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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. See here is where I am on this right now. If the Japanesse did sign a treaty that says that they can not hunt whales then they are breaking the law. OKAY Now as it is a international law it needs to be handled by the goverenments. I know that such but it can not be handled by a bunch of vigleantes. One of those kids that thought that this was a good idea is going to get killed. I mean really, I have more experence with shipboard life than them. The other side is plain to see, if the Japanesse did not sign a treaty this is all out piracy plain and simple. If that is the case our government need to treat them just like any other criminal. Of course it is happening in international waters so what could out government really do?
  2. I watched Whale Wars the other day and I got to thinking. These people aren't any better than the Somolia pirates. What do you think?
  3. But should I work for more money to make life easier or work at needing less things to let myself enjoy life?
  4. I have been reclaiming some of the farm. So my fires are usually about 6 feet high and take several hours to burn down. All I have needed was wood, two matches, and two pizza boxes.
  5. https://www.reconstructinghistory.com/index.php?s=&r=Y Here is another site that I thought was lost.
  6. What I am looking for is a few ideas on sailors for the age. I think that there are alot of pirate figures at the festivals but not many real sailors. I think that I found some sites that I thought were lost. http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/ http://www.picturetrail.com/piratepics
  7. I am lost and looking for Kass's creations. If my memory is correct (which is not very often) Kass had some really good oufits for sailors of our period. I am also looking for the threads of pictures of saliors of the period. Looking for a place to start my new outfit. I want to go sailor instead of pirate, more versitale.
  8. I don't like this new format of the list of messages. I want to go back to the old way of having the last 10-15 messages posted.
  9. Man all I want to do is sleep. I am so out of it this week. I hardly even know what day of the week it is. Why am I doing this to myself? Does money really mean this much?
  10. What Captain Ron was not even on the list? I'm insulted.
  11. Here is a link to a woman I meet from Myspace. She makes some great looking corsets. Please check her out and let me know what you all think. http://www.graywolf-corsets.com/
  12. Come on ladies, can we get some pictures with those corsets? That way the rest of up can at least see how they fit. Yea that's right.
  13. My only word of advice is don't use to much gasoline, or all will go up in smoke. Sorry again I just have to say these things.
  14. Thx for the info. I will have to see if I can try this.
  15. Maybe she just likes it when it slips out. Sorry I just had to.
  16. If I was anywhere close I would so like to help.
  17. Okay with out reading any other replys I have to say that if it was a real Scottsman he would be wearing a kilt. I also have to say that I have kilt me a lot of pirates in my day.
  18. I know that we all drink rum but I thought that this could be really cool. Check it out. http://www.vinestocellar.com/
  19. Here is a drink to my favorite fantasy woman. Someday I hope to pay up.
  20. Well I am glad to see a few out there. I have been getting rides at the local yacht club on Wed race night. I am learning on a 30' Laser. I hope to be building my own boat soon. If I ever get the backpay my work owes me. I sail on Lake Michigan.
  21. Do any of you pirates do any real sailing? What do you sail on?
  22. I like it. Now if I can just talk a shark into giving up his liver.
  23. Looking around my local nautical store and I found this. http://www.ambientweather.com/ececst002.html I thought is was just the coolest thing.
  24. That sounds like so much fun.
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