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Everything posted by Rosalinda

  1. What I deleted had something to do with a cannon and a poker. And a tall ship. And a certain rogue captain who shall remain nameless.
  2. I couldn't have expressed it better. Makes me want to go back! Immediately.
  3. Sorry Batspell, I just had to go back and "PG-up" that post of mine! A little more info than needed by the general pyratical public...
  4. I'm ready for a good brandin', too. Let the wailin' begin!
  5. AARRRRRRRRRR Thinkin' 'bout that tattoo business again... I'm ready for it.
  6. William Topley's website... he seem's like a pirate to me... but you decide. William Topley on the 'Net
  7. Oh, brings back some real fond memories of the French Quarter, though. Sittin' at the Cafe Du Monde, sippin' strong coffee... loading up on sugar... chasing the pidgeons away... New Orleans is one of my favorite places on the planet. It's soooo haunted, by pirates et al... And Aunt Sallie's Pralines...
  8. How cute is that! Lovely little illustrations!
  9. That's just the problem... getting somewhere other than my own back yard. Feel kinda like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz... before the tornado.
  10. Yeah, you know a lot of pirates, Pirate! But do you know of any others running around the state of Colorado? Or is that just wishful thinkin' on my part?
  11. Hey, Darkmalkin... How about Colorado Pirates? Please don't tell me there's no such thing, or I'll likely die. Didn't notice any at this summer's RenFest. Realize it's highly unlikely... but a local Pirate or two, or more, would sure come in handy. Show me the way...
  12. I will be there, but in spirit only... Fire one off for me, Pirate!
  13. Aye, then why are you ridin' out gales in the Harbour? Pirate? Captain?
  14. Baptiste, You can sew all the button holes you want, and it will NEVER make you anything more than a seamstress. You can wear a mask if you wish...that makes you NOTHING more than a coward. You told me you were a mariner, but wouldn't admit to being a Pirate. So, I wonder, why you are so concerned with authenticity? Is it because you LACK that which would truly make you what you so deeply desire to be? Is it merely an extention of your mask, to hide more facts than it reveals? A true Pirate has NOTHING to prove to ANYONE. It's an element that lives in the blood, in the heart, and in the soul. Landlocked though I may be, I know the real thing when I see it. And it has nothing to do with wool, or weaving, or methods, or reenactment authenticity. It just is, and it needs no judgement or approval from anyone to be so. It follows no rules or guidelines or standards. And all of the namedropping in the world will not make it any different.
  15. Whoaaaaa! Baptiste, Careful now.
  16. Mr. Lasseter, I saw your photograph in the gallery. With your wife. Wonderful looking couple, I must say. You look quite dignified to me. Makes me want to stand up straight.
  17. BLOW BLOW BLOW Johnny Depp!
  18. I know of only one real Pirate. Reenactment is just that. Therefore, I see no cause to get terribly uptight about wardrobe, weapons, accessories.
  19. Speaking merely as an unfortunate outsider, isn't it a better thing to appreciate something completely, even though you are unable to emulate it to perfection, rather than having only a vague appreciation and complete authenticity and accuracy? Having enough gold to buy a kingdom does not necessarily make one a true king. But I do agree that knowing the skills, doing the work, experiencing as much as one can... is a better way. Did that make sense?
  20. Well said, Quill!
  21. I think that's the one...it's in the pub photo album... you told me to look at it last night. I was thinking it was the tops'l yardarm...still trying to find that. The reference image I use for ship parts leaves much to be desired. Looking good, Captain!
  22. They're both great, but with the love story in Rob Roy... it does have a slight edge over Braveheart... Got lost in the town in Scotland where William Wallace murdered the mayor who had his wife raped and killed. 30 miles south of Edinburgh. Spooky little town.
  23. Braveheart Rob Roy Maybe cause I spent time in Scotland... love those crazy fighting guys...
  24. Pirate, in the photo...what's that think you're standing on? Is it what I think it is?
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