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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. yargh! she asked if i could get back to her on the 33rd I said when?
  2. So! My English love, you are blond!
  3. (argh then lassie ye best be ready fer a spinnin 's due) accord
  4. I FEEL GREAT! I met a nice teacher last night and without asking she gave me her number(s) I gotta say God is watching over me.. From the bottom dwelling loser I was left for dead for I rise from deceipt and ruin as death did not become me and my new life..... well, it begins. Huzzah!
  5. Bob Dylans Dont Think Twice
  6. (hmmmmmmmmmmm) (as he begins twistin his whiskers) Say! do goats know how to break a heart? Maybe the guy's got something there?
  7. way to be then good friend I does hope you get yer laundry done tomorrow!
  8. Frightened hell I was flat leveled into a state of mental and emotional madness.
  9. tonights the night I'm gonna feel alright aint no body gonna stop me cheese!
  10. Is he right handed or left handed? No matters but just dont forget Fast Times At Ridgemont High and Caddy Shack (well she certainly got all of that one)
  11. fellow pyrates, friends and everyone within the sound of my voice! I too will be assisting in the endeavors there in Koronenburg I was asked to teach street hawking and patron interaction for participants and vendors. Meet and Greet (trying to open the guilds yards gates up it appears... ). But, I be ready and cant believe there is more than an hours action packed information to digest so ye best be bringin yer note pads we be goin ta work! Red I'll be in yer class see you in a week!
  12. have a mess we does ifin ye can see it right here
  13. People that screw other people get really good at it. They lie to themselves they lie to others and act like acadamy award nominees in their every day life. The thing is though that they all start liking the fact that they are getting away with lying and then the truth leaves their sad existance and usually they end up going straight to jail where they become some other lyers bitch, all because thier life is a lie. It all evens out though! I promise in the grand scheme of things what goes around comes around. I'd be willin ta bet the effing bastard got rear ended on his way home from spending it on dinner!
  14. Have another hit of fresh air (passes the dube) here!
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