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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. ECW? SYW? For those of who are acronym and historically challenged, could you please define these? Wait! W stands for War. lol
  2. Not liking photos of ourselves has much to do with symmetry and the fact that we are all (some more than others) asymmetrical. I look in the mirror and the blemish appears on the right side of my forehead, I look at a photo it is on the left ...it is "uncomfortable" to me. You look at me and you look at a photo of me it is the same. Try it, take a digital photo of yourself, flip it, it will look like what you see in the mirror. Supposedly the less asymmetry the better looking the individual Additionally most people are our their own worse critic. We know what we CAN look like. We see ourselves only a few times a day. Those we are with see us all day long, not just as we are looking in the mirror. As someone who is not just a few pounds over weight it is a reminder of what I perceive as my short comings or inadequacies.
  3. OMG! Patrick ...too funny ...hey ...ummmmmm ...M.A.dDogge had my bonnet on. lol
  4. Here I thought I was the only person who was pull tab challanged!
  5. Silkie, get yer mitts off the lad; I'm sure he gets enough o' those hugs at home! Can't ye see the lad needs t' do some dancin' on table tops, a pirate beach party (or two), an a good ol' bar fight thrown in fer good measure! Silkie turns and hugs Jacky.Jealous lad? Aye, I miss you also! N'Jacky luv ...no one dances on tables like Bunny Cutlas n'she nil frequents d'pub.
  6. Blackfoot love! Hugs! Welcome back, glad to have you here.
  7. Scrod is not mother of pearl. lol Scrod is fish. I too am hungry for seafood.
  8. I am not a pirate. My character owns an ordinary. I harbor criminals and heroes on all sides of history. I think that pirates in reality are very offensive. I think that playing pyrate is not so offensive. Holywood pyrates are not offensive. Period correct re-enactors who potray pirates should be considered offensive but how can you potray real pirates and not break current laws? Theatre. People can suspend disbelief when they know it is not real. Thus the catch 22 of it all.
  9. Ladies, the captain never sleeps alone. You would have others, including both Midshipmen whom are fiercely devoted to the captain, to recon with. I wish you luck, for you shall truly need it. Besides, the captain in the emporers new clothes is a sight few women have not see though not usually outside private quarters. I have been blinded by the captains bleach white torso my self he has been known to bathe at "The Sealchies Hide" on occasion.
  10. I am debating if I am blind or lucky ...or maybe it just doesn't matter. I can't say that I have met anyone who thinks my pyrating is silly or weird. Mostly I get "cool" or "Oh? How do I do that?" I'm thinking I just don't pay attention to the nay sayers and most of my colleague are too polite to tell me I am crazy to my face. Besides, I have a cutlass. LOL
  11. soul food ...soul music ...seoul korea ...soul search ...soul mate ...body & soul ...heart and soul ...soul survivor ...simple soul ...foot sole ...sole survivor ...sole proprietorship ...fillet of sole ...leather sole ...sole right ...Kia Soul ...Soul Asylum ...classic soul ...immortal soul ...David Soul ...Soul Train ...soul comfort ...soul sister ...soul brother ...Colective Soul ...Soul Assassins ...soul matrix ...HMMM ...can't find a single, single soul. pet peeve ...someone who repeatedly reads to me from their book or paper while I am attempting to reading something else.
  12. Pat ...thank's for the humor. I won't likely print any up ...I don't have a printer ...too bad I don't work in graphics any longer ...this rocks!
  13. Ah oh, I may have discovered the problem ...I may just not have a soul ...or maybe I am just at work. Make that weeeeeerk.
  14. Okay! Now that breakfast is over hand me a Margarita! It can be a virgine one, I want the flavor ...not the drunk
  15. Happy Birthday Lass! Best to you on your day!
  16. Mister Merriweather, tis been a pleasure each time we've met. Yer a good lad n'a fine midshipman (what is it a midshipman does again? LOL). Happiest of natal days t'ya lad!
  17. And yet somehow you're still sane? Why can't I be? ... Because, my dear Mission, you never have been.
  18. Did I mention that I dislike people who insist on causing drama!
  19. mmm ...and eggs, basted ...wheat toast, and rather than home fries or hash browns ...I would like more bacon! Great ...now I need to go to a dinner and I don't have time ..maybe on the way home from work in the morning.
  20. mmmm ..salty ...BACON!
  21. I thought Jim was the Captain at PiP?
  22. Congratulations Lass! and mission ...thanks for the mug's ...I wouldn't have been able to place her. lol
  23. I offer you "The Sealkies Hide" (and the surrounding area) for the reception if you wish.
  24. No, no... that was week before last. While they were here on the lot. Well then I am glad that I did not "stay tuned".
  25. I turned the View off this morning. Had I known ther was a valid reason to watch (that being Iron Bess) I would have kept an eye on the audience.
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