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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. the time is right and if it's going to get done it will have to be we
  2. indigo swing "todays the day I'm glad im not dead"
  3. call me bunnie I'll come over and rub some vicks on for you!
  4. I'll be! I can't believe I missed yer comin in and so nice and politely fer a pyratical lass and all there is and fer shure ye know ye be a blessed relief to jes have ye on board lass welcome then to the world famous and always pretencious Pyracypub.com ye be well spoken and now well met. Tea ifin ye will? grammercy
  5. best be taking that back, this aint no broke back pyrate! I be a scalliwag I'm
  6. detest this ye backward walkin potato digging wench
  7. Aye most ingenious way to get me back in here.......what to be called? Arthur was me nick name in grade school but Kent is good. I liken to have many answers to that. Thank ye knindly fer the need. Yer next (as I turn to address Ray ) drink is on me!
  8. are you kidding with a name like that I could care less if you filled out your profile. Welcome aboard lass we been expecting you. (Damn now i have to clean my keyboard) Ray I'll have an ice tea (turns back to the nice Pricklebottom lass) grammercy (hold the glass up in salud)
  9. Mate I dont know about there but here the new rage is dining room table and chairs that are all up there like bar stool heighth and the table is high as well it's so convenient to sit at play at and when servinf no bending over right nice thought someone had. Look inot high chairs and High table! and look for floor displays in stores!
  10. passed gas he did .... too much to drink!
  11. wimps and pimps and diamonds displayed
  12. then on to post again and fill mthose empty's with me!
  13. I just got all the kegs for the guild yard
  14. FIRE the master gunner did yell and the sound was deafining the cannons did lkill a many of them I could see through the smoke clearing but red was the only color
  15. rainbows and rows and bows of angels hair and ice cream castles in the air
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