herbal indulgences? I really have no idea how long the "crop" has been growing in Jamaica, but if anyone were going to use it, I would think Pirates would have been in the forefront of that trend...
  4. Pirates of the Caribbean is me most favorite...because I think all pirates should be at least half staggering drunk all the time or completely drunk half of the time...and slur their words as much as possible. Bonus points for wearing dreadlocks and painting the eyes with kohl (though I doubt that's authentic). Extra bonus points for just looking very much like a bad-arse pirate enough to make even a 48 year old lass squeel with excitement. Uh, I'm not talking about me self, mind ya! Because, of course, I'd bloody hafta kill Jack Sparrow if I met him, I would! But not before I was done with him...
  5. Treasure Island. I'm in the middle of a prairie about 50 miles north of Denver. Damn. Does that count? But I've never read Treasure Island before...so stop laughing, OK?
  6. Yous guys are a wealth of information. Thanks to all of you for your help! Cheers! Rosalinda
  7. Well, it does take several years for contemporary slang or "new" words and terms to make it into a dictionary, so I could see the possibility that the word "savvy" may have been used for any number of years before making its official appearance in a dictionary. It probably took a lot longer back then for words to become mainstreem enough to "make their first appearance in written English.: Just a theory...it is a fun word...
  8. Thank you Angus, Deacon Frye, and Captain Sage! I really appreciate the response and direction. Savvy! God, I was born about 3 centuries too late! If only...
  9. Love this website. I've been looking for references to help me with a piece of writing I'm doing...ok, I'll admit it...it's that damn POTC movie that inspired me to write a piece of (gulp) FanFic. OK, there, I said it. Forgive me. But I've always had a thing for pirates, and rum-guzzling, swaggering, slurring, dreadlocked, square-jawed pirates with a mouth full o' gold are my particular area of interest. But only if they line their eyes with black kohl. I'm no downstream pirate groupie. I could use some help if anyone is so inclined to participate. Need two things: First, particular pirate slang words and their meaning(s). I mean, does the word 'savvy' mean 'understand' or what? I'm assuming it is French in origin? Or should I keep my assumptions to a minimum. Second, how would a pirate captain give orders aboard his ship. I did a lot of reading on the website for The Rose, and learned a little about the different parts of the ship, like the quarterdeck, great cabin, galley, etc. etc. But how might a captian shout orders to his crew, other than "Man the sails" or "Swab the deck" or "Tie up that wench so I can plunder her at a more convenient time"...?!? You get the idea. Thanks to all for allowing me to lurk and spy and ask for help with stupid things. Okay, here's my big finish: AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! How'd that sound?
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