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Everything posted by Rosalinda

  1. Forgive my ingorance, please. But any help is appreciated. These questions are related to tall ships with wooden hulls...without the power of an engine. I'll have a lot more questions just as stupid as these. Sure, I could find an instruction manual somewhere, maybe, but I'd prefer to here it from a pirate. How does a ship approach the dock? Sails down, I presume. But what prevents it from slamming into the dock? How does a ship leave the dock? Sails still down, or half mast? Is that the correct term? Must have wind to do either, right? Or do these ships just drop anchor and use a small rowboat to get to the dock?
  2. Well, I'll take a photo...maybe. I'm wondering how long it will take to heal. Don't they usually look pretty bad at first?
  3. A big handed pirate is a good thing.
  4. Called our local tattoo parlor this morning. They do piercing, too. Had an extra hole done in one ear many years ago so I could wear a single stud along with a pair of earrings...but it turns out they did it in the wrong ear. I heard something about if you wear a single stud in one ear, it means something, as in your sexual persuasion...depending on which ear it's in. I think I should have the other ear pierced now since I'm confused about what ear means what. Not that there's anything wrong with alternative life styles...but mine's not alternative. Also picking out my tattoo tonight. Think I'm going with the rose on the shoulder (back side) where it won't show up unless I want it to. Maybe after that I'll do the skull & crossbones...that's really the one I want but I'm not sure how it will look in 25 years. Or the rose for that matter...What I'm really after is a pirate's brand! Who knows what I'll walk out with...other than an empty bottle............. Yo ho HO!
  5. Another few lines from the title track from Prince of the Deep Water.... There's a hole in the sky and the sun's burning down and the wind on the water fills my sails with sound there's a reef around the island but the coral is dead from the filth in the water and the things that you said But the storms of my memory still come to plague from time to time but don't let the Fisher King trouble your mind You count on the grace of the Prince of the deep water If you cheated in love that can sometimes shape your destiny Some fly with the birds and some with more courtesy You count on the grace and favor of the Prince of the deep water Yeah, this sets my sails......
  6. OK. Just woke up after a night of dreamin' of the sea...and of pirates. Thought I needed some appropriate music, so I checked my CD library...what did I find? The Blessing is the band (William Topley ring any bells?). Prince of the Deep Water is the name of the CD. Popped it into the stereo...turned up the volume. Dogs watching me with terror in their eyes...God, I remember why I loved it so much....There's not a bad track on the album...and there's most definately a pirate mystique... Just a little sample from "Hurricane-Room" See me wistful in some harbour bar I tend the warm glass and the duelling scar I sing my misappropriation song for lovers land-locked far too long Oh come inside the hurrricane room......... If you don't have this...you really should get it. It'll make your ship rock.
  7. Well, if only I were on the Pacific coast, you might be tellin' a different story. Think I'll be mixin' up a little Witch's mojo for the Royaliste. Serious VooDoo.
  8. All of 'em! And that begs the question: how many cat fights would I have to engage in to be usin' mine? Blush! Me timbers have been shivered!
  9. I spend a lot of time in my non-existant ship...
  10. I could use a cigarette...
  11. Right back at ya', Royaliste...
  12. The Code? Why. them are just guidelines...
  13. Well...I imagine the moms are just bringing their kids along as an excuse! That's what I would do anyway. Then move in for the kill later...
  14. Aye. We've seen the "action" around our place pick up considerably...so there are no complaints when I suggest we go see POTC again. I recall when we were in the Bahamas several years ago... for a week staying at the Atlantis Hotel. We went to the Pirates Museum on Paradise Island...had a similar effect on me. It's a Win-Win situation. I'm assuming the love lives of all the real pirates on these boards has never suffered much...and now it's probably better than ever. Something about dangerous (yet adorable) men always fascinates me. I don't know why that is.
  15. A cover up? .............
  16. Breaks me heart just thinkin' about what I'm missin'...
  17. That's probably the ONLY way for me...
  18. I've been thinking about that, too. A lot. We have a nice little tatoo parlor right here in Longmont, Colorado. But I want something that will still look good when I'm 85 or so...not that anyone will be looking at it by then. I need to consider long and hard where I have this tatoo placed. And what it should be. Scull & Crossbones (on the ankle or upper thigh, or GAM as ya'll call it) A Rose (on the shoulder) Jack Sparrow (on the arse) Any suggestions? Does it hurt? How much does it cost...I realize prices will vary...
  19. Damn. That's a fine tatoo.
  20. I've seen POTC twice, two weekends in a row. It actually seemed shorter the second time, and I enjoyed it even more the 2nd time... I've read complaints that it was too long. I don't agree. I thought it was too short. I really hate being landlocked and wished I were near the Atlantic! Or the Pacific. Thinking about moving to New Orleans! On Pirate's Alley!
  21. I agree. My ears are too well refined (from years of Pink Floyd and Bob Dylan) to even think of listening to heavy metal. What I call Rock&Roll is more along the lines of late 60s to the late 70s and beyond in some cases. You know, the really GOOD music. Not the head-banging stuff. So, when I say "rock on" I don't mean "bite the head off the bat.". And I'm not that much of a Queen fan (although they were very good at the Anthem-type material), but it seemed to work for that particular movie...along with, who was it, SuperTramp or Rush or some band like that...maybe there was some Foghat, I don't recall. And some David Bowie. What ever it was, I think they geared it for a particular audience. Frankly, I loved the POTC soundtrack and like BIG, original, orchestrated scores for epic adventure films. As long as there's none of that musical nonsense ie "The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of MUZAK!" becuase I really hate musicals and because I'd hafta kill the persons sitting next to me if whatever I was watching on the screen suddenly broke out in a sing-along, a la Elvis Presley movies.
  22. Bloody 'ell! That image made me laugh so hard that I blew my tuna fish salad right through my nose! Very ladylike, indeed! What WERE they thinking, those Cabbage Patch creators? I can only hope that the Captain Jack Sparrow action figure is poseable with those bendable joint thingies! Because he's gonna need to be doin' some bendin' and stretchin' and...swaggerin''! I wonder if he'll come with a little Bottle o' Rum as an accessory? And a pair of hand irons. Yeah, we'll be needin' to do some hand cuffin' stunt work!
  23. My boyfriend and I played that game on the PC about 13 years ago or so. It was a hoot. I thought "they" were going to make a movie out of it...but I don't think it was ever made.
  24. Violet Radcliffe?
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