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Everything posted by AliasGraceO'Malley

  1. Welll, Grace, write yer own! Picture me ship, anchored offshore o' your house on the beach.......sunsetting in te west Well if that's what it takes to get you're lovely ship to anchor in my port, perhaps.... don't they go something like this...Her soft supple bosome heaved against her straining bodice. As he came to her his manhood was evident in his taut clothing. When they collided..........well you get the picture. Perhaps I should be writing romances instead of mysteries. I wouldn't have to worry about historical accuracies and plot continuom, and planting clues, and who did what where....well maybe that last part.
  2. Ye the little monkeys around here love the game too. It was one of the first pc games we had on our old 80/88 pc. I believe it has been recently re-released for more modern machines. I would love to get it.
  3. I have never in me life read a romance novel. If I be reading fer pleasure it's always a good mystery book. Fer research historical things and bios. Go ahead recommend a pirate romance. Maybe ye'll get me hooked. I read constantly. I live on the beach and at the end of the day I often set up a chair at the shore line and read something.
  4. Teaches Hole has a good website, that gives you a bit of an idea what they carry. I love the outer banks and will be heading back over Easter break again. But if you're the sort of person liking lots of things to do on yer holiday it's not for you. At least not all the way down the tip where we stay in Frisco/Avon/Hatteras area. There's much more to do in the more northern keys such as Kitty Hawk. Frisco has plenty of boats for hire for fishing though.
  5. History of Notorious Pirates - I know there was some debate over the actual author of this book. And I knew that there were alot of experts who believed it was done by Dafoe, but I didn't know there was actual proof. If that be the case how can they print an edition with DeFoe listed as the author as in this copyright 1999 on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=29327
  6. Well ye can see what color I am, call it envious. Be having to take a trip to that other coast sometime soon. Well happy b'day hope you celebrated well.
  7. Organizing be a great strength of mine. The trouble is first you must approach perspective sponsors, and assorted people who might be willing to offer something towards the fest. Then you give a presentation to the city board. You could get turned down and all the people who you got interested would be let down. You also have to work with the dates available here.
  8. Has anybody ever been involved in this? I have organized fall festivals for several years. And our shore town is always looking for fall events to extend what we call our bumper season. We have several businesses that would lend themselves well to this and Sept. and Oct. are the best time of the year to come down to the shore on weekends. Any ideas here.
  9. As you are sitting at the beach or beside the pool what are you reading this summer?
  10. Yep, and then they can say it wouldn't have happened without the years spent on my living room floor. I go to alot of ESA contests with the boys, and recently they have gotten tougher since the finals always end up with at least 3 from our small circle of kids. It's nice cause one of them wins and sad since the friends always have to beat out each other to advance. I sometimes stress out with these guys. I'm always on them to clean up my back porch and take shorter showers, and it seems like I am buying more food every day. But it's worth it. I am thinking my son will be going to cali and not wanting to come back. He is planning a costa rica trip now.
  11. Surf bum kids are a breed unto themselves. My sons can't get up to do anlything school related, yet on days when the surf is good they are up at 6am to surf before school or work. The sole motivation to getting a job is to buy another board or maybe to surf trips. On days when a storm is coming up the coast there will be at least 6 boys sleeping on me floor. Every one of them believes he will be a pro-surfer.
  12. Way to give a mother gray hairs. I have seen tons of mavericks footage. One son's goal is to be a big wave surfer, which includes mavericks. Are you near mavericks? Do you remember when nobody surfed it, then just a few crazy guys. Now it's part of the pro-tour and if you go pro you will be surfing it. People forget it has claimed a few lives. This be the reason this son has worked so hard to pull up his high school grades. He wants to go to college out there where you have real waves.
  13. Aarrgh we have a few pro surfers on this side of the world. But Hatteras is probably the best east coast place to be for the surf. One son has been chosen to go to a surf conference in San Diego in a week. He will finally get to do some west coast surfing. He is always trying to figure a way to make a living while surfing the rest of his life. I live 3 houses from the beach and I am surf central. Right now there are at least 8 boards on my back porch and a couple more in the so-called dining room.
  14. At Easter break by myself I took 11 14-16yo boys to Hatteras on a surf trip. We stayed all the way at the tip in Frisco. We liked it alot. Unless you have a feel for the place and the history, though there is little else to do down there but surf and fish. These are things my crew enjoys so it was great. Already signed up to do it again next spring break, only we're getting two houses and taking a group of female surfers.
  15. I just decided to attend. This will be my first year and my first time in the keys. Can anybody give me some tips on choosing a place to stay. I'm looking for the reasonable end of the prices. I am milking this trip off hubby as a 20th anniversary gift. Also, looks like flying into Miami will save us over $100. apiece. Anybody else going to do this. How might it work out?
  16. Tell me what you'll be doing there. We attend every year, often more then once. I love the Pa. Renn
  17. Thank you much. I've been to Port Royal's excavation web site. Found lots of great stuff, including the names of some tradesmen and inventories of their businesses. I have some of the books, but alot of them I don't have and sound great. Off I go to e-bay and amazon to try to track them down. See, the reference to a pub not a tavern is the sort of period innacuracy I'm trying to avoid. When I'm finished I do have some friends who I can have read thru to pick up errors. Time to stop research and spend more time writing. I can research myself to death on a project I like and use it as a great procrastination tool. Royaliste, I'm about as far south in New Jersey as you can get.
  18. Hey PirateMonkee, I live 5 houses from the beach on exactly the opposite coast from you, in southern New Jersey. For two years I lived in Chicago and hated being away from the sand. Salt water is in my blood. So a seafarer be I.
  19. I have a critter also illegal in California. A Hedgehog. I had a friend visiting for an afternoon who brought her parrot. She brought him to the beach and then to stroll the boardwalk. Quite interesting. And so well behaved. When I get real income I would love to have one.
  20. Thanks alot. This will be a big help. I was particularly looking for Port Royal info. This seems to be limited, other then the archeology site. Am I speaking to a fellow writer, also with a heavy interest in pirates? If so hello. What do you think about any of the festivals as a way of absorbing color to put into a book. I could see that if it suited my book, a large renaissance faire would be helpful. Oh, by the way, of course it should read doing pirate research. Anyway to get rid of the Dong, LOL?
  21. Oh, I'm from the Jersey Shore. Any crews in this area? I'd be interested in finding some fellow pirates to meet.
  22. Greetings, new member here. In my real life I am a part-time writer trying to be full time. I'm currently working on a book where pirates focus heavily. Particularly Port Royal, towards the end of it's time afloat. What I'm especially looking for is the flavor of a pirate town. What people ate, what merchants were there, what homes were like, ya know daily things. Cause the book will include time at sea as well as a prominent character who lives on Port Royal, owning a pub. I have a couple books, like Pirates own Book and Under the Black Flag. so if anybody has any good books to recommend, or films this would be great. What about the festivals. Might any of these be of help. Thinking of heading down to the one in the keys. Research, you know. Haha. By the way, great site, great boards.
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