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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. The cuttingboard ...the corning one ...showed up on the night we invited that lot from the other end of camp over ...they probably took Scotties linen shirt and left the cutting board in return.
  2. I swear I heard mention of a linen shirt before but I can't remember if someone found it or it was you who lost it.
  3. After seeing Oreo attack Barbara I think we should let Robbie help the bird.
  4. Drat, I thought those lanterns looked too good (and possibly not historically correct) to be left behind.
  5. The clear hair clip is mine, bring it to Cap's the next time. The Silver & floral hair clip belongs to Grace. I am pretty sure that the latchet shoes are Dutches. Is that one white sock and one black? lol Any lanterns or kitchen ware that doesn't get claimed I would be happy to toss in with the equipment for the Hide when all is said and done.
  6. shhh ...if we can get the money all the better ...don't tell anyone we don't need backers ...or more cannons!
  7. Quite an undertaking. What we need is backing ...money ...and more cannons!
  8. ooooh ....Celtic knotwork ....hmmm ...no ...first make the trencher's woman!
  9. Fearadh na fáilte! Tis a pleasure t'meet one from the McCool Clan.
  10. fearadh na fáilte, lass.
  11. I made the Sealkie's Rum cake for PiP ...I came home with half of it. Honestly I didn't think it was as good as the one Meg made even though I made it with her recipe ...maybe it was because she did all the work before. lol It was still good but lost something in transportation. hehe
  12. Unless it was left at the hide I don't have it. Even then I don't know WHEN I might be digging through that gear. If I find something your things I will of course set it aside for you. I may have "mucket bowl" but I don't know what that is.
  13. I think they get something that isn't boned but since I have no child I have not researched their clothing. I do recall that boys and girls were dressed the same for the first many years ...but I could be wrong.
  14. Happy Birthday good man ...and many more.
  15. That should fit for a month or two.
  16. someone has been BUSY!
  17. ...and that is what I was waiting for. Congrastulations Historyfanatic! Best to you and your lady and the new wee one!
  18. Happy Birthday to yet another Decemberian ...or is that Decemberite?
  19. That thing is NOT fuzzy. It is ......unusual but it is not fuzzy.
  20. So lighter fluid and a bick are not historically accurate? This is why I am NOT the cook ...can't get the fire going ...not to mention that cooking for one doesn't translate to feeding a crew.
  21. Should have jumped into the drink with it on then worn it in the sun.
  22. Jamie m'lad! Happiest of natal days t'ya! Hugs all around!
  23. Sounds like "Silent but Deadly" to me. hehe
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