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Posts posted by Brig

  1. I keep feeling like I should post a response to Leia-Jack, but every time I look at it all I can do is laugh...and shudder. And most of all, try not to consider the plethora of awful implications. :angry:

  2. :rolleyes::lol:

    Sorry, Mission...as much as I would LIKE to paint myself green and dance, with my legs the end result would be something like this:


    Mickey, I'm just coming out of semi-retirement myself, after the baby and all. Tell Kate I need a climbing partner!

  3. Thank you! The dance was sort of a tribal/classical fusion, with a little bit of a vaudeville feel to it. Brig is editing the video now, should have a link to post soon.

    I think "editing" is far too kind a word for what I did to the poor tape, but you can view it

    Hopefully there will be a better version eventually, one with all the upgrades and without the funky sound loop at the end and with us getting all the steps right, buuuut any and all of that is a long shot. :angry:
  4. Bawdy has been talking about maybe going back Fantasy weekend. Maybe we'll try out Steam Punkin it too..have to see if we can fit it in our schedule... i think the Fantasy weekend is weekend after next. Next weekend is Wenches Weekend

    Ah, bummer, that's the weekend Mae and I are going to B.A.R.F. in Tampa. I'd love to steam it up with you guys! :( Take pictures!

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