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Posts posted by Brig

  1. ...and yur doppleganger has some catchin up to do me thinks....she'll have to drynk fer Brother Billie since he will be no here?!?!? <_<

    Can I smoke for him too??

    only really cheap cigars...those are his favorite... <_<

    They happen to be my favorite too. *sniffles* Poor dear Billie...he'll be sorely missed. But if me being all self-sacrificing and drinking his portion will make you feel better about it, M.A.d'Dogge, well..I'll man up and do it. Much as I hate it...all that drinkin'...*sighs* <_<

  2. I had to turm my desk away from the window so I wouldn't be watching for freezer fodder all-o-th-time! :angry: You don't really think I'd be studying much at PiP do ya?

    When the Thatchers arrive, I have sent with them two wedge tents and a fly/awning. If some of you experienced hands find them struggling, please lend a hand (as if that needed to be said). One is a bell-backed wedge, it takes the black poles and pins go through the grommets at the ridge, no finials. The other is a double-door wedge which takes the treated poles and no pins through the top. I normally set up the Bell to windward, the fly in front of that close-up to the pole of the wedge, then the other wedge set close to the pole of the fly, knda like one long train of canvas. If space permits, this works well for large contingents, but this may not work for the site. Just a suggestion for helping them set-up. The fly is the one with all the long poles with long pins.


    Hell no, we're going to stand around and laugh at them, part of the initiation thingy... :huh:

    And that...right there...is why I'm happy to call you Captain, Captain. :huh:

  3. Small change of plans for me and that girl that kinda looks like me...

    My babysitters aka parents aren't available to keep the baby until Friday afternoon, so we'll be leaving Friday, probably get to the Fort around 10pm or so, and then head home Monday morning. Is it too late to beg or bribe our way to the pig roast? Mae volunteered to pay double for both of us!

  4. Sign me and Mae up for breakfast and dinner on Friday and Saturday, please ma'am! I also hereby volunteer Mae for any work that needs doing...serving or pot-scrubbing and whatnot. Course, she's only going to volunteer me for the same... ;) So I suppose if you need two more sets of hands, you've got 'em.

  5. Brig , it'll be good to see ya again and meet the new addition . it appears that Jack has taken an official leave of his pyrating dutys

    He hasn't taken leave of them for long or by choice, I promise you :lol: And aye, it'll be good to see a familiar face! <_<

  6. YAY! So happy you can make it ~

    I guess the only question is ~

    Where are you two sleeping?

    Do we need to post a guard?

    i do have a very large....very comfortable....very cozy ....hammock....comes complete with a very snuggley teddy bear....

    WOT??? :D

    just sayin'.... :D

    What a generous and selfless offer! I don't care what the others say about you, Maddoggey, you're all right in my book. ;)

    And by all means, bring the green fairy...just don't try offering it to Mae out of an onion bottle again! :D "Standing on yer toes doesn't help!!!"

  7. Me and Mae are going to ditch our poor hard-working menfolk and make the trip after all. :huh: We'll be getting in early Friday morning and heading out Sunday, possibly bringing a friend with us as well. We're looking forward to seeing everyone again, and meeting new folks!

  8. One of the guys in my group has a press. Or at least he had one. I'm not sure if he still does or not. He printed up some stuff for an event once... I think it was the King's Pardon. Pretty cool. A guy I used to do RevWar with many years ago had, I think it was two presses. Once or twice while doing RevWar I saw guys bring them to the big events, so it can and has been done. If you'd like, I can contact the guy in my group to see if he still has his press. Maybe he can give you some pointers.

    That would be great, blackjohn! Thank you :)

    Red Maria, Littleneck, I've been under the weather but will check those sources very soon. Thank you again, you've all been a tremendous help!

  9. LNHS
    This site has a picture of Benjamin Franklin Printing Press,


    ....Resembles a Guillotine if you ask me B)

    Haha! You know journalists...it's usually pretty close ;)

    Those drawings are fantastic, Littleneck...thank you for sharing! And that's what I was going for, Matt. How cool would it be to be able to print up warrants/various props on demand?

    Something that caught my eye was the Victorian parlour press...small enough to carry around if need be. Just not sure if there's anything comparable for GAoP.

  10. I've been playing for a couple of weeks now, still finding my way around. So far I've just been running missions, toying around with sea battles, etc. It's a fun game, but doesn't really hold my interest like I'd hoped. Probably due to disappointing lack of roleplay. I've tried Blackbeard and Bonny...I heard that Bonny is supposed to be the unofficial RP server, has anyone seen anything to support or detract from that?

    And is it just me, or are there very few decent female avatar faces? :huh:

  11. Awesome...I'll get right on those!

    Found a few books on Amazon that look promising...will find out when they get here, I suppose. :huh: I'd like to eventually find/engineer a portable, functional, replica press to have at events...ambitious, but it's a goal.

    Thank you all for the input!

  12. I'm trying to gather information on period printing presses/methods, etc. So far I'm having a difficult time finding solid info specifically for the GAoP time frame. Any input or suggestions on where to look would be greatly appreciated!


    Brig :)

  13. I can't say enough good things about all the fine folks I met this year. I can't remember when I've been so sad to leave a place, and so heart-warmed by the kindness of new friends.

    A big thanks to my hubby, Amanjiria, for all the work he put into our kit. This was our first real enactment, and he sewed everything from our tents to costume pieces for SEVEN people. He's brilliant...and no doubt a little bit mad. :D And thanks to the rest of the family for the wonderful food and for sharing this experience with us!

    Another special thanks to Captain Sterling and Silkie and the Archangel crew for putting up with us as we learned the ropes. You're wonderful people, I can't wait to meet the rest of the bunch. Billie and M.A.d'Dogge were kind enough to let Mae and I monopolize them at the pub Friday night, and they made it a great time for us...I now know where to go if I ever need an oversized dress or a lighter. :D

    To everyone who organized this event, or took part- you showed one fledgling piratess a lovely time in Paradise!

  14. One of our valiant number fell in battle, Jack’s first mate Brig. She was carried back to the fort where it was discovered that it was only a flesh wound. I think that it was just too hot and she didn’t want to walk.

    Aww come on Captain Jim, don't be giving away my best tricks :ph34r:

    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made our first year at PiP enjoyable- your hospitality warmed our hearts and gives us something to look forward to next year! :blink:

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