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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. LOL I was thinking of posting something similar ...and who told Mission NOT to start a new thread? When you go to a restaurant and they sit you right next to the only other party there. Is there something in Thai society that required that I be piratically in the other party. I found myself eavesdropping on a conversation because I was about 2 feet from the next table!
  2. WOT!? Lower case letters?!
  3. Congratulations! I know the spot you mentioned Dutch! Rather popular with the brides! And this couple won't be asking us to pack up our gear! lol
  4. happy Birthday Grace!
  5. People today shake spices (Cinnamon, clove etc,) over the foam of a latte, that idea had to come from somewhere.
  6. In Pennsylvania they have signs that read something to the effect of "drive in the right lane, pass on the left, it's the law". I like that ...but it still doesn't always work.
  7. I too decided to go to the web site. All I can say is that I hope their store has more stock than their web site.
  8. 766 mi – about 12 hours 31 mins sigh
  9. I agree with that to an extent. If it is something that I can actually change. For example, I have a dirty car, I should not gripe about the filth, I should was it away. However if I am pu off by the way someone drives I should not yell at him, only my passenger can hear, if I flash him the finger I am just as rude as he is. I let it go ...but sometimes it just helps to laugh about him and his misbehavior. What we are doing here. Me too! Drives me nuts ...I speak United-stateese (which is similar to but not the same as English). I don't know any other language, I wish I did but I do not. If you type French ...give me a close notation of what was just said! Some people already know this about me. :))
  10. Don't complaine.
  11. Silas offered to tow where he can. Have we any other takers on towing? If we can't get them to PiP I fear that we woud indeed have no takers Bo. Shame ...such a fantastic offer. I for one would love to take you up on it!
  12. I always say thank you to someone who holds the door open for me, I endeavor not to let the door slam in anothers face, if not in a hurry I will stop and hold the door open for the person who's arms are full and try not to get bent out of shape if someone does not hold the door for me. Hmmmm ...I am damn neap perfect! I think that most people don't try to be rude but are ignorant of the fact that they are being rude. I think that "common courtesy", just as common sense, has become uncommon. That having been said ...I don't like drivers that don't display either of the previously mentioned behaviors.
  13. I actually saw this this AM at about 4:00 on the national news. They described it as more of a study in evolution of the term piracy. What do they know ...it was fluff filler at 4:00 AM.
  14. People who spit their gum on the hot sidewalk! GAH!
  15. I was holding back because I can't tow ...I would love to have cedar poles for my travels. I have a Honda Civic and will have to carry things a roof rack for a few years (until I can buy a new car) the cedar would be great. You mean NO one wants cedar? Well I can't make Bo do all of that work just for me! Hmm ...maybe my Civic and I can go to the state of ...where are you again.
  16. I don't mind drama ...as long as I am watching it not participating in it.
  17. Seems there are a lot of family in the Archangel crew & pressed members.
  18. Just supply the shower stalls and have people lug their own water ...heck ...buckets with holes in the bottom would be a step up for many of us!
  19. Glad you added that.
  20. As someone with nasty alergies and snius goo I can say I know where that comes from but I can also say ...that sound and the spitting are NOT a necessity! Makes me sick too.
  21. Use to happen to me on the bus to work all of the time when i was starting work at 1:00 PM years ago. I was seeing photos of grand children all the time. I started carrying photos of my dog and my sisters dogs to show in return. For some reason the same people never approached me more than once ...most of the time. lol
  22. hehee ...avoiding a confrontation and not attacking IS a VERY good thing.
  23. Were Robbie and Hounddog in Barcelona? Hmmmm ...that could explaine a few things ...John ...we have to talk.
  24. Hmmm ...I like it ...but I think I will twist it to make them feel bad and not make melook crazy. I shall begin talking to the person I am on the phone with ...they don't have to know that your Bluetooth and cell phone are imaginary. lolI am beginning to think that it is important to let these rude people know they are being rude. They may know they are being rude but maybe they are ignorant of that fact so why not make them aware of their transgressions. I think I may even just open my mouth any more ...I usualy just get annoyed and wait for them to move ...after reading these complaints I think I will try to make the ignorant aware of their rudness one moron at a time. lol
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