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Posts posted by Brig

  1. I apologize in advance for contributing nothing worthwhile...I just had to state that I read the title of this thread as "Mercury Male Barks" every single time. Maybe by writing that down I can exorcise the transposing demon and clear my head of the images produced by this quirk. :blink:

  2. Sorry to hear that, Hurricane. We missed the two of you.

    As usual, I didn't take nearly enough pictures, but those I did take are on myspace.

    Always does my heart good to meet up with pirating friends. I lifted more than one glass to those that couldn't be there. Special thanks to Sophia for riding with me, and to Jessi for letting me bum cigarettes.

    The day was lovely, warm and cool depending on if you were in the shade or sun, with a nice breeze for most of it. This was my first time at that faire, and I wasn't disappointed. The vendors and entertainment were top notch. If you've never caught the Barely Balanced act at a faire, they're worth seeing more than once.

  3. In case anyone was wondering, the steampunk of the day award goes to....... Brig for coming to pirate weekend at fla.ren fair and looking awsome in her new airship pirate outfit.

    I'm not Brig! I'm Cannibal Chrispy! See my hat?!


    :blink: Thank you. Had a blast hanging out with you folks again!

  4. You look awesome Brig! I can't wait to see it all in person!

    (And dread falls with kanekalon aren't hard, they just take lots of time. I also have tons that I braid directly into my hair, that I can then wear loose/down/etc)

    Thanks, Jessi! I'm really looking forward to Saturday. It'll be great to hang out with everyone again!

    Outstanding, Brig! And I see you are another fan of cargo pants. :unsure:

    Haha, yes! You were my inspiration...imitation, flattery, etc. ;)

    Very cool!

    I love the look Brig!

    Thank you, Rev. Now when are you coming to an event with us?!

  5. Those are niiiiice, Jessi. Maybe one day I'll feel adventurous enough to try some that intricate.

    Here's the airship pyrate rig that I'm putting together for FlaRF Saturday. I don't really have time to make anything new, so I borrowed a few of the pieces from various outfits. Sorry about the picture quality, my camera battery is all deaded so I had to make do with the laptop.



  6. Sure thing, Sophia. I'm flexible!

    As for wearables...I'm toying with the idea of my airship pyrate garb, if I can get it put together in time. Who knows, it'll probably change half a dozen times before Saturday. <_<

  7. Heh... Ye should see it at nyght when I put the red lights inside the molded leather skulls...

    Specially when Halloween comes 'round... an' I transform int' Commodore "DeadBeard"...

    Oooooh, spooky! I love it!

  8. I should be all set to attend, all by me onesies. I'll try to get there by opening, but it's about a 3-hour drive for me so who knows. :ph34r:

    Sophia, if you're passing through Orlando and would like to meet up and ride the rest of the way, just let me know!

  9. Reposted this so it wouldn't be in the middle of Patrick's super cool image collection! Those are great, Patrick. :blink:

    A work in progress...but here's some of the steam punk ensemble I've been working on for an upcoming belly dance performance with Mae.


    Still have to mod the pants, finish off the back of the skirt, and finish my hair falls...I should probably get back to work. :blink:

  10. You mentioned easter eggs in your post, and I was just about to ask where they were, but I see Brig's hard at work editing them. Looking forward to those.

    They're already there! :lol: I'll just be proofing them over the next few days, and our ship's surgeon-turned-journalist can decide what he wants to do with the results when he's through being thin and beautiful in Mexico. Or however that went.

  11. You do great work, Mission. Thanks for letting me help out. By the time I get to the Easter Egg pages and finish proofing them, you may wish you hadn't. :lol:

    I know I speak for a lot of people when I say that this journal is a treat, and greatly appreciated!

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