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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. yes indeed she was the little sister of the infamous japanese batting title holder Sarocito Oh
  2. "Hand" (cupping his hands) "MR PATRICK HAND" (he was shouting)
  3. my friend you would rather go to alabama then go to las vegas in october? bad move mate really bad move there!
  4. Just to let everyone know I'm out about $260.00 not that it counts toward any pennance or not. But It's lees than my old girlfriend and I would go loose at Pala once a month. Here's whats we gots! All five oars (free), (four five footers and one seven footer for the middle top of the tent) seven barrels three widths all 18" tall (for our yard stools, three free) two fishing nets, rope, (free) one 12' X 15' 22 pound canvas tarp (for the ceiling) two 12' X 4' 22 pound canvas panels (for the tents sides) one 15' X 4' back of tent panel. Two harpoons, assorted rabbit skins a goat skin and a deer skin to hang on fencing canvas (when it gets here) 2 ea of 20 pound canvas 4' X 20' and two each 36" X 72" for napsacks in the tent. We have a huge nice tan and brown throw rug, (from Scarlet free) five pirate flags and there's fifteen oak handles for hanging the canvas for fencing on to (free). We have 288 dabloons to pass out to children who take part in the auction and about fifteen pounds of dragon tears for every child throughout the season oh yeh and a huge ships bell to ring! and all the book lists two reams of paper burnt edges and rolled and tied into scrolls (we have no table) yet. Carter called me last night and the sign is done! Petee will have his lean to and canon and folks it just isn't going to get better than what we are going to start with going in. I guarantee you, each and every one of you will be proud. I have finished the book lists and had them approved on site in corona the backs will have the map from P O T C (did anyone notice our guild has the same intials) Thanks Rumba! You should be gate listed and coming to play with us! you are too perfect for this whole thing not too..... Come on come play! at least in escondido four weeks this year? if anyone has sheep skins or anything like kegs or barrels (wooden ones) bring em on out. Palm springs is right around the corner!
  5. no that's not it think now
  6. knees bruised and bloodied by the waste of time spent crawling to her begging for one more chance she drew her pistol and shot him in his forehead.
  7. oh you know her name (scratches his beard) you know (scratches hi head) old such and such?
  8. I just want to thank this entire family of friends and enemies for making the reality of life as real as this cyber sea of sails and cannons. Grammercy I actually feel the best I have in three months. God bless that old and long gone ball and chain.
  9. away from the sun 3doors down I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right I want to hold you close Soft breasts, beating heart As I whisper in your ear
  10. strategy :the waste of time thinking that anything you say that isn't B S can and will be used against you for as long as you live so help me God.
  11. hold beneath the wine barrels was where he wanted to say but he died before that was said. The crew searched frantically
  12. shouting about the mans heritage (or lack of it) who ran his car into the back of the near new car we noticed just one tall finger sticking out of his hand
  13. quicksilver messenger service
  14. Yargh..... I were full o meself as diego and I be learning to be full o meself as meself. It goes quite well indeed The numbers of people coming up and saying how lucky I am to be rid of me old ball and chain which were and I didn't see it fer I were blinded by me love as diego but hey if they gonna says it I gonna believes it. I be full o meself this past weekend I were given me life back. (Watch out Rumba) Yarrghhhh! (damn Kent full of himself? That's gonna hurt!)
  15. Mate, Aye! I be thinkin I be a far road to travel afore that I be partaking of
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