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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. canolli raviolli but not Spicolli
  2. mind your manners sir or you'll be asked to leave!
  3. have you got your hands full again here?
  4. mayonaise, mustard and eggs the devil you say?
  5. bob dylan Tangled up in blue
  6. i dreamt i was eating huge marshmallows and woke to find my pillows gone!
  7. Knows an awful lot fer a Pyrate ^
  8. yeh it has to get better its damn near to impossible to go down from the bottom right Matt?
  9. johnny lang lie to me
  10. yes I am told I sing in my sleep mostly beatles songs but the doors and oldies roll around in there like the turtles or lovin spoonful or mamas and papas oldies. I really dont know if im singing myself to sleep or just trying not to sleep and singing to try and stay awake. I don't have any dreams but the night does scare me i dont sleep much any more awake often so I read. When my eyes get sore they close and I start singing again but seem to sleep through the commercials. I remember having woken up in three part harmony singing black water by the doobies. Funny how dreams are. How they seem to just go away like a terrible storm moves on leaving you all wet and cold.
  11. come on out matey the sun is almost always on and the temps stay fair to moderate! close to water is high rent though! any where here is now days though!
  12. Achey Breaky Heart
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