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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. cringe! Hah I'll never cringe again
  2. I'm sorry for I need not your gratis I would say if it were up to me
  3. spring sprang sprung... Typical nice day of weather
  4. ok we've got four days coming up in three weeks for Escondido: ad your names to the list for gate entry: I will get there on each Friday for set up! Saturday April 1st Kent, Petee, Oderlesseye, Chloe, Sticky Buns, Wednesday, Durty Mick Moon, Sunday April 2nd Kent, Petee, Durty Mick Moon, Scarlet, Devyn Saturday April 8th Kent, Petee, Oderlesseye, Rhumba, Boats Sunday April 9th Kent, Petee, Oderlesseye, Rhumba, Boats
  5. The Palm Springs gate list is as follows: Friday March 24th: Myself, Chloe & Wednesday Biggins and Pirate Petee!!!!!! Saturday March 25th: Myself, Chloe & Wednesday Biggins, Bunny, Tyney, Petee, Jess, Lady D and Scarlet! Huzzah Sunday the 25th: Myself, Tyney, Petee, Jess, Lady D and Scarlet.
  6. these are the listed faires we have been approved to come and be a part of. Palm Springs March 24th, 25th and 26th * Escondido April 1st and 2nd * * = booked Escondido April 8th and 9th * guest guild at Corona weekend of April 29th and 30th * Ojai Spring Event May 13th and 14th * guest guild at Corona weekend of May 20th and 21st * guest guild on Coronas last weekend June 11th and 12th * (note the three guest guild yard priveledges extended for Corona is a trial run for our band of maurading givers to become a regular guild here for future upcoming years as a Koronaberg European Fesival guild in good standing) Cutthroat Pirate (2 weekends) 11:00 am to 9:00pm saturdays June 24th, 25th * July 1st and 2nd * Pirate faire in Ojai Sept 23rd and 24th * Escondido October 21st and 22nd * Escondido October 28th and 29th * There are a goodly many other faires obviously in between our scheduled dates of participation, some of them are Big Bear for two weeks, San Diego, Las Vegas, San luis Obispo, Hanford, Bakersfield's Queen Bess and the Pirate Days, Novato, Folsom, Staffordshire, Truckee, Lake Tahoe, Fresno, California City and Northern. I will be working gate at most of these.... I just heard a little birdie say there is also a new faire (we will get more information on) in July in Idylwilde
  7. look whos tellin who ta slow down. be it here and or anyswhere the memories I've
  8. weather or not its rainy outside it still seems like a dead spriing
  9. Ahoy Jack Russel welcome aboard then and well met.
  10. another one bites the dust
  11. Wondered you say? Why on earth would you have wondered what side isn't the problem the promlem is nothing happened
  12. I sat in dread as I watched them pass by laughing
  13. hand it over the policeman was shouting
  14. ready to puke, again
  15. louis armstrong "over my head"
  16. then bloody well welcome aboard young lass and may yer visits be frequent and yer departures not fer long. Welcome aboard!
  17. Aye mate ye be out a gold jes as I pulls ups a stool ta toast yer fine release from (leans in ta whispers) college we'll jes say. Ray let me buy the next round fer me mates here and welcomes aboard Finn.
  18. then invite us all to alabama mate! (personally) I been the past two years to vegas and was sicker then sick both times. Two unions of Pyracy Pub mates gettin together one party in alabama and one in vegas how that be?
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