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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. Hello, My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
  2. Falco: Rock me Amadeus
  3. size doesnt matter........ dose it? deficient .....damn.....
  4. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^Ok, you know yer explosives and constituents, unless they try to sneak an ice bath on there, they ain't making nitro. I'll say no more...... < still laughing about Hezbollah trying to play the victim, been there, know better. V So what do you think, is this rock we're on worth saving or should we just let it go?
  5. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Ha! this one, made it! < Very impressed with himself at the moment, now the moments gone. V How many swords do you own, all total or round numbers
  6. In Ireland the strife between Catholic and Protestant lives to this day. It's just covered up in PC/BS. There was a lot of dissension between the Christian and Muslim factions as far as piracy was concerned but the pirates being declared the "Enemies of the human race" seemed to transcend the religious boundaries. A common factor for many pirates was the escape of authority, to include the church. Don't forget that the early Spanish Main was conceded to the Spanish and Portuguese by the Pope and the Northern European pirates went against him by attacking the Spanish. Religion was as much a factor in piracy as tyranny was. Eustace the Monk is an interesting case study. He used Christianity to give a holy meaning to his actions. Rebellion, deception, and the book of Revelations was a great weapon for him. Conversely the Muslim pirate would force Christians to convert to Islam, or "Turn Turk" vs. being executed. this is a truly involved subject, I look forward to continuing this thread.
  7. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    Hey Hitman, yer getting soft, I can actualy answer yer question this time! ^ Clive Cussler < Getting better at answering Hitmans questions. " He's alot more techno savy than I am, probably smarter too, and better looking, ooooh how I hate him!" V How many times have you seen POTC 1 and POTC 2
  8. < Just got an offer on our house that seems to be quite acceptable. OREGON, HERE I COME!!!!!!!
  9. Your gonna make a lot of men very unhappy. But as long as your happy that's all I care about. The rest of us had our chance I guess and the best man won. Live, Love, Laugh, and share with us when you can. Best of everything to you and the "Better man".
  10. Blondie: Maria
  11. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ " Neither Collar nor Crown" a refrence to an Irish war cry < Just got an offer on our house V Who's yer favorite pirate?
  12. how's about some with you in the photo? Purely in the interest of this whole "skinny dipping" thread of course.
  13. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ The Antique mall < working on re-finance of my vehicle V What was your best "once in a lifetime" bargain, so far?
  14. pins and needles
  15. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Cutlass, you don't have to reload, but depends purely on the situation. < Waiting for word from our agent to see when our place will sell, then off to Oregon! V Favorite type of pub, English, Irish, Western, or whatever? Hi Hester, I went on a three-day murder mystery cruise from Texas to Florida, it was a blast. Using my detective abilities I was able to totaly confuse myself and blew the case. It was alot of fun none the less. hint: the ships owners wife did it.
  16. Ya know, I have no idea, well, off to the books again. A recipe book from the time of the American Colonies might help. I gotta get one.
  17. Now I think I can get my wife to Vegas! The production looks outstanding.
  18. Just had a very pretty blond try to pick up on me and I was too dense to notice or care.
  19. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Dang, Hitman, ya got me again, what is IPTV? <Drunk as a skunk right now V Ever been on a themed cruise?
  20. Bluto, Did you know Brutus, Popeyes arch rival was originaly named Bluto, but the Disney corperation thought it was too close to Pluto so they sued to have his name changed? I hope the planet Pluto sues Disney.
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